League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah, it's pretty retarded. I wonder if there is a larger audience out on Korea/China than in the US because 1am on the East Coast is a bit too late for me. I went to bed at 1am last night.

It's also interesting that they are hosting an event at 10pm on a Monday at the Staples Center.


Got something right about marriage
These games haven't been all that great to watch so far. Almost every single match has been a 1 sided slaughtering.


Pretty insane that they chose to air these games on West Coast time. I guess you get some of Asia in an o.k. but not great time?
It needs to be PST for their live audience in California though. It is the worst time zone as far as compatibility with other regions but it is the only timezone that would allow fans to go see the games.

I'm totally being a hater, but what I've enjoyed most is seeing the Korean teams look totally human. We seem to have this idea that Koreans are absolute monsters and we can't touch them. We really have no idea just how good C9 is in conditions like these but if they play like they did all split (30-3) they will absolutely ruin all these teams. Their coordination, team fighting and rotations are just superior. That said we haven't seen the teams in the quarters play yet, but from what everyone has said Sword and Royal Club are worse than OMG and Ozone. Frankly, Ozone looks bad. They seem to not have bothered keeping up with the meta and Dade (the MVP of spring split) just cannot handle going up against the strong mid laners from EU (or even Mandatory Cloud, although he has choked pretty bad). And while Faker is amazing, the rest of SKT T1 has not been impressive.

But yeah, I'm super excited for the Quaterfinals and getting to see C9 play. If they don't choke under the pressure they should be really good.


Got something right about marriage
I really don't like this double round robin 8 game nonsense. It's gotta be mentally exhausting to play all those games and then go straight to the quarters and have to play teams who get to study the 8 games you just played. I'm assuming riot just wants the cash for the extra views/tickets but why couldn't they just do a single round robin into a single elimination playoff? As it stand this way you can get into situations where teams can be out of contention and just play spoiler or throw on purpose.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Wish they would have done a world cup style and have everyone play in the group stage. I agree this long group stage seems silly especially with the top 4 teams not playing


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
New article analyzing OMG vs SKT from Day 1:

Upvotes at reddit appreciated:

I dislike the timezones and am disapointed the top 4 teams aren't playing more games, too. I'd prefer a limited group stage but have double elimination afterwards.

I believe the audience from Korea is massive which is why us East Coast viewers get screwed. Think someone said the Korean channel had 500k+ on Day 1, but idk exactly. Korea also has an Esports TV channel which is hard to quantify without that station telling us.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
haha, oh well
I never really posted on Reddit until these articles, I guess I shoulda known it would be like +internets here.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did anyone see the Fnatic vs Gambit game? How does a team like that (Gambit) get this far. Some of the most abysmal team fighting I've ever seen. It just seemed like nobody was on the same page.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think that game they just weren't playing their best. Not to mention their team comp pretty much sucked for 5 on 5 engages compared to Fnatics. TF is more of a split pusher, Shyvana is more of a split pusher. Then they had MF & Sona which are huge team fight champions. I'm pretty sure the Analyst desk said it but if they would have picked a stronger team fight oriented middle lane instead of TF I think it would have went a lot better. Think if they would have first picked Ori instead of TF. Shyvana/Xin dives in, Ori Ult, Sona Ult, MF Ult. Only great way for GG to engage with their team comp was either Sona Flash + Ult, TF Ult + Zhoynas in or Xin/Shy diving in, but without any good CC they got kited hard.


Did anyone see the Fnatic vs Gambit game? How does a team like that (Gambit) get this far. Some of the most abysmal team fighting I've ever seen. It just seemed like nobody was on the same page.
It was the TF pick that doomed them. All he did was farm all game; zero destiny ganks were had that game. The analysts did cover it pretty well: Shyvana and TF had no synergy together, and Xin Zhao was a terrible pick. If they had a different mid, then their all in strat with Sona/Xin/Shyv might have paid off, but it didn't happen. Maybe if TF had been more active things would have been different, but Alex was 0-0-0 for the majority of the game. He wasn't feeling well either, so maybe him being sick had something to do with his play, because there was a chance for a double kill from destiny but he went for a higher health opponent who was alone instead of the risky play, and the enemy ended up flashing away and he got nothing for it. It was really sloppy play, and they were countered easily. Darien dove out one time with Shyv for an engage, and Zac jumped over the wall into the base and disrupted the back lines causing Shyv to be left alone and die trying to retreat to the tower. Xin got turned into dust in every team fight. TF did nothing but retreat and throw cards that mostly missed. Sona saved ult for Bullet Time every single fight, and a lot of the time people were already dead by the time it came out. It was ugly, that's for sure.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Even with TF, he never had a good Destiny to set anything up at all. Didn't seem like they were on the same page very often at all. Both Euro teams being 3-1 is interesting. I actually like both teams. I've rooted for Gambit since they were M5 and xPeke always plays amazing. Samsung Ozone is too cocky from what I've seen: (Dandy says Korea won't lose to a foreign team:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fwnw5bDHeA). I don't really mind if Vulcun loses or wins and Mineski just seems bad. So for Group B having both Euro teams win would be great imo.

On the other hand, Group A has 4 teams I think would be great seeing move on: TSM/Lemondogs/SKT/OMG. I've just always rooted for TSM because they've been the hot team for NA for so long but I can't say I'm a fan of Regi or Xpecial. Regi seems to shit on his teammates way too much and Xpecial seems too whiny. However, TheOddOne/Dyrus/WildTurtle are all characters that are fun to watch. I don't know any of the Lemondogs players but being #1 Euro team I think it inappropriate not to root them on (would seem weird to have the #2 & #3 Euro teams in Quarters and not the #1 team). I don't want 3 Euro teams in the finals though. If Fnatic & Gambit both advance then I actually hope Lemondogs does not.

OMG & SKT are the #2 & #3 for China & Korea respectively. I don't want an Asian team to win Worlds, but I expect at least one of these teams, if not both, to get past Groups, and they have players that are renown for their playmaking abilities, which makes them fun to watch.

My wish is that TSM & OMG take Group A with Fnatic & Gambit taking Group B. Quarterfinals would have 2 NA, 2 Euro, 2 Chinese, 1 Korean, and 1 Taiwanese team (4 Asian teams vs 4 western teams).


Got something right about marriage
Did anyone see the Fnatic vs Gambit game? How does a team like that (Gambit) get this far. Some of the most abysmal team fighting I've ever seen. It just seemed like nobody was on the same page.
To be fair, Gambit looked very strong in their previous 3 games. They were the only undefeated team left in group play until that game. I'm wondering if the reason most of these games are lasting 30 minutes or less and are pretty much terrible to watch is because some of the teams are confident they will finish top 2 and don't want to show their hands to the teams already in the quarterfinals. Who knows. The games have been boring to watch so far. The only game that was entertaining was Vulcun vs Mineski and only because both teams played atrociously so the game actually lasted more than 30 minutes for once.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If anything, these games I'm watching are giving me a lot of hope for c9 to do well. I mean, they absolutely crushed NA and so far looking at Vulcan and TSM playing it's not like they are getting stomped either by any of these teams. (Yes, they are losing but it's not completely 1-sided)


Molten Core Raider
They will do as well as all the korean teams did when they faced US teams in Heroes of Newerth - get crushed!


Molten Core Raider
Sometimes the best thing about LOL is the incoherent raging of the other team. Their salty tears are delicious.