Let's talk about sex redux


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
So my wife has issues with drying out, she can climax and still not a whole lot of natural lube going on down there. I suggested buying lube but she says when she tried it before her and I got together it was like rubbing hand sanatizer on an open scratch/cut and it burned.

Anyone else ever run into something like this (or in the case of women, happen to you) and what did you use? Any suggestions in terms of what products to try or used?
GiveProbea try. It's basically made from plant extracts. It's like industrial strength slippery though.


What's a good vibrator for solo women these days? I know this is a loaded question, but here's what I am looking for:

Not so much penetration, but a vibro with some penetration and a doohick that feels like a tongue circling around the clitty. Shouldn't be racy looking: discreet but classy.

My current GF said she has never jilled, and I'm inclined to believe her. It took a large effort on my part to get her off of cotton tights and flats to sheers and higher-than-flats-heels, but she's still afraid of her sexual shadow.

And yet, her pupils are slamming wide open when we talk about sexual things, so I'm making progress. She was really responsive when I took her hands in mine and did some exploring on her body, but there's still a chill there that I think she needs to work out on her own, without regret.

I'd like something I can give to my GF that she can use to jill herself into a happy, cross-eyed coma ...whenever she wants.


Musty Nester
That's a Steppenwolf song, dude.

And you better not be a ballcrusher baby,
unless you're ready to pay the price.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
No seriously, had sex yesterday and afterwards the head of my penis was bruised. Didn't feel any pain or discomfort during and haven't since.

You guys want pix?


Buzzfeed Editor
Yes, I want pics of your cock.

But no, I have not ever had that specifically. I've had the skin rub raw before.


Hmmm, doubt you were hitting the cervix cause you'd have known about it if you were doing it hard enough to bruise...also doubt she was kegel'ing you so very strange.

I'd still not take any chances with it, especially if it's not just light yellow bruise but a full on bloody red and purple one, as there could be issue arise once more blood flows through that isn't noticeable when flacid. Maybe go to a local sexual health clinic? Not sure about where you are but they are usually free to visit and pretty discrete.


A Mod Real Quick
I got a bruised dick head once and it sucked. Really painful to even walk. Had to bust out tighty whiteys to keep it in line.

I got a bruised nut once and it was terrible. Basically even if I brushed a sting against it I would be in excruciating pain.


i feel like if you need a toy to stimulate your bitch, something is wrong with you and you're dick and you dont know how to multitask and fingerbang and fuck that bitch at the same damn time.

or you have goblin cock
yee i agree bro with the whole dildo shit. but dnt u like to stimulate ur girl in other ways. s&m?


<Gold Donor>
yee i agree bro with the whole dildo shit. but dnt u like to stimulate ur girl in other ways. s&m?
God damn, dude! WTF is with your 7th grade girl cell phone English? Cant take the extra 10 seconds to write shit out in proper English?


<Gold Donor>
No dude no crazy stuff, just straight vagina pounding.
Maybe she was wearing some in utero device not to get pregnant? Only thing I could think of. Because even if youre hitting the uterus, its still soft tissue which should not fuck up your peen.


Musty Nester
If you're hitting the uterus, you should be doing porn. Your dick is about a foot long.

Maybe she was using a diaphragm? Bruised dick is kinda weird.

We still need those before/after pics.


I used to have a gf back in high school that, goddamned if I didn't hit the cervix at least once during a fuck session. Talk about weird. In terms of making your woman climax, it starts WAY before you hit the bedroom. You should be mentally fucking them at least three days prior. Sure physical stimulation (oral) will work with enough experience, but the mental game is where it's at.


<Gold Donor>
You should be mentally fucking them at least three days prior. Sure physical stimulation (oral) will work with enough experience, but the mental game is where it's at.
This is truth. women are not aroused by merely seeing your penis like we are seeing a vj. They are all mental when it comes to sex. Or most of them that is, at least the normal ones.