Legends of the Sword Coast


Vyemm Raider
I was not a big fan of the gameplay, I was killing off players left and right as the DM as death was pretty much meaningless. We got bored of the dungeon running after 2-3 runs with and without a DM.
Thats just sad for a D&D game.

First time I've ever made use of the Steam refund process but I'm glad we got to play the headstart weekend, saved me 35 bucks that will go towards Fallout 4.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sad to see this one getting bad first impressions. I loved the DM/Players idea, coming from someone who enjoys Descent/Mansion of Madness board games.
I was hoping for a slower paced combat (heck even turn based would work) but from what everyone's saying it seems like a game I wouldn't be interested in.


Just about when I wanted to play they patched again and it took me so long I missed the multi with friends stuff. I tried a bit of the campaign this morning and they definitely have more capability than the tools allow. Saw several triggered events and some decent conversation stuff.

So either they have a fancier editor they aren't sharing or this stuff is all done in native code.


Game released yesterday and no comments so far...

Everyone who gets excited about games bail or are the braves ones still too far into the game to take a break?

Felt this represented my feelings pretty spot on from watching the devs play and other YouTube videos

Steam User: Tiresome_sl said:
Ok lets review this !

Eventhough it says 0.2 hours played in the review summary thing( don't believe me ,check my profile) . i played 62 hours on headstart.
and i actually refunded 1 of my copies after 56 hours , making me the rather infamous "56 Guy"

Sword coast legends....

The Campaign:

This is a decent story. is it worth 40 bucks ? Meh, i personally would wait for a Summersale or the like.
The story is written pretty good.As are the sounds/music and conversations. The play style is Hack and Slash, no tactics , just go in and KILL!

There are Skill trees instead of the classical level progression.
Is this a bad thing ? For a D&D fan ...YES!. For the casual "i don't care about D&D ... No.

Classes are not true to the "classic" classes. All classes can heal as example, making a Cleric a little absolete.
Wizards are broken, Paladins are frakked and clerics unneccessary. A Rogue can Solo most encounters if fully buffed.

All in all The campaign is a decent story , Play style is a drag and gets boring very fast.

No resting mechanic
No spellbooks
No penalty for death
Respawn FTW


These LACK in everything!
No Dragons in this editor ? , no Orcs, No kobolds and more iconic monsters missing.
The tile sets are nice , yet they lack in size and in versility.
Placebles are not enough
No branching dialogs or quests.
No Loot customization
And loot has been significally changed from the 5th edition rules

Dm -tools are very limiting. But seeing that Dan Tudge said and i quote :

"But I've got twin eight-year-old boys and I want them to be able to create campaigns, that's my litmus test. If they can do it, then we've succeeded."

It does not surprise me at all they kept it all so simple and without depth what so ever.
The only thing positive i can say is that the Live DM function when used correctly is the only safe.

Yet the looting system has been changed so much its not even close to D&D 5th edition.

Things like +6 weapons , vampiric weapons , Cooldown reduction gear ( since you work with a cooldown spell bar)

In the end i can only NOT reccommand this game to the D&D fan.
N-space butchered the spirit in this game.
And there is only a DLC fest incoming to add things.

Also the way N-space has promoted this game , and then kept things secretive till release is appaling.
They claim to listen to the community , yet prove of that has yet to be seen.

Excuses are made with everything , and the words "Soon" and "the list" are written into this game and are almost hardcoded.

The attitude of the developers in the last weeks of launch has gotten worse and worse to the point they are actually unbelievable.

I would not buy this game if i was a D&D fan, you'll only get disappointed, like many many other people already have been and refunded (if they still could


I'm Amod too!
That review seems pretty spot on from what I experienced before I returned it. That whole 'I designed the GM tools around what an 8 year old can cope with' is idiotic since I really doubt his target market with a D&D game is a bunch of grade schoolers with no money.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This goes right to the heart of my point about the company that was involved in making this has no experience making real games, only porting shit and making Disney titles for children. I mean that quote literally says "We make games for 8 year olds, and if an 8 year old can play our game, we've succeeded"

That's great and all, I mean, D&D does need to appeal to a new generation of players badly, and catching some young kids early and getting them the fantasy bug (holy shit that sentence reads kinda wrong...) is one way to go about doing that, but this is the wrong game to go about doing that with.


