League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
p.s. @Sidian: thanks for linking that shyvana jungleology vid. It helped me understand her changes a bit and her current strength/weaknesses. I think that might be who I pick up, considering I really liked her even before the change due to her fast clear times and buff/objective control. Seems she got a bit better at that and tankier overall with her passive change and ult charging so quickly. I gotta farm some more IP before I can get her, so I might change my mind, but currently that's who I'm leaning towards.
Yeah, Shyvana was my favorite jungler in Season 2, but I stopped playing her during the start of Season 3. Recently been playing her more often though. Usually I don't do the longsword + 2pot start like Saint did in that video, mainly because I think he said he had to run lifesteal quints to be safe enough. Usually I'll just machete+5 and am able to farm 800g fast enough to grab that. Usually I won't upgrade machete at all til much later, that or I sell it for my vamp if I have to go back sooner.

Plus the amount of damage Shyvana can do if you can actually get to your target is quite insane. It's why you run exhaust on her and it's why you rush bork. She's much better if your laners actually have some extra CC though. I love ganking lanes with a Leona, or a Ryze or a Shen. Just anything with a hard CC to allow you to get close to them.

My main 3 junglers are probably Maokai (If I need to be tankier), Shaco (If I want to split push) or Shyvana (for more snowbally).


Trakanon Raider
No, in the video saint said he didn't run any lifesteal anything, and starting longsword meant he just needed to get 400g quickly to finish vamp and then rush into botrk that much sooner. He said it's a little gimmicky, but it works pretty well if you start ganking whenever either exhaust or bilgewater/botrk active is up.


2 Minutes Hate
Darius/Rumble on sale today. Gonna pick them up and add them to my stable of top laners.

I jungled twice last night with Nocturne. It was actually fun compared to my Nautilus attempts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My experience with Darius is that he is only worthwhile if he gets fed.

If you play support-Blitzcrank, you can make even the most terrible Darius an overfed monster in bottom lane.

It's really awsome if you can get the worst player on your team to pick Darius and play a decent support Blitzcrank.
He can look away while bashing keys with a fist after a good grab, and still win.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just got my first pentakill...and my retarded team loses the match on the very next teamfight by walking into an amumu ult. FML


Blackwing Lair Raider
The first time I was playing, like my second or third game, I got a quadrakill and my nephew was freaking out, he's like omg do you know how long I played before I got my first quadrakill? And I'm thinking:



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The first time I was playing, like my second or third game, I got a quadrakill and my nephew was freaking out, he's like omg do you know how long I played before I got my first quadrakill? And I'm thinking:


My actual first ever penta was on a new account on EUW (NA servers were down or something). I was like level 11 playing Graves and got penta. I was so damn pissed it wasn't on my main lol. I don't consider that one legit since it wasn't at level 30. I now have 2 pentas in S3 ranked (1 as MF, 1 as Akali). I also have 31 Quadra kills for S3 ranked... that's a lot of denied penta


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>

My actual first ever penta was on a new account on EUW (NA servers were down or something). I was like level 11 playing Graves and got penta. I was so damn pissed it wasn't on my main lol. I don't consider that one legit since it wasn't at level 30. I now have 2 pentas in S3 ranked (1 as MF, 1 as Akali). I also have 31 Quadra kills for S3 ranked... that's a lot of denied penta
My penta, Yi. Constantly get quads with him but got a penta once.

The Ancient_sl

My experience with Darius is that he is only worthwhile if he gets fed.

If you play support-Blitzcrank, you can make even the most terrible Darius an overfed monster in bottom lane.

It's really awsome if you can get the worst player on your team to pick Darius and play a decent support Blitzcrank.
He can look away while bashing keys with a fist after a good grab, and still win.
Do you mean Draven? Why would a Darius be bot lane? If you meant Draven your post still doesn't make too much sense since Draven is a strong early game ADC.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Do you mean Draven? Why would a Darius be bot lane? If you meant Draven your post still doesn't make too much sense since Draven is a strong early game ADC.
I think he meant Darius, but tbh I just ignored and moved on. Post is too confusing. You can't just mash keys as a Draven, and a Darius with Blitz support bottom just doesn't make sense in so many ways.
At decent levels of play it doesn't make sense. In Tin Tier though I'm sure it would be awful to deal with. Basically if you get hooked you die since darius is just going to follow up with his hook as well negating your flash. Lane over outside of the jungle setting up shop down there. Of course if the enemy team knows how to juke blitz and AA harass then the lane is an auto loss for blitz/darius.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shit if you're going to do a Blitz/Darius lane you're just better off doing it with another bruiser, like j4, xin or panth. Speaking of kill lanes, just doing any combination of j4, xin or panth pretty much can wreck many of the bot lanes. It's especially brutal when it's a poor ADC that doesn't have escapes (varus, ashe) or a stupid squishy support like sona.


Golden Squire
My friends have lots of success with Thresh + Alistair. Early game their damage output is pretty good and they have ridiculous CC. Once they get ahead the enemy ADC can't do anything.


Tranny Chaser
People used to run BlitzStar long ago but Thresh + Alistar makes quite a bit of sense. You get to have a ranged type in your kill lane and build ADC and have it sorta work.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got to experience first hand why shen is often banned in lcs, that ult is so fucking stupid.

Was playing an extremely close game last night, good teamwork on both sides. Kills are pretty much dead even, something like 18 to 19, but we definitely had a slight lead because we got dragon twice and all 3 t2 turrets while they only had the 3 t1 turrets. The enemy is pushing mid and the whole team was there ready to defend, something that never happens in low lvl normals (I say low lvl, but at least some of my opponents were already ranked). Shen is pushing top, the rest are coming mid, the enemy amumu is slightly ahead of the rest of his team(in the middle of the map) and comes out of our jungle, I catch him with a rune prison and he's dropping fast. And then we got shen'ed, ashe's ult hits while amumu's invulnerable, and the invulnerability gives the enemy team just the few seconds it needed to catch up. Just like that it changed the fight from a 5v3 to a 5v5 with a lot of our shit on cooldown so we lost the team fight and they got an inhib and our two nexus towers out of it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You were against a Shen, Amumu and Ashe? Sounds like you were getting CC'd for days. Or was the Ashe on your team? As Wizardhawk says, Shen ult just grants a large shield, not invulnerability, you can still kill the target which would also prevent Shen from appearing. This happens often if Shen ults a very low health target. The fact you initiated on an Amumu seems like the main problem, though.


2 Minutes Hate
I played one game Rumble and one game Darius last night. Fun champs.

My first Rumble game was pretty shitty. We played against a 4 man team + a random and the 4 man team just roamed the map the whole game and I was alone top lane. We lost the game, but we should of won. I was 2-3 levels above everyone with a good item set but my team mates, instead of keeping lane and gaining farm, all grouped up for team fights the whole game essentially. Close match but we lost. It wasn't really fun and it was stupid.

I think if I had played Trydamere left alone in lane the whole game top I would of single handedly won the game. Oh well.

Darius game lasted 45 min letting me get a full build. Frustrating part of it was when I had a superdunk combo set up for me I kept pressing E instead of R and I died. Got too excited. Damnit. Won the game though.