League Of Legends


There is a guy that carried himself to diamond1 playing only rengar. FOTM style.

That curse tsm game though.... holy fuck...

For casters, I love kobe/riv combo. Riv is my favorite caster by far.

I love when he Zoidbergs for Khaz, it makes me rofl every fucking time.
What's wrong with Rengar? I was looking at him last night.
Nothing is wrong with Rengar in specific situations. However in solo queue you're going to get the 1-1-2 setup the most often and Rengar lanes badly against a ton of champs unless he gets lots of gank support. All people are going to remember is that Westrice two shot the enemy twitch and not the fact that he farmed for 30 minutes exclusively without pressure while his team roamed around and distracted. Great strat for that game, it will rarely work in solo queue though.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Rengar is not really good right now. He ate a colossal pile of nerfs because the heal on his W used to be % max health based and was ridiculously OP. Then they nerfed the heal but he kept all the other nerfs as well, so he's in state now where every ability he has been hit at least a few times and he just can't lane vs most of the cast. He can do alright vs a few other melee lanes by just maxing bola and spamming harass at them with occasional self heals, but that only works if they aren't very experienced vs rengar and don't just all-in you (rengar will lose a well timed pre-6 all-in to basically every champion).

I play him a ton because his bush jump and stealth are both pretty fun, but he's weak. His only saving grave is that if you manage to survive lane phase and farm decent enough to get to ~250-270ad or so he can explode enemy carries like no other. Properly executed triple Q comes out to something retarded like ~1800 damage at around 250ad.

There is some kind of update/rework coming for him in the "future" according to Riot, so maybe sometime around christmas he'll get addressed.


Seriously, RIP rengar. I think his kit is fun but I may as well smash a brick into my face instead of playing him. Sometimes I don't know why their QA process doesn't allow them to marginalize the nerfs, or reduce the nerfs by a small %.
Rengar with his current kit is like Vlad/Irelia and a couple of others in that you can't balance them. The kit itself is overpowered in at a basic level. If you give them decent to good ratios or scaling then they are OP. If you basically have to gut their numbers in order to negate the innate power of the kit and at that point they just kind of suck.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea the changes are along the lines of the LeBlanc update on PBE now, the empowered abilities are going to scale based on level and not the rank of his base skill. Supposedly this will smooth out his power or somesuch. Really the heal nerf was the big thing, that was just dumb for forever.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Curse vs Coast

Finally FINALLY that curse game was played amazingly by them, hopefully hey keep that same motivation going forward! The game against TSM was a great move of making the best of the advantages that were given to them but this was a solid skill stomp.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
OMG FUCKKKK .. I never thought this day would come.

1,584 ranked games played to finally get promoted. I was Silver I after my placements and it took another 1,574 games to get promoted to Gold V.. Holy fuck. I should retire... I had the worst fucking luck for so damn long, going from Silver I to Silver V several times.. these past 4-5 days I've been winning a ton of games, somehow, I feel like my luck has turned lol. I've been having some crazy comeback games, even my first game in the Best of 5 was a shit fest. Had a duo Teemo+TF that both took Revive+TP... They fed a TON, we were down like 2-20 at one point. SOMEHOW we came back and won the game, the duo had 30 deaths between them. Our team won while being down 18 kills, it was like 40 - 58 or something. Crazy crazy shit.

Won the series 3-2... Shoulda been 3-1 but had a DC in my 3rd game we were winning then lost due to being 4v5.



Trakanon Raider
Our team won while being down 18 kills, it was like 40 - 58 or something. Crazy crazy shit.
I know those two were likely just trolling in your game.. but whenever I hear someone bitch about a person going 0-6 or something.. I get really frustrated. After the first few deaths, the next ones are worth so much less gold. There are legitimate strategies involving dying over and over like that. TF split pushes and just dies over and over so he's worth the equivalent of 2 minions, while drawing off pressure from the rest of map and slowly whittling down towers. Teemo + TF doing that actually seems like a very viable way to win, as Teemo shrooms up to make it hard for their team to cut them off effectively, and kiting their team around while the other 3 of you do something else. You guys got behind early from the gold lead they gave their lane opponents, but then game back because they were constantly pushing their lane, drawing off map pressure to that lane constantly. If the enemy team sends 2 people, the shrooms and such let them run away. If they send 3+ to ensure they kill them, then you have numbers advantage on rest of map.

Singed proxy strat is another similar strat.

People give up in games when they are only a couple kills behind, but the team might even be up in total gold. If you had SS'd the stats screen for that game, I bet your team was up in total gold. 20 of that duo's 30 deaths were worth very little gold. The 18 kills you were behind was probably the equivalent of 40-50 CS. CS gets underrated and KDA gets overvalued so much. Objectives win games, kills just generally allow you to get objectives easier, but this game isn't 'deathmatch' mode where you get XX kills and you automatically win.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I know its a viable strat but in this case it was not their intention to feed and they didn't play it at all like you describe. How we won is the enemy team started getting cocky and we started catching them out, then we started winning team fights, practically every late game team fight we won. Nobody was doing a split push strat. Also, because I was jungle Nunu, we got Baron early then a 2nd Baron later on. The enemy got 0 Baron. We also got several dragons, I believe more than the enemy. So because I was Nunu we were able to secure objectives.

Teemo went 7-14-18
TF went 11-16-14

They were getting kills which was resetting their gold. TF died like 3x in a row then got a kill, then died 3x more.. starting 1-6. He was always worth a significant portion of gold.

During teamfights, Teemo & TF would die, revive, & TP and keep fighting. So as the game got to late game the enemy had to kill 7 players instead of just 5. We could have lost easily but the enemy threw it very hard by getting cocky. If they just grouped as 5 earlier we probably wouldn't have been able to do much.

Also to note: The teemo+TF duo didn't communicate in champ select and we ended up with no support cause we had a Kha Zix that was supposed to mid, then TF picked as last pick. Our bot lane got destroyed too. We only started winning after laning phase was over and we caught the enemy jungler being stupid a lot then the revive+tp strat started working for team fights.

Some people do give up easily, our ADC was basically saying he quit, until we started winning team fights. I rarely ever give up.

The 18 kills was worth much more than 40-50 CS, but because of Baron 2x, that helped us close the gap by lot (10 kills worth). Also more dragons and more turrets. Based on numbers from lolking, I can guess we were up ~4k-7k gold by the time the game ended. 3k being from barons, 2k being from Nexus Turrets that probably never helped us anyway since we killed them right before winning the game.

We had--
Nunu: 11.8K (Jungle)
Teemo: 15.5 K (Top)
TF: 15.1K (Mid)
Ezreal: 14.9K (ADC)
Kha Zix: ? (Support)
57.3K + Unknown Support gold

Enemy Team:
Volibear: 11.9K (Jungle)
Cho Gath: 11.9K (Mid)
Fiddlestick: 11.2K (Support)
Draven: 15.8K (ADC)
Zed: 13.6K (Top)


2 Minutes Hate
So I purchased Renekton last night just before I found out he was on free rotation. Luckily, I loved the shit out of him and I'm happy I got him. First time playing a champ that doesn't use mana. I also had one of my best CS games to date.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I purchased Renekton last night just before I found out he was on free rotation. Luckily, I loved the shit out of him and I'm happy I got him. First time playing a champ that doesn't use mana. I also had one of my best CS games to date.
Should probably grab Thresh for RP now too. He's on sale and he's broken as shit.

congrats Fawe!


Trakanon Raider
RP store still isn't up on the OCE server. Damnit. Worth dat 90ms ping (which is still shit for here, but it's better than 300ms).