League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My most played ADC, MF, is getting some tweaks in the future:
@ricklessabandon Miss Fortune PBE changes - Page 3 - League of Legends Community

Miss Fortune
Double Up
Mana Cost reduced to 55 (from 70/75/80/85/90)
Cooldown changed to 7/6/5/4/3 (from 9/8/7/6/5)
Damage to 1st target changed to 110% AD (from 25/60/95/130/165 +75% AD)
Damage to 2nd target changed to 120/130/140/150/160% AD (from 30/72/114/156/198 +90% AD)
Criteria for 2nd target selection reworked*
Impure Shots
Mana Cost reduced to 30 (from 50)
Cooldown changed to 15/14/13/12/11 (from 16)
Passive's damage changed to 6% AD per stack (from 4/6/8/10/12 damage per stack)
Active's Attack Speed buff changed to 20/30/40/50/60% (from 30/35/40/45/50%)
Grievous Wounds duration reduced to 2 (from 3)
Bullet Time
Damage reduced to 45/75/105 (from 65/95/125)
Bonus AD ratio reduced to 30% (from 35%)
Now applies stacks of Impure Shots (does include bonus magic damage; does not include Grievous Wounds)
*This will be a fairly significant change-details will accompany the PBE post.
Her early lane phase is getting nerfed a bit, Double Up will do less damage, which makes me really sad. Her W will do more damage though, which could help compensate. Her late game and Ult will be a lot stronger. Hard to say how it will play out, overall I think she'll be in a better position but I just hate the fact she could be weaker in lane.
I've been seeing a ton of MF lately and enjoying it. Whenever the enemy team picks a adc without an escape its pretty much an auto win with the commonly played top/jungle champs now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've been seeing a ton of MF lately and enjoying it. Whenever the enemy team picks a adc without an escape its pretty much an auto win with the commonly played top/jungle champs now.
Her strong laning phase makes up for it usually as she can get fed enough to go toe-to-toe vs most bruiser/assassin, which is why Im a little skeptical about weakening the lane phase for her. Though with these changes and as long as she can survive laning phase she will be even stronger late game and can then toe-to-toe even better. It's usually futile to try to run from a fight as MF so being able to stand your ground and win fights vs bruisers is important for her.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I like it except I expect Trundle to get nerfed any week now. I've loved him top since.... way before his remake. Sad to see other people catching on :p


Riven is easily the most imba champ right now, bar none. The only change that I can think of that would make her remotely balanced is to make it so that Q, level one, only does the first move of the current ability. 2nd level would allow one then two, and third level would allow all three. As it stands now, Riven's Q at level one essentially makes her a level four champion at the outset of the game. A good player will take that lead and never let it go.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Okay, Gragas Jungle is fun as fuck. EWQ max Q. Spectral Wraith > Chalice > Dcap. Holy shit, it's so much fun. Just body slamming in and ulting people in lane chunk them for ~50% of their hp even if you have no items by the time you get level 6. Easy follow up for your team. Plus if you have to resort to it, Body Slam + Barrel basically clear creep camps all the time. Mmmmmmmm so fun. Gragas, Fiddle & Shaco all day every day. (Vi and Elise thrown in randomly as well lol)


Got something right about marriage
Riven is easily the most imba champ right now, bar none. The only change that I can think of that would make her remotely balanced is to make it so that Q, level one, only does the first move of the current ability. 2nd level would allow one then two, and third level would allow all three. As it stands now, Riven's Q at level one essentially makes her a level four champion at the outset of the game. A good player will take that lead and never let it go.
I don't think she's that bad. A level 1 Riven with Q isn't THAT powerful. She gets her spike at 2 with W and again at 3 when she gets the extra distance dash from E and shield. She's really scary then but there are plenty of champs that can deal with her even after that. I still think she's super powerful and Faker is just retarded with her but she can be dealt with in a 1v1.

The Korean games are way, way more fun to watch than the EU and NA games.

