League Of Legends


Golden Squire
I think the craziest matching that happened was when I was playing normals with four of my RL friends and we got matched against another four of our RL friends. Hilarity ensued much to the confusion of the two randoms that were on each team.


I think the craziest matching that happened was when I was playing normals with four of my RL friends and we got matched against another four of our RL friends. Hilarity ensued much to the confusion of the two randoms that were on each team.
Your story doesn't add up, you liar!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you below level 30? I found the level 5 players on intermediate bots are horrible, dunno why they are trying intermediate and not beginner. Once you are at 30, you pretty much never have that happen.
One reason to do intermediate bots even at low level is the game lasts long enough to get a better feel of items and how they work. Beginner even for beginners often ends so fast you only have 3 items or so. I normally recommend people do the intermediate bots they are still beatable even by newbies and give you a better idea how items work later into the game and give you a much better appreciation for the impact defensive items make and how to work around them.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hmm, I've been playing Udyr a lot recently due to the new skin that's going to come up, as jungle mainly since I've had some bad experiences with him in top lane... So, normally I go Phoenix for jungle but holy shit, I just followed Trick2g's guide for jungle tiger Udyr and 1st game I went 15-7-9. (A bit too many deaths but not too shabby!)

Here's a tutorial for Tiger Udyr in jungle, skip to ~10mins for the game:http://www.twitch.tv/trick2g/b/431136458


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Tiger Udyr is no joke. He's a bit risky to bit in yoloq because you can get shut down pretty badly by CC-heavy enemy comps, but overall he's a big bully.


Lord Nagafen Raider
According to a reddit post the Udyr skin is suppose to come out tonight. I most likely won't get it since I'm not a huge Udyr fan, but maybe my mind will change after I see it in a couple games.


Trakanon Raider
So.. it was only two games (against bots, no less) that I tried out Olaf in the jungle.. but, why exactly did he drop off so much? I remember when he was being played everywhere awhile back, then they did a very small nerf to him (mainly just the cooldown on his W, iirc) and he dropped off the face of the earth. His jungle clear time is extremely fast with the practically instant cooldown on his Q. His base damage is still just as good so you can build tanky and his ult lets him just barrel in towards a carry like always.

I wonder if it was more a case of people not playing him because 'he got nerfed' without really looking at how he got nerfed. The main thing hurt was his sustain in the jungle and lane. You can't always pop W to sustain up in jungle if you are about to go gank, but getting wriggle's largely solves that, letting you save it for gank time.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Regarding Olaf, clearly Riot thinks he was nerfed too hard because they are looking at making some changes:
(A Summary of the above link can be found on[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */:http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/07...olaf.html#more)

I always sucked with Olaf so I can't say for sure what happened, but glancing over the above thread it seems like they are addressing quite a few areas such as his sustain, mana consumption, cc'ing ability and viable item builds. I think Olaf is just one of those champs that was being continually nerfed bit-by-bit since he was always so prevalent in the pro-scene that eventually he started to become outclassed by damn near everyone.

You can definitely still win with Olaf, that's the beauty of the game, a really good Olaf player could still be a force to be reckoned with.


2 Minutes Hate
I tried a few games at Jungle this week. Totally different game and I need to learn to keep up with levels. Doesn't help that I'm learning new champs.

Interesting thing though is that I'm getting more and more comfortable playing new champs the more I play the game. Before I would be a retard on a bike playing a new champ for the first time. Now I just play like a noob. Definitely an improvement.

Anyone have any advice for J4/Naut jungle? Or any good streams/vids I could watch to get a feel. I need a second role in my arsenal in case someone takes top. Seems like J4 is more of an aggressive Jungle where Naut is more of a tanker that just slows people the fuck down. J4 looks like a better option when you're playing with strangers and Naut looks awesome when you know you're playing with better players.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jungle suggestions (I don't play Jarvan or Naut enough to give you any insider-infos):

Since you don't need to worry about bans, Nunu is the creme de la creme.

Current junglers you will see in competitive play:
Nunu : Would play everytime if unbanned, too OP. Focus on counterjungling and objectives to win games.
Zac : AP Tank that deals % damage and has revive passive, very disruptive in team fights with Ult.
Elise : AP Tank that deals % damage, decent ganks with long range dives & stun, can avoid damage & turrets with rappel.
Jarvan IV : Very good but his ult can be mitigated easily when facing a team that has a lot of gap-closing champions (champs that can easily exit his ult). Good vs Udyr and Singed players specifically.
Nautilus : Annoying as F*ck, too OP at higher Elo where teams follow up on his CC more often. Probably annoying to play at lower Elo if teammates don't take advantage of his CC. He lacks damage.
Nasus : Annoying as F*ck. Builds all tank and still does tons-of-damage at late game. Can carry games if they go late.
Shen : Hard to play well, low win rate, low damage, global ult needs to be utilized well, taunts can change games if teammates are able to follow-up.
Lee Sin : High skill cap, falls off in late game a bit, can carry games, very mobile. Good Lee Sins are annoying as F*ck, bad Lee Sins get steamrolled.
Nocturne : Global ult, works well with a shen or TF on the team, very good ganks, spellshield works great vs AP teams, does decent damage but usually builds tankish.
Cho Gath : AP Tank with an Execute ability, TheOddOne helped TSM win the Spring split with his masterful Cho Gath play. All around good champ that can carry games.

