League Of Legends

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
It was sad that we couldn't win a single ARAM or Diminion against tryhards.

Dominion is a fucking terrible game mode. That shit is just not fun, reminds me of AB in WOW.
Heresy. Dominion separates the men from the boys, and I'd argue the average Dominion player is a better duelist and team fighter than the average SR player. I'm sure that's all against popular opinion, since the majority almost exclusive play SR, but with over 500 SR games and over 1200 Dominion games played, that's certainly my impression. When you have two competent knowledgeable teams playing Dominion things get epic. When you have bad teams that run around like chickens getting ganked in jungle, or rush top single file over and over to meet their lemming like deaths-- yeah it feels like a shitty mode. Of course the people who treat it as a throwaway game mode to test out new champs or as a reason to go AFK despite the presence of many die hard Dominion players doesn't help either


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Heresy. Dominion separates the men from the boys, and I'd argue the average Dominion player is a better duelist and team fighter than the average SR player.

In SR players spend the first 10-15 minutes in solo/duo lanes meaning they get a ton more experience being a "duelist".
Dominion games probably have a lot more team fighting but it is a bit different than SR. The map changes the dynamics a ton. Players aren't "filtered" into choke areas as much like they are in SR and the team fights in Dominion usually center around a Turret which contributes a lot of damage for one team. Obviously SR has team fights around turrets too, but not always. SR also doesn't have health packs everywhere, meaning players need to be a lot more conscious about their health. I flat out disagree that Dominion has better duelists and/or team fighters.

Dominion is more about territory control, which equates to mobility and outmaneuvering the opponent, that alone means fighting is a lot less critical than in SR since you can gain territory without any resistance at all in Dom. In SR you are forced to destroy objectives and to protect your nexus, this forces players to fight. In Dominion you could theoretically win by just running around the map and cap the fastest. Obviously this would never happen but it CAN happen. SR forces you to at least attack/defend turrets and a nexus before you can win.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande

In SR players spend the first 10-15 minutes in solo/duo lanes meaning they get a ton more experience being a "duelist".
Dominion games probably have a lot more team fighting but it is a bit different than SR. The map changes the dynamics a ton. Players aren't "filtered" into choke areas as much like they are in SR and the team fights in Dominion usually center around a Turret which contributes a lot of damage for one team. Obviously SR has team fights around turrets too, but not always. SR also doesn't have health packs everywhere, meaning players need to be a lot more conscious about their health. I flat out disagree that Dominion has better duelists and/or team fighters.

Dominion is more about territory control, which equates to mobility and outmaneuvering the opponent, that alone means fighting is a lot less critical than in SR since you can gain territory without any resistance at all in Dom. In SR you are forced to destroy objectives and to protect your nexus, this forces players to fight. In Dominion you could theoretically win by just running around the map and cap the fastest. Obviously this would never happen but it CAN happen. SR forces you to at least attack/defend turrets and a nexus before you can win.
My reasoning is that Dominion is pretty much one big constant mix of teamfights, skirmishes, and 1 vs 1's. Speed boosts and health packs even contribute to this more as it reduces the need to back, as well as reducing the time needed to travel from A to B, where B usually involves someone you need to kill. All this leads to more combat, and more combat means more experience at teamfighting.. Throw in the fact that there is no farmfest phase, and simply put the frequency of combat in Dominion far exceeds SR. As for dueling, I would certainly put a dedicated mid/top SR player on par with a Dominion one, and keep in mind that running Bot in Dominion is similar to playing top in SR, with the exception that you have no gank protection save for playing safely and watching the map. Also as you mention the map dynamics are obviously entirely different, but I certainly disagree with the comment about choke points, and teamfights mostly being on a tower.. Newbs try and take top when 4 guys are protecting it, smart teams send a few guys at your mid to force a confrontation in the jungle, where there are choke points.. Notice where the health packs are placed as well-- choke points. Good teams also force confrontations and setup ganks around the relics.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
stop being so fucking republican about your game mode. It also has far lesser penalties on death, so you can intentionally die and have other tactics which would make you fucking bad at standard teamfights. Dominion is different, and teaches you a different style of fighting than standard. There's no this one is better or that one is better.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
stop being so fucking republican about your game mode. It also has far lesser penalties on death, so you can intentionally die and have other tactics which would make you fucking bad at standard teamfights. Dominion is different, and teaches you a different style of fighting than standard. There's no this one is better or that one is better.
Chill.. Not saying one mode "is better than another", and I perfectly realize that my preference for Dominion is in the minority. Both modes teach and enforce different strats and "play strengths" for lack of a better term. SR has more emphasis on map awareness via wards and controlling dragon/baron, much more emphasis on last hitting, farming, and certainly requires more resource management due to the fact that there is no global mana regen buff and "backing" sets you back farther than it does in Dominion. Mistakes are also punished harder in SR than Dominion. ALL I said is that I feel that Dominion teaches better teamfight/dueling ability due to frequency.