SKT looks unstoppable right now. Their entire roster except for maybe piglet is pretty much best in the world (or close). That Alistar from PoohManDu was ridiculous in game 2 of the OGN finals. I was really hoping to see Faker get to play Yasuo. I think Yasuo is more imbalanced than Riven in the right hands.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea the actual difference between a level 4 champion and a level 1 champion is the level 1 loses 100% of the time no matter the matchup. There's literally nothing you can do. Riven I beat more times than lose in lane and in games, with really any typical tops. Q is strong level 1 ability but so is Taric's E and people aren't bitching about that.


Got something right about marriage
Riven has a lot of bad matchups top. Some are almost unwinnable (Malph, Shyvana, Renekton)


Riven has a lot of bad matchups top. Some are almost unwinnable (Malph, Shyvana, Renekton)
Is this a serious post? Riven wins all three of those matchups early game, then mid-late game just wave clears in a matter of seconds and roams mid to instantly gib the midlaner. Maybe those three matchups win late game, but by then Riven has roamed around the map multiple times ganking every lane and invading the jungle. You win top, but lose the rest of the map. Grats I guess.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is this a serious post? Riven wins all three of those matchups early game, then mid-late game just wave clears in a matter of seconds and roams mid to instantly gib the midlaner. Maybe those three matchups win late game, but by then Riven has roamed around the map multiple times ganking every lane and invading the jungle. You win top, but lose the rest of the map. Grats I guess.
Agreeing with this completely. I don't think riven has a losing lane levels 1-9 at least. End game sure, some champions do better, but her early game is so damn strong and if she gets even a little bit ahead she snowballs so damn hard. Even if she doesn't get ahead, if she farms well enough you can still global mid/bot/support ezpz.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Riven has a lot of bad matchups top. Some are almost unwinnable (Malph, Shyvana, Renekton)
Renekton is a hard matchup against a good player the first few levels only. Malphite and shyvana are both survivable.

None of these is a 'bad' matchup. Play irelia vs garen if you want to see what a 'bad' matchup is. I play at low diamond/high plat elo, and I see people pick riven into renekton all the time. I have no idea why that is considered a counter in many places. Riven is very strong against renekton, especially if she rushes an early hydra.


Yea the actual difference between a level 4 champion and a level 1 champion is the level 1 loses 100% of the time no matter the matchup. There's literally nothing you can do. Riven I beat more times than lose in lane and in games, with really any typical tops. Q is strong level 1 ability but so is Taric's E and people aren't bitching about that.
Are you really using Taric & Riven in the same sentence ? His E is shit, now is W is kinda nice, if only he had better range on W/R and better movement speed.


Trump's Staff
I play mostly Singed top and I don't really have problems with Riven as long as I don't play stupid. You can't 1v1 her early but Fling really screws with her combos and she really can't stop your farm. Voli would probably be in the same position maybe?


Got something right about marriage
Well I'm not exactly playing at the highest tiers but I feel like Riven's combo does exactly jack and shit to Malph early and he can win every trade. Level Q first (with 1 point in W and E) and force trades which will make her push lane and be in a bad position. As long as he doesn't sit back and wait for her to engage him with her Q he can do a lot of damage to her and force her to both push lane because of her kit or have to back and lose out on CS.

Just start hitting her when she moves in for CS. She's either gonna W + E away or she's gonna Q Q Q W. If she tries to trade hit W and smack her a couple times. The shield doesn't last as long anymore so just wait for it to drop and chase her with Q and E. You will win that trade every single time if you ask me. Wait for your shield to recharge and do it again. You can only do this combo a few times because of mana but if you hit it right each time she'll have pushed the lane and also be very low (or maybe even dead)

If you don't deny her she's going to be hard to deal with, I listed those champions because I feel they can deny her, force her to push her lane and be unsafe just to trade (and still won't trade evenly early). Though I guess Shyvana would be pushing just as hard with burnout.

Anyway, I don't even play ranked, I just watch the pros and know I shit on Riven as Malph in what would probably be Bronze so what do I know.


Got something right about marriage
Don't stifle me man! That's why I'm posting in this thread. Perspective.