League Of Legends


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
The chalice is godly for heimer. It pretty much has everything he wants in one item I strongly recommend rushing it first. It is 20% CDR combined with his ULT maxes your CDR with nothing else needed. It has reasonable AP some good magic resists and a boat load of mana regen which is awesome on heimer because he is a total mana hog when you start poking like crazy with rockets.

I have played heimer a good bit on ARAM and rush chalice and its just unending amounts of rockets to the face for the opponents. Pretty much get chalice max it out get some boots usually the magic pen ones and then just build your AP. One thing to note zorjias staff works really nice on heimer. Your biggest danger is people getting up next to you so anything that allows your super fast rockets to apply a strong slow is a big plus and its got great AP and lots of HP to bulk him up to survive what jumps do happen.
Chalice is always the first item I rush for basically any support, and most mana users in general. It's just the best first choice, hands down, imo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty sure we had a discussion not toooo long ago, but she is a very strong champion it's just she's muuuuch better suited if you have a team that will follow through with you. Playing her in normals and even solo queue can be frustrating because you'll engage in, lock people up and your team just doesn't follow. The range on all her abilities (besides her Claw) are very short ranged so you pretty much have to dive into the enemy team to do damage. If you plan on playing with friends and/or duo queue more often then she's fun, assuming your friends aren't retarded. She also does very well in top lane too, especially against a lot of the melee AD bruisers.

One of my most recent games with her (maybe like ~2 weeks ago) I had a TF middle while I was Lissandra top, it was a free kill top lane everytime our ults were up because of how easily Lissandra can follow up. TF ports in and stuns, Lissandra claws in, stuns, roots, slows, dead. It's one of the better things about her is she can set up ganks extremely well. (Makes me think Lissandra + Shyvana would be a pretty devastating combo)

She's a solid champion, but as I said, can be awfully frustrating in yoloqueue.


Tried doing ranked on my smurf that just hit 30. Holy shit. These fucking idiots in silver2-gold3 don't know how to fucking play.


2 Minutes Hate
Rugged Garen skin is on sale, and I've never seen it before. Pretty awesome skin. Too bad I never play Garen and have no interest to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I had a garen school me during my placements. He was completely zoning me out so I wasn't even getting passive xp. I thanked him after the match for schooling me, I learned a lot from it.


2 Minutes Hate
There is a Galio skin on sale and that reminded me I have never seen a Galio and I've played against all the other bottom 10 champs. It looks like with a few tweaks to his kit, he'd be an awesome support. Like alter he shield so that it emits splash healing on damage rather than healing only Galio and stick a slow/stun on one of his attacks.

Edit: Oops he does have a slow on his Q. I guess maybe he needs tweaks on mana consumption? What makes him a shitty support? I guess Janna just does everything better


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I finally unleashed the power of Lissandra. When you have a Zyra and Jarvan on your team its just lol.


Trakanon Raider
The reason galio doesn't work as a support is he has relatively weak peel compared to some other supports (a skill shot slow that is a light slow and a speed up that is good disengage, but not good peel) and he's melee. Compare him to leona or alistar in terms of his CC/engage/peel abilities and he comes up short. Now, his scaling is pretty good, so playing him where he gets a bunch of farm is a pretty good idea. My ranked partner will play him as his 2nd choice behind maokai, and tends to wreck mid with him. You want to build some MR on galio naturally so he's a good matchup against some mids, and then his ult can practically guarantee a successful gank in coordination with the jungler.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I know Alex Ich (Mid laner of Gambit Gaming) has played Galio before in the tournament level. I actually don't think he's played him at all this summer split but iirc he did play him during the spring split. Galios ultimate really sucks when the enemy team has a lot of CC. One stun, knock up, knock back and his ult is pretty much worthless. It's especially bad since if there is an enemy Udyr in bear stance...you'll never get a full ult off cuz he'll get taunted to hit you, get stunned immediately, and there goes your ult. If enemy team lacks CC though, getting a full galio ult off is pretty disgusting. He's also pretty strong against double AP because you get AP from building MR, so chalice, abyssal, merc treads are all solid on him.


Ya Alex tried to play him against a double AP comp, it was Kennen and another AP champ. The other team ended up going AD Kennen once they saw the Galio pick and GG ended up losing.

I ended up finally getting to Silver V. I got pretty lucky for most of my games and Shen never got banned out. Recently with him I've went 7-0 and have ended up playing him Top x 3, Mid x 1 and Supp x 3. I just make my team run around together and I watch for engages while split pushing, while I'm porting in I look for their ADC, run at him and taunt. Since Shen is banned out so much most people don't know how to play against him, his E makes him almost impossible to catch and if I'm supping as him the E really helps land kills and turn fights around.


2 Minutes Hate
Unique Passive: Dealing spell damage applies a damage-over-time effect that deals bonus magic damage equal to 2% of the target's current Health per second for 3 seconds. This bonus damage is doubled against movement-impaired units and capped at 100 damage per second vs. monsters.
On Flay:
PASSIVE: Thresh's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on each hit. This value is equal to the total number of souls collected, plus a percentage of his attack damage based on the amount of time since his last attack.
I'm assuming it doesn't, but I wan't to ask anyway. Thresh's passive on flay deals magic damage. I assume Liandrys only procs damage on the active part.

The Ancient_sl

Oh. No, that's just confusing terminology. Liandry's applies from "spell damage", which generally means damage caused by champion spellcasts. Flay's passive just applies bonus "magic damage" which is just 1 of 3 damage types: magic, physical, or True damage. The two aren't really related.


Trakanon Raider
I tanked from 30 ranked games above .500 to like 10 over the last 2 weeks. Lost so hard I rerolled to kill noobs but died to expert bots before I could get to the noobs


A Man Chooses....
Need some advice. I got out of Bronze and am almost to a series in silver V. I have an assload of IP. Currently I play Zac jungle or top, Nasus Jungle or top, or Sona in 95% of my games. I own Fizz/Kassadin/Tryn/Kayle. Trying to work on my laning outside of bot, but I have no AP, hybrid pen, or lifesteal runes. Which ones would you say are the most useful? I thought about buying Kennen since he can top and mid and then getting hybrids, but not sure how many other champs use them. Or I could just get good with Tryn and use the life steel quints. Basically I want to play roles I can carry from more, because even though I do well in the jungle almost every game it seems like once it gets late game I don't determine whether we win team fights or not. Going 6-2-11 on Nasus and losing sucks.

Other option is to buy Nami so I can support when I don't have Sona and just stick with Nasus/Zac/Sona/Nami/Malphite. I dunno.


2 Minutes Hate
I would buy ap quints and mpen marks and just roll AP/Mpen/Arm/MR mid laners if thats what you want to do. Then rock Fizz.