League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Spotting 1 win doesn't really matter. The underlying MMR will still be whatever it is and affects how fast a person can advance. Making promos a bit more lenient is fine, they can be the most frustrating things. I've lost 4+ promos in a row just from winning in the wrong order. I've had 6 game win streaks to get into promos just to go 1-2 back out.

The division system is just eye-candy to make people feel good. MMR is what really matters. I'm a perfect example: I'm Platinum V and bombed my MMR to where I'm getting matched with Gold 3's now. I was demoted 2x from Plat but managed to get it back. Having the Plat border will make me feel good but I know if I want to get Plat4+ I have a shitload of work to do since my MMR is trash.

(Reason for my MMR dump was I started playing random/fun champs when I got Plat and lost a lot of games. Each time I got demoted I spammed my mains to get promoted again. Now I'm playing a smurf or normals to not get demoted before season ends. )

Anyway, it's a nice change. MMR will prevent players like me from advancing beyond where they should, but if proven to achieve a rank, it gives some lee-way to keep it (or get it back).

I'm more concerned with Dynamic Queues. I'm a 99.9% Solo player. Refusing to Duo in many cases. Allowing teams will skew ranking a ton. It might make the game a lot more fun though, or might make it worse if people think they need to wait for people before queuing up. Going alone becomes more of a liability. Ill probably Solo mostly. Feeding on pre-made teams is more likely to ruin friendships
(and I hate using voice comms when I just want to chill)


2 Minutes Hate
You'll find yourself on the winning side of those matches (on the team with 5 in a 4v5, or against the team with the feeder) as much as you will on the losing side. If you keep failing your promos it isn't because everyone else is fucking your games up, it's because you aren't good enough.
Given 100+ games, sure because it all evens out and everyone has an equal chance to get those games as time goes on. That wouldn't be an issue if all 100 games had the same weight for your ladder climb. Unfortunately, if you are unlucky enough to get one or multiple of these games for a series, it's shitty.

How many games is a series game worth? Interesting exercise that you can't really measure for everyone in one blanket statement. How many wins over .500 does it take to get you from 0 LP into a promo? If you're going from Silver II to I then you need two wins. Take the number of wins you need over .500 to hit your promos and divide that by two. That's how many games that win/loss is worth. Not sure how to measure your best of 5 to go up a tier. Not even sure if this is a valid way to measure it either.

In any case, Promo wins are worth much more than normal win or loss.


I'm not a statistics guy, but why have a system that makes a series of 3 games important at all? What's the downside of doing straight MMR like Dota2?
It used to be pure MMR. Now it's a tiered system built around MMR. They added these gated tiers to create plateaus that people can shoot for. It takes some extra effort to get on the plateau, but once you get there you are safe there for at least a little bit and wild swings to the negative don't immediately knock you off the plateau.

It's still MMR, they've just dressed it up and, in my opinion, made it a lot more interesting than just counting your elo rating. That system is 100% here to stay, and given the massive disparity in popularity between the 2 games, shouldn't dota be doing more to be like league, and not the other way around?

As for the bonus win you're given if you re-enter a series that you previously failed: it's not hard to do the mental exercise where you take a 10 game stretch where you go 6-4 and shuffle where the wins and losses fall. Some of those outcomes will get you promoted, others will see you lose your promo series twice, and if it happens to you multiple times it really sucks. Yes, over time, the players who deserve promotion will get promoted. Likewise, over time, any player that gets promoted due to this artificial inflation will, over time, get demoted back down to where they "deserve" to be.

It doesn't change the dynamic at all. It just smooths out the climb. It's all good baby.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Good to see riot players rage just like every1 else lol. From a game I played:


Trakanon Raider
Who needs soap operas?

Teams H2K and TSM in Contract Brawl over Top Player - Breitbart
H2K has worked diligently and professionally to identify and secure a roster of talented players for its League of Legends team. Dennis ?Svenskeren? Johnsen is a key piece of the roster that has been assembled for the coming year.

H2K, Svenskeren and his family engaged in long discussions and negotiations that culminated in a deal between the parties. Both agreed, in writing, to execute a contract formalizing that deal. This was a legally binding agreement which H2K relied upon as the basis to stop negotiations with other player who were being considered for the Jungle position. In the midst of executing the final contract, Andy ?Reginald? Dinh of TSM contacted Svenskeren and attempted to poach him.

Upon learning of the attempted poach, Richard Wells, CEO of H2K informed Reginald that H2K had a binding agreement with this player. Over several communications, H2K clearly advised TSM that Svenskeren was a critical part of the team structure, and TSM?s illegal and anti-competitive actions would cause serious financial harm to H2K. TSM was indifferent and determined to continue with the poaching?Reginald?s only response to Richard Wells was, ?Well just do what you need to do?.

With no other options, H2K asked its counsel to formally notify TSM that their actions constituted tortious interference with H2K?s legally binding employment agreement with the player.

TSM have a well-deserved reputation for abusing their stature in eSports to poach players from well-established teams. They seem to believe that they are entitled to ignore poaching rules and other teams? contracts in order to fend off competition from smaller franchises. This sort of behavior threatens the competitive balance in League of Legends and eSports generally. H2K would like to see Riot Games more aggressively combat such behavior in the League of Legends.
TSM's responseTwitLonger When you talk too much for Twitter

H2k and TSM Situation
The whole deal with Svenskeren started on November 3rd. At this point, his contract had been expired for three days, since the end of Worlds. I reached out to him because I needed a top tier jungler. I offered him a temporary tryout position which involved playing at IEM San Jose.

Svenskeren was hesitant to take the tryout, since there was a chance that a poor performance at IEM San Jose would hurt his potential offers for the coming season. He was reluctant to join unless he was guaranteed the starter position. Since he was an incredibly prolific free agent, he was already in negotiations with multiple LCS organizations that were willing to give him a starting position, including H2K.

