League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
To be honest you can do well with any champion. Just keep on trying out new champions until you get some that you enjoy. For instance, some of my favorite champions are:

ADC: Ashe - She's definitely one of the "weaker" adcs since she has no escapes, but the amount of utility she can bring mid to end game is insane and landing those important arrows or even those arrows across the entire map just make you feel like a fucking boss lol.

Support: Leona - I could play Leona every single game because I just find her that much fun. She's not the best support but I just love being aggressive and initiating with her. Plus I feel I understand the game enough that I know when it's good or not to engage.

AP: Syndra - I loved her when she first came out, now after all the QoL changes I feel she's borderline OP. Still don't see her much though but she's probably my favorite champion in the game right now.

Jungle: Vi - I've mentioned before why I like Vi. Strong, fun to play, works well with almost everyone, etc etc.

Top: Singed - Trolololololol.

Hell, there's plenty of people that only do "Insert Champion Hereto 2k!". Even if people consider them "shitty" champions, you can still get high ELO with them if you keep practicing them and learn how to play against your opponents.


<Silver Donator>
Haha, i love singed. He was my first "tanky" champion.

I used to rock ashe at lower levels, but i havent been doing well with her at higher levels. And i do want to try synd, but i've bought a lot of chams i dont even like, so i'll wait until free week.

Thanks for all the comments and info. Nice little thriving LoL community here on rerolled


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Singed is still amazing. I've been jungling with him a lot lately, mostly because the upgraded spirit stone is so perfect on him. AP, cdr, pile of spellvamp, big bonus damage vs minions. His early game is a touch weak and a vulnerable to a strong counterjungle like Xin, but once you get level 3 poison and then ult you clear like a complete monster, and mega adhesive/fling is about as good as ganks get really. Plus he has the advantage of being able to just push a lane like mad, which is important if you're bad at jungle like me and find yourself a million miles away from whatever action may be happening. Rather than run to a fight on the other end of the map that you'll never get to it time, just poison a couple waves up to tower and take it.


HP is king simply because of all the Armor & Magic pen items but I think things are fairly well balanced tbh. Warmogs is good but a big reason imo is due to the health regen along with the +Health. The champs building Warmog usually lacked significant lifesteal. It is demoralizing to exchange pokes but have them regen back that damage during lane phase. In team fights the health undoubtedly helps and the regen gets them back in fighting shape faster.
With the increased cost on Vampiric Scepter, Life Steal has simply become too expensive for most roles but the ADC (and maybe physical assassins doing mid), who easily can get away with farming a BT and a Shiv/PD before slapping some health on top of it. Most top laners need to focus on defensive items asap or they'll get blown to shreds during team fights.
Which makes me a sad, sad Fiora.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Draven is still a great ADC but also requires the most skill from the player as he relies on catching axes amidst a teamfight to keep his DPS where it needs to be. Early game is rewards playing hyper-aggressive as no other ADC can win properly executed trades with you. Draven works really well with an aggressive support like taric, leona, nunu, thresh, or sona. If he fits your playstyle I would definitely recommend that you keep practicing with him as he is very good for taking a lead early in solo queue and denying the enemy bot lane/outright killing them. You just have to make sure that you stay on your toes since you're playing with no outs; if you get caught your only hopes of an unassisted escape come from stand aside and blood rush, both of which won't do much with a xin zhao or the like poking at your heels.


Potato del Grande
Tired of getting into games with a Home Depot parking lot full off JAJAJAJ'S and LALALAL GOOOOAAAALLLL CONVERSATIONS.


<Silver Donator>
Tired of getting into games with a Home Depot parking lot full off JAJAJAJ'S and LALALAL GOOOOAAAALLLL CONVERSATIONS.
Haven't seen many since I got past summoner level 20. Tons when I was at the lower ranks though. really frustrating trying to learn when your whole team is speaking spanish
Well, looks like Jarv, Xin, and Vi are on the chopping block for nerfs. A little faster then I expected but it is what it is. Time to iron out the wrinkles on my Zed jungle so that I can stay ahead of the Fotm curve again. Although I am kind of surprised that Riot picked up on Vi this quickly. Two weeks ago she had a sub 50% win rate overall and people were crying for buffs. Glad I started playing her in the jungle before the LCS and the higher tier players really exposed her OP on their streams.

Edit for those wondering what the nerfs will most likely be;

Vi is probably going to get baseline damage reduction and either have her Q CD increased or her ult CD increased, depending on how far they go she may be unplayable.

Xin is most likely going to lose the CDR on his Q and/or the healing he receives from his W will be reduced/eliminated when it is active. One of those nerfs won't hurt Xin that much (the former being more severe) but both would cripple him.