Normally permabanned in Solo-Q:
Amumu : His ultimate wins games, landing bandages will fuck up noobs.
Hecarim : High speed champ that doesn't care about wards or anything, ganks too good.
Nunu : See above

Some top-laners that can jungle:
Jayce : Jayce is just OP atm, being changed soon
Tryndamere : Needs farm to get good, just like with top lane, he might get farm slower but once he has his core items he will wreck faces as usual
Jax : Gap Closer+Stun+High Damage, nuff said
Riven : Gap Closer+Stun+High Damage+Execute Ult, nuff said
Aatrox : Gap Closer+Knockup+Slow+High Sustain, good for counterjungling, ganking, and soloing dragons
Darius : Hook+Execute, landing the hook is key to a good roaming Darius
Kha Zix : Stealthy Assassin, lil too squishy, the surprise attacks are key.

Some mid-laners that can jungle:
Evelynn : Stealthy Assassin that specializes in surpise attacks, ignores wards or forces enemy to invest in pinks, somewhat tanky with Ult and has high mobility.
Diana : AP Tanky champ with great gap closer, a cc and decent AoE damage. Good champ overall - better as a Mid, though (needs farm).
Fiddlesticks : OP Champ, Fear lasts for days. Really OP kit. Specializes in the surprise ganks and usually wins most 1v1s due to life drain.
Master Yi : Getting changed soon, high mobility+high damage+skill resets, lacks CC but his chase potential makes up for it.

Others to consider (some of these are viable as top or mid, too):
Volibear : Mobile+Flip+Slow+Execute+Tank+Regen Passive = Still OP imo. (Consider as a top laner, too)
Udyr : Versatile kit but suceptible to being kited.
Vi : Still good IMO, considered more of a "carry" jungler. Does pretty good damage with good diving potential.
Mundo : Beefy, can't really carry, funny champ, cleavers for days
Xin Zhao : Win Now was considered OP, might have been nerfed or fallen out of favor recently, still decent imo. Builds more toward damage, has gap closer+knockup. OP for ganks.
Malphite : Was 100% banned in Solo-Q, not much anymore, nothing really changed. Tank with great ultimate and a slow. Counters most melee champs.
Maokai : Still good imo, Tanky, AP damage, gap closer.
Rammus : Taunt still annoying. Extremely fast+taunt = OP Ganks. Builds tanky, good vs AD
Sejuani : Tanky AP with tons of CC, good initiates with Ult. A good ult can win games.
Shaco : High Skill Cap, Good Shacos can carry games, Bad Shacos are dead weight. Can be annoying as F*ck. Requires team to invest in pinks. Normally farms enemy jungler.
Shyvana : Was recently changed, kills Objectives insanely fast (drag/baron), still lacks in the ganking department. Dragon form is required for good ganks. Consider taking Exhaust for CC otherwise you have none.
Skarner : Ult-Bot. Kinda useless except for his Ultimate. His ult can win games, though.
Trundle : Tanky and annoying as F*ck. Too fast, decent damage, too much cc, great ultimate
Warwick : Great against noobs. Ult gets countered with QSS but most noobs wont buy. Fast champ, great ganks, great sustain, can do good damage when fed. Ult can win games.


2 Minutes Hate
Fawe you should run my non-existent lol junkies site. Thanks man.

Zac looks awesome. I told myself I wouldn't buy champs not on sale. Looks like a good champ, maybe he'll go on sale in like 3-4 months (meh).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Haha... Well I have run many websites in the past but I've burnt myself out with it. Also, LoL already has a ton of successful websites so I wouldn't feel like I was really contributing to the community and without being a Diamond+ player I wouldn't be taken seriously by most LoL players, most people only listen to the pros. If you ever decide to pursue it officially, though, perhaps I could contribute some articles, idk.


Molten Core Raider
I've gotten the hang of LoL now, think I'm beastmoding Aatrox into level 30.
Been doing the rune recycling program to get some random Tier3 runes for super cheap. By the time I'm 20 I should have a full page.


Trakanon Raider
You forgot wukong.. fail.

I sorta fell in love with the monkey after he was free last week. He's got a higher than average clear time, good damage output, and good team fight synergy later. His weakness is early ganks, especially if your lane doesn't have their own CC to help. If you have red though, you W from a bush to get a bit closer, then E/Q and chunk half their health early on. His upfront damage is high enough that it helps make up for his lack of CC and will generally burn a flash at least.

Once he gets 6 though.. oh it's on. He's best at ganking bottom lane at that point, since you can generally get both the adc and support with a good ult.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You forgot wukong.. fail.
meh, I was going to add him but i rarely see him jungle and I never played him lol. Also I intentionally omitted some other borderline champs such as Pantheon, Karthus, Morgana, Annie and Kayle. All of them *can* jungle, but it's rare to see.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Olaf dropped off because the nerfs were not small at all. He lost the passive arpen on his ult completely, in addition to the cd on W, but the biggest thing by far was the slow nerf on undertow (Q). It moving to a decaying slow meant that even if you were spot on with every axe you would still never catch most of the cast if you started from half range or more.

A lot of it also had to do with the fact that he was never very good in yoloq/lower elos. He's relatively difficult to play well with Q accuracy and knowing when to go manmode or not (his winrate was already very low, in the 47% range before the nerf) so after some pretty major nerfs he just became unplayable for everyone but the upper crust, and for the top tier there were other champs that then did his job better (1v2 lanes, he was never really a jungle).


Trakanon Raider
meh, I was going to add him but i rarely see him jungle and I never played him lol. Also I intentionally omitted some other borderline champs such as Pantheon, Karthus, Morgana, Annie and Kayle. All of them *can* jungle, but it's rare to see.
I think the pros don't play him since there's been a huge shift towards either great wave clearers (to assist the 1v2 lane from getting their tower taken early), hard counter junglers (like nunu) or early gankers that turn into full tanks (jarvan, zac, etc..). Wukong doesn't do those three things as well as other junglers, but he stomps solo q at lower tier levels. He also needs a little more gold then some junglers to really shine, and with so much jungle being donated to other roles now it hurts him. He's really a vicitim of the meta, not his numbers needing a buff.