League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
I like the character just fine but the prevalence of Leona and Thresh has already sidelined me. Another Leona-style support means I'll probably be on hiatus for even longer than my original estimates. They just poop all over the stuff I like to do bot lane.


Molten Core Raider
Haha, I had like 7 or 8 support Voli games last season. Think I only lost twice.

But in all seriousness, Braum looks very strong and I definitely want to try and jungle with him. His ult looks like a ranged version of Malphite ult + Randuin clickie.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So Reddit is throwing a huge hissy fit over CurseVoice. I'm really hoping it doesn't get banned. The team ultimate timers are amazing, and should honestly be included in the base UI. I don't know if Riot will have the balls to ignore the loud whiners.

I just don't really get their complaints. Timing shit is not hard, especially dragon or baron - which you can track easily through the chat time stamps. Even pros are coming out and whining about it because they 'worked so hard' to become good at timing stuff. Bitch, if your measure of skill is being able to read the chat log and and do some simple addition, then you don't deserve to be a pro.

I always get tired of these stupid discussion over gaming, and people claiming things like this is just 'dumbing down' the game. People pump up the most inane and mundane tasks to be some huge measure of skill. I'm sorry, but it's just not.


Tranny Chaser
I don't have a problem with timers. I have a problem with third party automated timers. If you see dragon, baron, or either buff on either side die the game's own client should include timers with customizable sizes and windows that can be moved around.

Taking your hands away from the controls of your character and spending the couple seconds necessary to get the right time and type it in (and later to recall it) is not a small thing. Most people don't do it and it is an advantage if you do. If Riot added all that shit to the game today than great. Keeping that shit hidden and requiring the players to time shit on their own adds zero positive things to the game.

But don't hitch that functionality to a third party developer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Reddit started bitching about it in earnest again like 3 days ago, Riot's response was pretty much "you're all reading our EULA wrong you idiots" so they're rewriting the part about 3rd party programs. As it stands they still say Curse Voice is fine and said anything that uses information your team has access to is ok (so timers of monsters you saw die, teammate ults) and they may even add timers to the UI themselves someday.

Edit: Link to the Red posts aboutit on Surrenderat20because screw digging through the whole thread about it.

The Ancient_sl

I like the character just fine but the prevalence of Leona and Thresh has already sidelined me. Another Leona-style support means I'll probably be on hiatus for even longer than my original estimates. They just poop all over the stuff I like to do bot lane.
Braum is nothing at all like Leona. He's got no gap close, his only initiate is a skill shotslowand his hard CC is dependent on teammates to stack. It's almost like Riot is catering specifically to your complaints and you are bitching about it.


Tranny Chaser
He's a bruisery support with CC and bonus tanky stats that is going to look to land a skill shot and go all-in. His ult is CC, his passive is CC, his Q is CC, and he's got a movement ability.

Q + auto + two autos from your ADC or one auto from your ADC and one auto from your jungler is a stun. His stun also does not cost mana. In a team fight his basic attacks all lead to stuns. Any jungle gank or any team fight a teammate makes it into melee range is going to allow him to blink in with his not-gap close Stand Behind Me and set up a CC chain.

He looks great, he looks like people will enjoy playing him, but that kind of all-in oriented support runs counter to the magey harassers I like to play. If I really only want to jungle than I'm not doing anyone any favors by playing ranked so I choose to sit on the sidelines and spectate.


A Man Chooses....
Honestly though fuck the magey harassers. Shit like Karma does ridiculous damage with no AP bot. I like to play Sona and that shit just isn't even on the same level.

I'm ready for them to nerf Soraka into oblivion by the way. The combo of heal + wish + summoner heal + locket is so annoying in team fights. You literally cannot focus anyone down. Once she gets Rylai's she basically renders any melee useless in team fights.