J4 is either going to lose his armor bonus or his attack speed increase but both are most likely not on the table, he'll remain relatively unscathed.


Molten Core Raider
I predict the only thing they change on Vi is the % health based shield from her passive. I can see Xin's dmg being hit though, given his sustain and tankiness.


Potato del Grande
I wish they would buff/change Xerath. He's a lot of fun if you like a skill shot champion but damn. Some people say he's fine yet he's prob the least played champ.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vi & Xin PBE notes:

Assault and Battery[ R ]
Now deals 200/300/400 (down from 200/325/450)
Denting Blows[ W ]
Every third attack on the same target now deals an additional 4/5.5/7/8.5/10 % (Changed from 6/7/8/9/10 %)

Xin Zhao

Audacious Charge[ E ]
Now deals 70/105/140/175/210 (down from 70/110/150/190/230)
Cooldown is now 14/13/12/11/10 (up from 13/12/11/10/9)
Crescent Sweep[ R ]
Now deals 100/200/300 (down from 125/225/325)
Cooldown is now 120/110/100 (Up from 100/90/80)

If these are all the changes they plan on making Vi will still be very strong. It's a little nerf to her early/mid game with her W and R changes but honestly at level 18 all you're losing is 50 damage on her ultimate.

Xin is getting hurt though, I still think he'll be a strong pick overall since you'll still be able to build almost pure tank and still do good damage as well as bringing utility. (armor %, knock back, knock up, slow)

Although, it's only the PBE, so I suppose there could be more changes as well.
I don't think the PBE changes are really what they want to do, or if they are then this isn't going to solve the problem. Xin's biggest OP is the essential double dive you get with the locket, all those changes are going to do is possibly make you build CDR boots in order to pull off the dive, q, dive again as soon as they flash combo. It won't hurt his jungling at all as they stand. Same with Vi, what makes her insane isn't her early game damage (which no doubt helps), but its the level 6 auto kills on ganks if you are a semi competent jungle. With flash you can literally clear more then half the top lane from your tower and still get the ult off on the enemy lane. If your laner is at all competent that is a kill 90% of the time. You can't ward against it at all. Same goes for bot lane of course. I'm just afraid this is going to lead to the needed nerfs down the road while still maintaining the ticky tack nerfs like this making the champ unplayable.


Fuck these promotion series. After 5 series I can honestly say that they give you the WORST teammates you can possibly ask for and think you should be able to advance with it. Fucking riot is full of American Inventorjew sadists.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Fuck these promotion series. After 5 series I can honestly say that they give you the WORST teammates you can possibly ask for and think you should be able to advance with it. Fucking riot is full of American Inventorjew sadists.
First world problems. First day I played ranked this season I got demoted out of silver 1 after 3 games of DCs at launch. Not that I'm great or anything, as I'm hovering close to silver 5 right now =\
Silver 5(or is it 6) is going to be THE WORST place you can play since there are no tier demotions. Mark my words.
Sort of. The tiers however are not who you are playing with. Your elo (even hidden) is what matches you against other opponents. I'm in silver V (playing promotion series yay!) at the moment and the majority of my games are against silver 1 and gold 5-3 players at this point. Its mostly because I don't have many games under my belt and have like a 31-20 W/L at this point. Later on in the season when things normalize and elo's start running in line with tiers then you will probably be right.

The person that I duo queue with is silver one right now is first pick over current gold 5-3 players because his actual elo is higher, it is kind of a wonky system.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It's kind of a stupid system really. Why even make the leagues if they are just going to keep your ELO and not show it to you anymore? All it seems to really have done is increase the amount of games you need to play to advance/regress, and set up a minimum suck floor that you can't fall through.
I like it and I don't. I like the floor because after spending two months at `1520-1720 last season then getting pissed off at the game and going on a long break my losing streak + elo decay put me below gold at the end of the season. I also haven't seen any real rate loss for advancing. Then again I experienced no real clamping when getting out of bronze and in to silver this season so your mileage may vary.


Molten Core Raider
Get to silver 3 promotion, win one game. Then I lose roughly 11 games(managed to be first to second pick on all of them), and drop to Silver V... so awesome. After my promotional, I keep getting junglers that decide going 1/6 or 0/8 is okay, tops that will go 0/3 in the first 5 minutes, mids that just like to feed constantly. I'll even try to switch roles, and then the ADC will give up first blood, and then bottom lane is already 7/0 before 15minutes. It seems like many people don't know what to do after they die once, they just continue to do the same shit, and continue to die. Fucking ragingly buttmad.

Anyone want to duo? doing this solo makes me want to punt children.