Damn! i was really looking forward for that game but that review made me think i should wait.....maybe forever!


Still no forum feedback.

Reading other boards and it's sounding like it's coming down to RPG-elitists/DnD purists vs xbro-esque gamers. Game is uniformly being recommended as 6 or 7/10 at being a "meh it's okay, but it's not what they said it was" or "I'm enjoying it, but I don't care about DnD".

Makes me sad. I was hoping for the next NWN instead we got a fantasy X-Men Legends wearing the DnD colors.


Guess no one bit the hook.

Community Patch 01 released on the 10th

Community Pack One is now live! Here are some patch notes highlighting major changes, additions and fixes coming to Sword Coast Legends. In case you missed the news, Sword Coast Legends will be dropping a number of free content patches in the coming months to enhance the Sword Coast experience for players and DMs alike.

Companion Skill Trees: Players who complete the various SCL companion quests within the player campaign will gain access to unique companion specific skill trees for use on their characters.
The new trees include: Necromancy, Carouser, Stalker, Minion of the Dark, Favored of Sehanine, Shield Bearer, and Deception.

Note: There are slight differences to these trees to avoid duplicate abilities.
Note: A tree is only available if the player's character is the same class as the companion. For example, you have to be a cleric to get Illydia's tree, or a Wizard to get Hommet's tree.
Note: These new trees are tied to achievements, so anyone who has already done them will be able to immediately use these new trees.
Note: These trees will remain unlocked on a player's account once they gain access to it.

New Monster Abilities: Over 100 monster abilities have been unlocked for use by the DM.
New ability categories include: Drow, Beast, Undead, Abberation, Goblinoid, Duergar, Cultist, Giant, Gilded Eye, and Demon.
Some memorable abilities include Growth and Troll Regeneration!

New DM Items - Nature Set: Dungeon Masters will gain access to a sizeable blank nature tile to use and decorate as they see fit. It should now be entirely possible for players to create unique wilderness areas.

There are over 170 new nature objects that DMs can place, including.
Bushes: 14 different bushes for use in DM Mode/Campaign Creation.
Rocks: 26 different rocks for use in DM Mode/ Campaign Creation.
Trees: 52 different trees for use in DM Mode/ Campaign Creation.
Logs: 18 different logs for use in DM Mode/ Campaign Creation.
Mushrooms: 18 different mushrooms for use in DM Mode/ Campaign Creation.
Flowers: 20 different flower types for use in DM Mode/ Campaign Creation.
Stone Walls: 11 Different stone walls for use in DM Mode/ Campaign Creation.

Ability Respec: Players will now be able to reset their character's abilities. for a price.
By visiting the Retraining Dummy, players will be presented with a menu that has each of their unlocked Party Members along with the price to reset that character's abilities.
As re-specialization is a major decision for every hero, refunding one's abilities will currently cost 500 gold per ability point spent (Only full refunds are available, you can't refund a partial number of points).
The re-specialization dummy can be found Inside the Player's Party Camp.

Player Stash: Is your bag of holding finally getting full? We have a solution!
The existing Guild Chest has now become a Stash for players. Non-quest items the character is carrying around can now be added to this stash and accessed later. The stash has a limit of 100 item slots, but no weight limit. All entitlement items will now appear in your stash when you start the game as well.
The Stash operates similarly to the Vendor UI players are already familiar with. You can double click to add and remove items from your stash. You can also now destroy items from within your stash. Note that these items will be gone FOREVER, so please use with caution.
The stash is account based, allowing players to trade items between their characters if they so wish.

Skill Rolls:players can now roll skill checks that take their modifiers into effect.
Do you want your players to /roll DEX to jump over a fallen obstacle? Or how about allowing your fighter to /roll STR to shove the obstacle out of the way? Now you can!
Basic Roll is just /roll (rolls a single d20) but There are a multitude of different rolls that players and DMs can use in game to enhance their live roleplaying experience.