Despite the reluctance, he was still considering my offer for a tryout. He eventually turned it down because H2K was offering a really good deal, and would back out of their offer if he chose to try out for TSM. Svenskeren told me if I wanted him to be able to try out for my team, I needed to convince H2K to still give him a starting position even if he did not get the position on TSM.

Thus, I had a call with Richard (THE CEO of H2K) where I offered to pay him to guarantee Svenskeren the spot on H2K if the tryouts didn?t go well. The call ended with us deciding to spend a day to consider the situation, and to come up with terms we could agree on to allow Svenskeren to try out for TSM while keeping his guaranteed spot on H2K. To clarify, I offered to pay the CEO of H2K to allow Svenskeren to keep a guaranteed spot on the H2K roster while being allowed to try out for my team. Following this, I started to come up with a way to find a win-win situation. The following screenshot is proof that the call happened and we even scheduled a time to go over the details the next day. It is unfortunately illegal to record a Skype conversation without the other party?s consent, and thus I can provide no recording of it.


However, after the call, Richard immediately reached out to Svenskeren to attempt to sign him with an increased offer, completely against the fact that we both agreed to think about the situation and wait.

(If you account for time zone differences, the above conversation occurred approximately an hour after my call with Richard. California is 9 hours behind Denmark)

Richard made an attempt at increasing the offer and stated that he would completely back out of the offer if Svenskeren did not take it immediately. They were essentially handing him an ultimatum; accept our offer now or it?s off the table for good.

Svenskeren proceeded to turn down my tryout offer as a TRYOUT and proceeded to go into further conversations with H2K. It was during this time where although he said he would sign a contract with H2K, he officially did not sign anything.

(As far as I know, this is their ?written confirmation?, which a lawyer has confirmed would not hold up as binding)

Meanwhile, I realized that I needed to give him a starting position, otherwise I would lose the chance of getting him period. I talked to my team and we all agreed to give him the starting position. At this point in time, there was and there still is no proof of Svenskeren signing a contract with H2K to our knowledge. I even asked him as shown in the following screenshot:


Svenskeren accepted our terms, but we waited for clearance by Riot before signing him. It was at this point that H2K started to intimidate Svenskeren by stating that he was legally bound to their team.


In addition, H2K sent me a letter threatening to sue me:

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

However, after realizing that the intimidation tactics did not work on either of us, H2K pulled a total 180 and proceeded to offer Svenskeren a huge signing bonus, despite pulling an ultimatum with him and resorting to intimidation. Additionally, according to Svenskeren, Richard also started to call his parents and siblings to say bad things about me. In response to the statement that ?Sven HIMSELF actually requested that everything we talked about and sent was also shared with his mother?, this was meant to be about any contract business that would occur with H2K, and not TSM. The following screenshots show evidence of Svenskeren communicating that he felt harassed, and feeling that H2K stepped outside the bounds of any agreement involving his family:


Following these allegations, I proceeded to contact 3 lawyers, with all parties unanimous that my signing of Svenskeren was completely legitimate. Riot also responded that according to their rules and with the information I provided, they did not consider Svenskeren a signed player, nor do they agree that this is an attempt at poaching or tampering. After getting the clearance from Riot that I was not poaching, I proceeded to sign Svenskeren on November 8th.

Overall, H2K's final offer was greater than mine, but Svenskeren did not feel comfortable signing with someone who would use these kinds of tactics to sign a player. I hope this clears up any confusion concerning this situation. We will proceed to stand behind Svenskeren unless evidence comes to light that he actually signed a contract with H2K.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Damnit find out they reset all masteries just a few seconds before game start timer expires.

Edit games over now these mastery changes are fucking retarded.


Trakanon Raider
As a very casual player, I also think these new masteries suck ass. they mostly seem useless.
I am happy there are new AD items, but I don't know wtf to think about the wards/trinket changes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They moved power to the final tier and made over half the choices exclude other choices in the same archtype while making masteries in general weaker overall.

Now I have to redo 20 pages of masteries. Twenty pages of nerfs what a brilliant idea Riot.


Potato del Grande
I used 3 pages of masteries, with a 4th that I used for very very minimal picks/situations. 3 mastery pages I had were AD/AP/Tank (usually for tanky supports or nasus top). New masteries are garbage IMO. Also, fuckload of retards/trolls in the last week or so is making me not want to play at the moment (thank god BnS cbt this weekend!)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wont likely have 20 after this change it is basically extremely limited build choices now.

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
This new champ is fucking hilarious. Can pull their spirit under your own tower and the tower attacks it. I cant wait for the flash ori ult with added tentacle rape wombo combo, it'll be glorious.


Gotta say, these season updates are one of the reasons I love this game. You're getting a major new revision of the game every year. Keeps things fresh and, by-and-large, the game comes out better on the other side. This update is massive and will take me a long time to digest, but I'm pumped to try it out.


Trakanon Raider
I think I like the changes. Herald is probably my favorite change. I look forward to watching lcs with the extra pressure point on the map.

The cull ring gold item was the biggest let down for me. I had high hopes for it, but it seems so underwhelming. I'll try it on some other champions before completely writing it off. (maybe try dorans and then cull as a 2nd item? Dunno)
So things I've learned so far...

Herald is a death trap. Seen so many duos get gangland in the pit by a three or four man tank squad.

Graves and Caitlyn are the real winners so far in the add reworks. Also graves can lane or be anywhere, it's like s2 go all over again.

Yasuo and tryn are super strong. Tryn jungle especially since he needs no health pots to clear. Just get the warlord keystones and farm up your devourer in peace.