League Of Legends


Cost efficiency, great stats for ezreal, can be sold later, and helps on drag/baron/jungle camps. There is no downside really.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Enob;186059Poppy's probably up there with my worst in the game champ[/QUOTE said:
I'm sorry, but Poppy is really versatile if you play her strenghts well. She's also the toughest tank to kill due to her passive, where you can go for more armor instead of more health.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I never said she was bad. In fact the opposite if you'd read my post. Even the poorer champs aren't very far behind and can be played just fine as long as you outskill your opponent. There are no unplayably bad champions and even the lackluster ones like Poppy have their strengths. However if you're trying to say that Poppy is on an equal tier as the "good" champs then that's just laughable. She can hold her own if played by a skilled player but that skilled player would do even better on almost anyone else conventional for that role. I'd also strongly disagree about her being the toughest tank to kill but that's another thing altogether.


I'm sorry, but Poppy is really versatile if you play her strenghts well. She's also the toughest tank to kill due to her passive, where you can go for more armor instead of more health.
Versatile? Not sure how she is. She has almost zero utility that a tank would have if she builds that way. Her playstyle is similar to that of jax/riven where these champs generally benefit from being 'all in'.


Versatile? Not sure how she is. She has almost zero utility that a tank would have if she builds that way. Her playstyle is similar to that of jax/riven where these champs generally benefit from being 'all in'.
Yeah, she's not inherently tanky aside from her passive. Poor base scaling in comparison to other real tanks. She's certainly in all-in champion.


I just like Poppy in dominion really as AP.

She's good for banging people into towers late game and can definitely pull some shit off top lane.

I just feel like smart play can counter her too hard and she needs something else..


<Gold Donor>
Just started like two weeks ago and have been enjoying it a lot. I have been curious though, are there certain champions that are just "bad" or some that are just "superior" or is it mostly just play style?
I also started within the past month or so. Champs I've found to be "easier" to learn on = Miss Fortune, Amumu, Xin Zhao, Janna, etc. That said, my favorite champ so far has to be Rumble. Still not great with him, but I haven't lost yet in normals playing him top.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If Poppy's early/mid game & laning phase wasn't so trash she'd be godlike. Her passive means end game she's just about impossible to finish off and her ult + w speed boost means that enemy ADC isn't getting away from you no matter what. It's even better if the engagement happens in a jungle where there are many walls for her E to knock people into. Also since she brings nothing to the team besides a knock back with a possible stun she's not very appealing when you look at other champions that do roughly the same job but bring more CC. Heck, they could put an armor / mr shred on her Q or make her W active a team wide thing (like gangplanks) and she'd be in a great spot.




edit: while I realize it pales in comparison to Lumi's diamond, the 4 promotion series to get to gold3 were insanely awful and heartbreaking.


Vyemm Raider
grats! Let that be your motivation for going up tiers. The higher you go the more serious the players generally are and the better the games get.


Already demoted back to gold4 :| I cannot seem to get a team that isn't determined on being toxic or depressed when soloqing. whatever, time to start the climb again haha


Already demoted back to gold4 :| I cannot seem to get a team that isn't determined on being toxic or depressed when soloqing. whatever, time to start the climb again haha
Keep workin at it, I find also the time of day when you queue can really impact the type of games you get (like when kids are getting home from school, people are getting home from work, early AM when there's a lot of foreigners playing/hardcore players).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
A series of unfortunate events. The first loss we had wasn't really that surprising, but that second game was just painful to me. It figures that the Teemo smurf who has never gone negative before would feed top as hard as possible without ever getting a kill during my promotion game.


Trakanon Raider
God.. I wish I could play more consistently. I know I could be at least gold, if not low platinum, but my mechanics are always off a bit from only playing once or twice a week. Can never hard carry a game, even when I start off 4/0 or something, I'll make some little mechanics mistake in a fight, or try to save a dumb teammate and it goes south.

Was talking with a friend about Riot and what they might do after League. I said they should make a new version of a moba where you have a 6th member, a 'captain' that has multiple 'summoner spells' type abilities, but on lower cooldowns and they don't control a champion. Their role being to watch the overall fight and coordinate the team's general strategy. If they ever did that, I'd be fucking amazing at it, rofl. I can always see what our team should do, but without skype to communicate it quickly, it just never works out in time. If I'm not doing great early on, no one wants to listen to me either, which is understandable but frustrating sometimes.

Had two malphite games in a row, one I start off 5/1/2, but our bot lane was raging at each other and the AD basically gave up even though rest of us were doing fine. I end up like 12/8/12 (best score on team) due to dying in 5v5 teamfights with their AD 4 lvls and 100 cs ahead of ours. Didn't have enough sustained damage, so they'd all get away with slivers of health. Everyone but the AD was praising me for carrying them in the game for awhile, looked like we might win for a bit too, but one bad teamfight and they rolled through our base.

Next game, mid diana takes my wraiths at lvl 1 with help from our top laner, which is no problem normally. But, then she is pinging and pleading for help against a mid kat at lvl 4 when I'm barely lvl 3 due to the wraith steal and she did nothing with the lvl advantage she got from taking them. I try to help, against my better judgement, and she basically lets me die due to slow response. I start off 0/3/1, our AD is like 'this malphite.. no idea how to play' (after a game where my teammates were praising me for carrying most of the game, lol), so I say fuck it and just power farm for awhile, ignoring the lanes. I get caught back up a bit and we turn the tide, but again one bad teamfight later on and they take an inhib and we can't come back.

Ohhhh wellll...
So. I guess being a stubborn and insistent in champ select and a really nice guy during the actual game is the way to go. Make sure you get the position you want through being intractable and aggressive. Then once you have your role and the game starts get dick sucking like Enzie talked about. Kind of sad that you have to play a game just to be able to play the game, but people seem to shy from conflict and/or give in easily so you can get your carry role. But then because you lay on the nice in game they forget all about your shitty champ select attitude (as long as you play well).

Only lost one out of five ranked games since I've started doing this and I've gotten a carry role in all five. The loss was on me, team wanted oriana to combo with our malph/voli picks and I was rusty as fuck with her missing ults left and right. Team still gave me honors for my in game attitude despite being a stubborn as hell in champ select.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am pretty new so working thru ranked is finally starting to get to me. I was placed in Bronze 3. I am now Bronze 5. Games are just mind boggling bad at this level. To the point that I am unsure how I will ever put together a win streak. Luck?

It just seems there is no good role that can change the game. I go Zed top, outfarm by a large margin, but support Nunu did first item hextech revolver and no wards. Enemy team has drafted Akali and Diana, our mid is last pick and goes Veigar.

Any advice? Besides applying beer to the problem?


I just assume 90% of my games are luck and 10% of them I can actually attribute to either me sucking or carrying. The other 90% is up to which lanes feed, who goes afk, why are jungle hasn't ganked in 15 mins etc. Shit I can't do anything about.