League Of Legends


Golden Knight of the Realm
EG looked really good in their matches. It looked like a pro team vs amateurs. I'm sure DTG feels like they got screwed... but they barely even competed. They made amature decisions in every match. Looked like a bunch of pub stars that grouped up for a PUG.

Hiwever, i do think riot handles these matches so poorly. Why can't this challenger series be a round robin tournament. Let the best teams qualify instead of just doing head to head once.

Same complant I had with worlds. They tournament structures are lazy.


Got something right about marriage
Could be laze, but its probably to generate revenue. It probably wouldn't be cost effective for them to stream a challenger round robin because not as many people would watch, so in turn they probably wouldn't stream it. Instead they choose to get some viewership over a prolonged 2 matches per day style setup. It's very short-sighted in my opinion though. Sure it probably makes them more money now but they would have better matches if they filtered in the actual, better teams.

I don't really know how they do the challenger rankings though, maybe there is a round robin tournament we don't get to see (haven't looked into it) and then they just match them against current pro teams who are on the cut line based on performance in the round robin. If they do it that way that makes sense to me and it's a lot like the way the SC2 scene is set up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Riot is on record as saying they lose money running organized play. It's promotion/advertising motivated.


Tranny Chaser
There was a week period when I first got my secondary account to 30 where everyone at silver was using Amumu support and I was supposed to ban Amumu.

It was pretty scary actually.

edit -

Jeez. Win a fight decisively, go cry on Baron, send Sivir to dragon, instant 6k advantage.
Could be laze, but its probably to generate revenue. It probably wouldn't be cost effective for them to stream a challenger round robin because not as many people would watch, so in turn they probably wouldn't stream it. Instead they choose to get some viewership over a prolonged 2 matches per day style setup. It's very short-sighted in my opinion though. Sure it probably makes them more money now but they would have better matches if they filtered in the actual, better teams.

I don't really know how they do the challenger rankings though, maybe there is a round robin tournament we don't get to see (haven't looked into it) and then they just match them against current pro teams who are on the cut line based on performance in the round robin. If they do it that way that makes sense to me and it's a lot like the way the SC2 scene is set up.
Until they Coke league starts they won't have a highly organized NA/EU challenger scene. Basically how it worked in the previous splits is that there were a loose collection of tournaments NECL/NASL etc that the challenger teams played in over the last couple of months. Those tournaments either each had their own Challenger spot given for the split qualifiers or you had to place well in a couple of the smaller tournaments that fed in to the big three qualifier spot tourneys. Riot hasn't been clear on it and I haven't watched every challenger tourney so I'm not 100% certain. As far as who plays who now? The teams that are facing relegation get to pick their opponent in the qualifier matches. The highest ranked relegation team with first pick and so on down the line. That part at least is pretty simple. EG having Velocities last place spot didn't get to pick a team, they were just given Determined/TBD/Whateverthehelltheirnameisthisweek.


Ranked Solo queue is such ass. I never did ranked in S3 but finally decided to try it. I qualified into Silver IV, got silver II a day later. Now, i can barely level. I play almost nothing but support. Usually Taric, Leona, Annie. Me and my adc win our lane at least 80% of the time. Last 5 games, 4 of them the other lanes fed hard except 1 of them started out promising. We were something like 10-2 but nobody had any towers down. Everyone just starts roaming and getting picked off in jungle, nobody goes back to their lane. Our lead evaporates and we lose.

On a less whiny note, anyone looking for a support duo partner? (I play support, sometimes jungle if I don't get support which is very rare).


Golden Squire
Ranked Solo queue is such ass. I never did ranked in S3 but finally decided to try it. I qualified into Silver IV, got silver II a day later. Now, i can barely level. I play almost nothing but support. Usually Taric, Leona, Annie. Me and my adc win our lane at least 80% of the time. Last 5 games, 4 of them the other lanes fed hard except 1 of them started out promising. We were something like 10-2 but nobody had any towers down. Everyone just starts roaming and getting picked off in jungle, nobody goes back to their lane. Our lead evaporates and we lose.

On a less whiny note, anyone looking for a support duo partner? (I play support, sometimes jungle if I don't get support which is very rare).
I'd be up for it, I primarily play jungle but am decent at all the roles. I am currently fluctuating between Silver II and Silver I. My summoner name is my forum name.


Lord Nagafen Raider
fucking dammit I hate when I have a first pick shaco on my team and they go 1/1/0 in 20 minutes, don't gank much, just farm using boxes and first buy elder lizard then he has the nerve to play every lane for doing nothing. It's the most annoying since Shaco is one of my mains and I see trash ass players up in plat 1 like that. Such a waste of 20minutes.