League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
That was one of the best monologues ever in a movie. You could put tranny scat porn to the audio of that scene and it'll be inspirational.


Tranny Chaser
That xPeke nexus kill and Nien's Elise game were just great, great moments to get to see. Nien threw that entire game on his spider back and carried it home. People still talk chant XPEKE when someone is trying to take down an objective solo when under assault.


Tranny Chaser
I was starting to like supporting in S2 and initially with S3 I thought it was just great. The increase to the cost of Crystalline Flask was annoying and I felt that the increase to the cost of Sighstone was a step backwards but even so I'm mostly fine with it. If I knew I could have that role with 100% certainty I would play a ton more ranked games. Having your ADC exit laning phase ahead and then providing vision to aid in the taking of objectives mid and late game is big, big stuff. It also is a role that lets me benefit from being clever or by properly reading my opponent without getting punished too hard for not having very good mechanical skill. I can look at the minimap more and convey that info to someone in lane that very well might not have seen the enemy jungle start to move in or didn't see mid transitioning top or whatever. You get more opportunities to notice how a situation is developing and make a call. Enemy bot is crippled, the ADC is going to B, enemy jungler is top, ping ping ping dragon ping ping. Slap down a pink and bam, support carry OP.

Being on the opposite page as the ADC in terms of aggression sucks. Having people freak the fuck out over last hitting in a lane where no one is present but you sucks. People freaking out over no wards on the map when there are three wards on the map and an infinite supply available in the store for anyone to buy sucks. Getting fucked all game by Blitz or Thresh sucks.

The rest of it I'm pretty cool with.


Bronze Squire
I personally enjoyed the xpeke moments which I seen when it happened as well as the Faker zed out play, that was pretty epic as well.

I am in the boat of hating support. I suppose let me phrase that better....I hate the current support "meta" if you will. When I am with my friends and can try off the wall shit or different stuff it is waaaay more fun. I suppose to arbitrary's point I hate when people complain about wards as if they can't buy any. While I do feel support has a big impact on the game I still feel I can have a bigger impact by playing any other role.


A Man Chooses....
Question: Who plays like Udyr but fits better into the current meta than Udyr? I love playing him but he seems so bad when it comes to team fights, and teams are too dumb to let you split push without getting 4v5'd. I love the high mobility, high damage, sustainy style.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Play Rengar. Bush leap is probably the most fun mechanic in the game, get free infinite sustain, build hydra and splitbush better than Udyr, can 1v1 nearly anyone in the game. It's like Udyr except you can explode enemy adc for free most of the time.


A Man Chooses....
Bout to promo from silver 2. I main Nasus and Zac but their early ganks aren't great. Udyr I can snowball lanes and get ahead but when ti comes to teamfighting he seems to lackluster. If you build full tank he can be ignored, and if you build damage he is squishy.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone else interested in a boost to any elo before the season ends? Let me know, am doing it for the best price you'll find anywhere.


Golden Squire
How many weeks do we have until the season ends, anyway? As for Nasus, while his early ganks are meh you should be concentrating on getting an early dragon anyway. I have to usually explain to my team how it works, but by the third or fourth free dragon they are very thankful


Tranny Chaser
Last year the season didn't end until after Worlds and there was even a couple week extension after the first close date.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I'd guess the season will end ~2 weeks after World Finals. I'd say Oct 15th or Oct 22nd.


Golden Squire
Season ends on october 31st.

Also goddamn Faker on ahri makes me wet
Hm, so 45 days to hit Gold from Silver III 50 points where I'm currently getting 23-25 a win and 12 a loss. Let's see if I can do it, though I will admit Lumi, your offer is tempting :p