Got something right about marriage
I guess you're right... if you think Stand Behind Me isn't a gap closer and forget that his Ult is an insane initiate on top of his other skill shot range initiate which puts his Concussive Blows debuff on the target requiring only 3 more stacks til that target is stunned, meanwhile it slows the target so your ADC would have to be dealt with to prevent the target you hit from getting stunned.

I understand what you are saying though. Leona and Thresh are aggressors, Braum is pretty much a counter to that with his ability to intercept and defend an ADC that gets caught out by either of them and turn the tables on the fight, so not sure why Arbitrary is complaining


Tranny Chaser
He looks great, he looks like people will enjoy playing him, but that kind of all-in oriented support runs counter to the magey harassers I like to play. If I really only want to jungle than I'm not doing anyone any favors by playing ranked so I choose to sit on the sidelines and spectate.
Is what I said not clear?

The Ancient_sl

I understand what you are saying though. Leona and Thresh are aggressors, Braum is pretty much a counter to that with his ability to intercept and defend an ADC that gets caught out by either of them and turn the tables on the fight, so not sure why Arbitrary is complaining
Yeah I wasn't saying he was a shit champ.

Arb no, I don't think it's too clear. Magey Harassers? So Nidalee support?


Got something right about marriage
Is what I said not clear?
But how is he an all in support? He specifically counters all in supports. I think you expect people to play him as aggressively as people play leona and thresh, however I think his kit is better suited for playing defensively and creating a farm lane (especially pre-6) and specifically punishing lanes that are over aggressive.


Tranny Chaser
Sure, he's got good things to do versus other supports that are trying to land their gimmick and start a fight. He also has buttons that can be used in exactly the same way as those gimmicks. If you huck a 1000 range nuke with a 70% movement speed slow that decays over two seconds nuke at the enemy supportand it hitsthan that is a fucking fight right there. You've got one stack of Blows and the dude is running at you. Later on there's also his big CC ult to worry about.

In a gank situation his Safeguard variant is likewise deadly and he has additional CC to help aid the jungler in getting the kill. It's just like getting CC chained by anyone else.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Taking your hands away from the controls of your character and spending the couple seconds necessary to get the right time and type it in (and later to recall it) is not a small thing. Most people don't do it and it is an advantage if you do.
It is a small thing, because it's not even necessary. If you have time stamps on you don't have to type shit, it's already 'automatically' timed, granted you can do simple addition.

The time it takes to glance at the timer or look at the time stamp in chat is negligible.


Got something right about marriage
It may be a small thing, but when you have X number of other small things to pay attention to and be aware of it can become a daunting task. It's why so many people don't already do it. It's certainly a mundane task but most humans don't want to be bothered with the mundane. The program automates several minor tasks that allow players to pay attention to last hitting and eliminates the chance for human error in forgetting to check the timers.

I don't really have an opinion of it either way because I barely ever play anymore and it will have no effect on the pros at all so watching those games will be exactly the same. But it's kind of a bad argument to say it's not necessary. That small thing can easily determine game outcome and I'm surprised Riot is allowing it. It would be a simple task for them to incorporate it into the client and everyone would have access to it. Instead they are letting a 3rd party chat program handle it which many people may not know about. It's a little strange.


Mr. Poopybutthole
In fucking 5-7 minutes, you are guaranteed to have 2 seconds of downtime to check the chat logs for timestamps. The reason so many people don't do it is because they don't know or (more likely) just don't care. It's a trivial task that no one should be defending it whatsoever.

I do think they should add them to the base UI, but I don't see why it's strange that they don't kill every 3rd party program out there.

Should they kill LoLNexus as well because being able to see enemy runes and masteries is an advantage over those people who don't check it? What about the overlay timers that require you to click a button to start them? They've been around almost as long as the game has been out. Hell, there's also voice activated timers.


Got something right about marriage
In fucking 5-7 minutes, you are guaranteed to have 2 seconds of downtime to check the chat logs for timestamps. The reason so many people don't do it is because they don't know or (more likely) just don't care.

It's a trivial task that no one should be defending it whatsoever.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Tuesdays. You may want to actually read my post.