BUG FIXES:Hundreds of bug fixes are included in CP1 including, but not limited to the following...

Fixed being able to use the world map to travel between levels at any point.
Fixed custom Mercenary Leaders reverting to a character named Bronn(while Bronn is gone for now, he will likely return... with a vengeance).
Fixed bug that caused a blocker in the "A Trader's Fate" sidequest that occurred in co-op.
Lowered the default frequency of character barks on action/movement.
Fixed double fade issues in numerous conversations.
Fixed bug where Illydia could disappear from the party (goodness gracious!)
Fixed bug where user could get double gold when they sold or bought an item which caused their gold amount to go negative and then never be able to buy anything again.
Fixed issues with restore points causing potential blocks in quests.
Fixed bug where if an attack is still hitting enemies when the player dies it respawns, the enemy aggros on the player..
Fixed issue where longer quest conversation text could cover a client's Continue button
Fixed issue where the title would enter an unresponsive black screen when user clicked reload after a party wipe occurred and auto-saving was turned off.
Fixed bug where secret doors could be highlighted before they were perceived by players.
Fixed nav issue where players could get stuck on the ruined tower in Luskan Gates
Fixed blocker in co-op story mode which happened in "The Contact" quest which occurred after completing "Defeat the Gilded Eye Members" objective and speaking to Soronil.
Fixed the issue where every Duergar townsperson was set as a vendor in DM mode
Fixed issue where the UI would not update after changing the hotkeys for abilities on the quickbar.
Fixed issue where an ambush trigger on specific tiles had collision
Fixed issue with Howl at the Moon quest where if you are stealth by the alpha wolf and click on the cart the quest breaks.
Fixed issue with The Special Pie in the "The Dented Amulet Quest" not being marked as a quest item, potentially allowing the user to sell it.
Fixed bug where "Chaos Breaks Loose" quest doesn't update if the user enters Luskan from the Sewer.
Fixed issues with quest icons appearing before/after they should in a small number of places.
Fixed bug where clients would not see conversation when opening portal in Rhylfang's Lair
Fixed the bug where clients could not access Golgamann's shop
Fixed bug where Hommet's Melf's Acid arrow could not be used on the gate to the sewer.

tl:dr DA:Origins style companion skill trees added, Nature tile set added(is it purchasable or free?), paid skill respec, party stash, DM forced skill checks, additional DM creature abilities(purchasable or free?).


I've been doin this with friends really slowly, usually only play 2 or 3 hours on a friday night.

It really feels alot like neverwinter nights. There are several big problems they need to fix though.

Steam invites never seem to work. Load times are huge when in multiplayer for some reason, and we hit a hilarious bug with an item that had an enlarge proc. The npc we gave it to would get smaller and smaller every fight and eventually get so small they would fall through the world.


Gunnar Durden
My buddies and I just started playing table top - still very new but our DM is doing great. We thought we might play this once it hits Xbox in a bit. Sounds like its getting killed on reviews and forums which doesnt bode well.


It's getting killed for being a bait and switch. It was marketed as DnD 5.0 in computer form, but they broke/merged so many 5.0 features that it's only DnD in setting and name. It doesn't play like a computer version of DnD at all and I'm pretty sure a large portion of the hate comes from that alone - then on top of that it's just a mediocre at best game with very questionable design decisions and quality aim points that leave it looking like it should have been released in the early 2000's, not 2015.

Johdi had it pretty much right on that the dev studio may have had the best intentions, but they had no qualifications to make the game they claimed they were going to.


Lord Nagafen Raider

So I bought this when it was first released, put a couple hours into it and said fuck this PoS and uninstalled. I was recently going through my Steam library saw it and saw they did make some improvements. Anyone play it recently and is it worth stomaching through?
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Watcher of Overs
Totally forgot about this game. Was playing it with friends and then we got sidetracked and never got back to it. I think the place that made it is gone now?


Molten Core Raider
Double necro:

This game just hit its all-time low of $4.95 (67% off) at GamersGate, and seems to have gotten a free expansion (Rage of Demons). Anyone know if it's worth playing now?