League Of Legends

The Ancient_sl

Huge Gnar nerf


Tranny Chaser
Strange Fiddle nerf. His Drain leash range isn't even 700, it's 800. I'm hoping the notes are just in error and he won't actually be going down to 650 tether range.


Tranny Chaser
Drain is fairly shitty in actual fights and was made much worse when Fear was changed to have an afflicted champion always move away from Fiddle rather than in a random direction. I don't even know why he's on the chopping block. His win rate, while still high, is at its lowest point in years. He gets buttwrecked by a bunch of the other junglers.

I'm guessing he's carrying too hard at bronze? That's really all I've got.


Tranny Chaser
Huge nerf for the very mechanically skilled but for most of us poopers it won't even be a big deal. Bronze through Gold won't even know there was a change.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I haven't played the patch yet but they unlocked fireass jinx last night on EUW so I got to play a game with her (my favourite / most played champ - boy was I excited) before I went to bed. I'm second pick and the 4-5 call "duo bot" but the way I see it, pickorder triumphs. If you want to play X and be decided before the game, team builder is for that. So I took ADC as it's the one role I am most comfortable at and got immediately some butthurt flames in lobby chat from the duoqueue.

We still won in like 20 minutes though, but the guy who ended up supporting me was about as pleasant as a screwdriver through your eye.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea the firecracker Jinx skin is really good. I bought it but didn't intend to play her at all. I was in promo to Gold and needed to ensure wins. I was 1-0 already. I called for mid my 2nd game but some guy that was Plat last season ended up taking it ahead of me and I was stuck with ADC. Ended up playing as Jinx by default. Our mid picked Katarina with the new skin.

We lost that game.

Kat lost to enemy Leblanc pretty hard. Enemy Leblanc ended the game 9-0-8.

And that's why I hate playing ADC. Getting 1-shot by a uber-fed Leblanc is so fun.
I also didn't win my lane, so obviously I need to take blame as well.

After that I lost as mid Diana 3rd game of promo so sitting at 1-2 but I go on to win the next 2 games as Diana Mid to finish promos.
That's 105 games to go from Silver V to Gold V.


Molten Core Raider
How the hell do I adc against Kalista? Or, more specifically, Kalista + Sona? Last nigt I was Cait + Morg vs Kalista Sona and we got raaaaaaaaaaped. Like, raped to the point where I was literally befuddled.


Molten Core Raider
How the hell do I adc against Kalista? Or, more specifically, Kalista + Sona? Last nigt I was Cait + Morg vs Kalista Sona and we got raaaaaaaaaaped. Like, raped to the point where I was literally befuddled.
As a Sona main, you either have to hard engage me in tandem with your AD or farm under tower and wait for jungler to punish us for being cocky. Cait/Morg, played correctly, doesn't give me many opportunties to put poke down so it ought to be decided by the jungler. It's easy to fall prey to the ("I have to do something to win lane mindset") but honestly in this scenario your best bet is just trying to enter mid-game without being heavily outfarmed.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yea the firecracker Jinx skin is really good. I bought it but didn't intend to play her at all. I was in promo to Gold and needed to ensure wins. I was 1-0 already. I called for mid my 2nd game but some guy that was Plat last season ended up taking it ahead of me and I was stuck with ADC. Ended up playing as Jinx by default. Our mid picked Katarina with the new skin.

We lost that game.

Kat lost to enemy Leblanc pretty hard. Enemy Leblanc ended the game 9-0-8.

And that's why I hate playing ADC. Getting 1-shot by a uber-fed Leblanc is so fun.
I also didn't win my lane, so obviously I need to take blame as well.

After that I lost as mid Diana 3rd game of promo so sitting at 1-2 but I go on to win the next 2 games as Diana Mid to finish promos.
That's 105 games to go from Silver V to Gold V.
Did one game yesterday after my raid. Enemy team had a fizz ad top and a leblanc mid. I got wayyyyy ahead at the start and took the second bot turret at maybe 9 minutes or so. Didn't matter in the end that I pushed 5 turrets by myself, when my toplaner successfully fed fizz 6 times and my mid ap ez couldn't shut down leblanc, bad times for a jinx were had.

I really dislike when my team picks a shitty as fuck team comp (we had tank cho'gath top, ap nidalee jungle, ap ezreal mid, me on jinx and a thresh support) because we had horrible siege since all they did was poke and the enemy team could just stall until lategame where both their assassins could walk right up to me and oneshot me without blinking.

Was hoping I would be rid of Fizz after they nerfed him but I guess not. The botrk/triforce build was even more obnoxious than the old ap carry, because he still shits on squishies but just can fit in tanky stats as well


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The "nerf" to Nidalee doesn't seem to matter at all.

First 4 games last night were against teams with a Nidalee and all 4 Nidalees got fed to fuck. I went 1-3 in those games.

Final game of the night I played Nidalee Jungle and won going 12-8-9. I died a bunch but a few of the deaths were lazy because we got really far ahead and I was trying 1v2s and shit.

If I'm 1st pick I'm banning her unless I intend to play her. People at my rating don't know how to deal with her.


A Man Chooses....
I mean, it matters. The clear is definitively worse, but still not bad.

My current route is smiteless krugs, red, wolves, blue. If you get a leash at Krugs you can do it smiteless even if they leave when you'd normally smite and take zero damage.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nidalee: I did Gromp (with smite) --> My Blue --> Enemy Red --> My Wolves --> backed --> My Red.

And Nemesis draft is fun but my first game was with bronze 4s and 5s and unranked people and in champ select I told the guy before me not to give them Tryn, but he does anyway, and that Tryn carried the game getting 21 kills. Like cmon... don't give hyper carries to the enemy team, especially when you know every game will go 30+ minutes at this rating.

My team was all AP. we could have won easily with our team comp but 0 coordination of course


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I definitely prefer Krugs -> smite red -> wolves -> blue -> gromp -> smite birds -> dragon on her

Smiting the birds at that point lets you clear dragon pit after buying and decide if its safe to solo or not. Some people seem to be getting wise about how easy it is to do dragon at level 3~.