League Of Legends

You are right Thresh is a better champion, but I think that's because of what he offers in total. I still think Blitz's pull/knockup is strictly superior.

Also when I said I'll take Blitz, I meant as a teammate, not a pick. A bad Blitz will be ineffective. I've seen bad Threshs ruin teams.
Understood to a point. But as far as ruining teams, that 1-8 blitz landing a pull on an ult ready 4-2-10 amumu. Yaaaaah.


I think it's that Lee Sin's kit is super cool looking. The ultra high mobility and skill shots. Don't see many Best Sona NA Highlight videos.
Lee Sin plays are always the best looking imo. The Korean ones I have been seeing lately make my brain explode.
Lee Sin plays are always the best looking imo. The Korean ones I have been seeing lately make my brain explode.
Yup, the Koreans figured out that you just can't play lee tanky anymore because of his nerfs, but instead of shelving him like NA they just stacked damage on him and play him like a kha/zed type. Takes a huge amount of micro though and not sure I can pull that sort of play off at one tenth the level.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hell, you could get rid of every ability thresh has except his lantern and he'd still be #1 support. That skill is so overpowered assuming people actually use it. I have a friend who pretty much plays thresh support 100% of the time. I love jungling when he's on support thresh because the lantern lane ganks are ridiculous. One of my favorite junglers atm is Maokai and having that lantern lane gank is god mode.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The reason most people (especially at higher levels) prefer Thresh over Blitz is Thresh's 'disable' time in nearly double what Blitz's is, which gives a good team longer to take advantage of it. Not to mention the medium-cooldown-flash-for-anyone-lantern-bullshit :p I would rather have a bad thresh than a bad blitz any day too, way easier to accidentally succeed and way harder to totally throw.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm curious to what you main in ranked. Because...

My main is MF (over 500 games played).

There's no way you can "always" win a lane in ranked. You sound like the guy during picks who says "I always win as irelia" and feeds the darius. Let's try to be a little more realistic. I'm assuming you've laned against blitz 2-3 times and happened to win those 2-3 games.
I don't "always" win, but I have always won vs Blitz the past 5-6 times I played against him (and considering how rare it is for him to be unbanned, that's about 1-2 months worth of games vs blitz). I also haven't won with a blitz support the last 3-4 times because in Silver the players are so rusty with him that they hardly ever land a hook or know how to harass with him. They seem to always just sit in bush praying a minion won't be in the way of their hook. It's literally a 1v2 every time.

At higher ratings I have no doubt blitz is utilized better, but I still like Thresh better. His death sentence cc's for longer and you can even see Thresh is utilized much more often in the LCS then Blitz, meaning even the pros deem him a better quality pick.


If Blitz had half the free scaling that Thresh gets, it'd bridge the gap a bit between the two; but seeing as Thresh scales so damn well PASSIVELY, it's a no-contest situation to me. I'd rather have a Thresh over a Blitz.


Blitz lanes are a joke if you have a well played support(janna/taric/thresh are great examples) but if you have one that tries to sit behind the ADC and not do anything to give lane presence you are SoL.


Bronze Squire
Hmm, so Curse now #2 and TSM has the top spot now eh? From all the interviews it seems Curse is getting a bit cocky and it is costing them. Would be a shame to start off so strong then end up 3rd and not even auto qualify for the playoffs. Dig is right behind them Curse as well.


Golden Squire
I added this into my guide post in the thread, but just wanted to inform those who have not done it yet. Taken from a Reddit post.

Stutter Step, Attack Move

Config instructions for Attack Move bound to Mouse1
Part I of this post explains why you should use this setup and explains some of the nuances
Part II is the meat, i.e. the specific key config you will use. Skip down to here if you don't like prefatory blather.
This short guide will teach you how to bind attack-move to your left button and move to your right button. I'm a very new player, but this setup has completely altered the way I play ADC, and transformed a mechanically frustrating role into one which feels fluid and intuitive.
Making this change will require less than 5 minutes of thoughtful modification, and then you should spend a few games practicing with the new settings to readjust yourself.
Know that if you wish to bind your attack-move to your left click button, you can currently only do it in the config.ini file.
Find it in your LoL folder inLeague of Legends\Config\input.ini.
You will definitely want to make a backup of your input.ini file before you make any changes.
Notethat you will have to rebind some of your current left-click functions to a new button. Many people will choose the middle button for convenience. I use shift-left click because my middle click is an immovable rock. I will show you both ways.
Benefits of this particular setup that I haven't seen with any other setup offered online:

  1. The most difficult part about using scroll wheel as a button is that it sometimes zooms when you don't want it to. I have included two lines, Mouse4Pan and RollerButtonSpeed, which eliminate accidental zoom.
  2. Eliminates accidental attack moving while typing, zooming around minimap, or moving items around the inventory. Almost as importantly, this setup allows you to continue to use left click in the store. These settings are in the [HUDEvents] category, and took me many trial and error iterations to pin down.
  3. Protects your health and sanity. When your attack speed is high, being able to rock between the two mouse buttons is much easier on your wrist than spamming right click repeatedly, and is less mentally taxing than alternating between rightclick and shiftrightclick. Also, your APM should be higher when rocking between two different mouse buttons, which is vital in endgame when you are performing several attacks and moves every second.
One last thing to note: Youmustinclude the headers [GameEvents], [MouseSettings], and [HUDEvents] if they are not already in your config file. The settings below must go under their respective headers, or they won't work properly.
Anyway, here you go.
Copy the below into your input.ini file, removing redundant entries. This uses Middle Button to replace current Button 1 functions

evtPlayerAttackMove=[<Unbound>] evtPlayerAttackMoveClick=[Button 1] evtPlayerSelectClick = [Button 3] evtOnUIMouse4Pan=[<Unbound>]
[MouseSettings] RollerButtonSpeed = 0
evtOnUIMouse1 = [Button 1], [Button 3] evtOnUIMouse2 = [Button 2] evntHudMoveableSelect = [Button 3]

Copy the below into your input.ini file if you desire to use a different button for your former left click functions

evtPlayerAttackMove=[<Unbound>] evtPlayerAttackMoveClick=[Button 1] evtPlayerSelectClick = [Shift][Button 1]
evtOnUIMouse1 = [Button 1], [Shift][Button 1] evtOnUIMouse2 = [Button 2] evntHudMoveableSelect = [Shift][Button 1]


Potato del Grande
My middle button doesn't appear to be replacing anything? This is a problem as aiming abilities are mouse button 1.