2 Minutes Hate
Dominion, overall, probably has a better average of duelist only from the fact that like only 10 people play it vs. the millions of people who play SR.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
oh btw, if you're using Curse Voice, don't use it until it's patched. I started a game and had 4-10 FPS and game was stuttering. I didnt even realize it was the Voice program until I logged off and back in 2x. Then I turned it off and everything was fine, went back to my normal 250-300 FPS. It made me really behind but I eventually caught up and we won so nbd.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Well when you say this :

you are definitely saying that Dominion is better. Which is fine, as it is your opinion, but you sound like a used car salesman at the same time.
Men from the boys in the sense that it is more intense and involves more combat, not that it is "better game"--sorry if it came off that way. Yes Ipersonallyfeel that it is more fun, but only because I grew tired of the whole lane/farm phase of SR. However arguing that it is better would be stupid, because technically I'd be wrong. It's like arguing pistachio ice cream is better than chocolate, despite the vast majority of the populace liking chocolate more. I can claim pistachio is better, but I'd be straight up wrong..


oh btw, if you're using Curse Voice, don't use it until it's patched. I started a game and had 4-10 FPS and game was stuttering. I didnt even realize it was the Voice program until I logged off and back in 2x. Then I turned it off and everything was fine, went back to my normal 250-300 FPS. It made me really behind but I eventually caught up and we won so nbd.
Yep, sorry about that, it's fixed now.


Got something right about marriage
How is wingsofdeath a challenger? Guy gets shit on almost every game I watch him and then blames his entire team.


2 Minutes Hate
When I watch him play, he's usually shitting on people. He's a pretty good player. Also Challenger is top 200 now I think?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Wingsofdeath is one of the better streamers as far as explaining his decisions. Really helped me think about things better. If you want to Learn, Nightblue3 and Wingsofdeath are some of the best.


2 Minutes Hate
This new champ looks boring as fuck to play:VelKoz Mid Full Gameplay Champion Spotlight - AP Mid Full Game - YouTube

Doesn't seem to have any skill. Your Q shoots out in a single direction and slows the first target hit for 70% which decays over 1 second (up to 2s) and it splits into two balls that run perpendicular to the first path. 240 x .6 AP. The W is a low ratio AOE attack that applies the passive stacks, hits twice and is on a charge system (max 2 charges). And his E is a Chogath popup attack with a smaller area but longer range (it also knocks back people surrounding you).

Every three spell hits you do some true damage.

Other than spamming your skills, where is the additional play on this new champ? Seems like a spell spammer like Xerath, except Xerath is unique at least in that he has range.


Got something right about marriage
Wingsofdeath is one of the better streamers as far as explaining his decisions. Really helped me think about things better. If you want to Learn, Nightblue3 and Wingsofdeath are some of the best.
Nightblue is great and I used to think wings stream was good, but lately all he does is make stupid plays, feed, and then bitch and moan about how bad his team is. Plus some of the reasoning he uses for why he's doing something is retarded. "I'm just gonna push this lane to his tower so I don't get ganked. plus he's Jayce so he'll probably miss some CS". Proceeds to get killed by Jayce in a 1 on 1, goes back to lane "I think I'm stronger than him now". Gets killed again, and again and again because he keeps diving. Then he blames his mid or jungler when they die trying to help his 0-4 dumb ass. This is what almost every game I've seen in the past 2 weeks from him has been like.


2 Minutes Hate
I've seen more and more Jayce lately in streams (not by streamers, but people playing with them). Is he becoming a thing again?
Arbitrary, you should run Xerath support down bot since you like the more magey types. His range and infinite sustain combined with two CC's are a pretty good fit against the ubiquitous Leona and Thresh.

As far as WingsOfDerp is concerned. He plays way too aggressive but is amazing at farming so even when he is 0-4 he is still relevant and he does know how to carry games. His laning phase however is pretty atrocious for the level he plays at, because he does make a lot of mistakes and dies a ton.


2 Minutes Hate
I was thinking about trying Xerath bot lane for shits and giggles. Have you seen it actually work well?

I tried him out last night, but I had a ton of ability lag. I missed a lot with his E because the width seems smaller than the actual graphic. Could of been the lag though.