Let's talk about sex redux


Blackwing Lair Raider
for the stressed out middle aged guy having trouble keeping it up - just buy some generic viagra over the internet and pop half a tab every now and then, it will help you get your mojo back. cock rings are alright but finding a good fit is hard. you can get the ones that slip around the cock and balls, or ones that just go around the shaft, but depending on your veins and the tightness the shaft ones can be painful. you can get leather velcro ones for the whole package, and get rubber ones for the shaft so you have a bit of give in them. avoid metal rings. that said, i am a fan and they are good to keep the boner raging. rings plus half a viagra creates a visual veiny pulsating monster and you can really go to town on your woman with it.

as for squirters, i went out with a squirter for a few years. she was really sensitive, like i'd rub her clit with my fingers and i'd hear a squirting noise and she'd start leaking. it freaked me out at first, then it would be annoying because i couldn't go down on her without getting a faceful of whatever the fuck it is, and i'd have to lay down towels but after a long session she'd soak the towel and fuck up the sheets and matress anyway. one time i got curious and decided to find out what the fuck it was she was squirting so we were in a hotel and i bent her over and blindfolded her and tied her then started touching but i had some white towels to catch the runoff and long story short the runoff was tinged with yellow so i am now firmly in the camp that female squirting = contains some piss. that said i couldn't believe the volume sometimes. i send her to the bathroom first, hear her have a leak, and she'd still squirt litres of the stuff all over the place so fucked if i know the biology of it all. anyway she was a hot japanese chick with a banging body and big tits and sweet and submissive but i couldn't handle cleaning up for the rest of my life so i moved on. it's a shame but really, squirting is a pain in the fucking ass to deal with on a daily basis. avoid long term.

i'll chuck in my 2 cents on the hitachi as well. i got a generic version of the wand and it's really really fucking good, but it is really for solo use. a better bet is to get a small clit vibe for her to use while you fuck her, it makes life much easier and she can rub out multiples for as long as you can hold out while you plow her. the wand is just too big and gets in the way, but she (they) have all loved it and if you finish early you can always bust it out and stroke them while they get themselves off for as long as they want (which often means fucking hours). with dildos i've found a wand and a small clit vibe is the way to go. proper penetration dildos (like 7" or so) can be a bit much and anyway that's your job, you really just need something to sort out the clit action while you fill in the gaps as it were.


Just a Nurse
Just go to a gay sex shop. They sell like thousands of different types of cock rings.


Molten Core Raider
I've always had a problem maintaining an erection, even as a teenager. After being with my wife for a couple years she finally dragged me in to see a urologist who told me that he suspected I had a venus leak (the leak allows too much blood to escape the erection and gradually "deflate" it even if I was still aroused). He gave me a prescription for viagra, but even after taking it I would still lose the erection, it just took longer than if I hadn't taken the pill. Both cialis and viagra give me headaches (and I was told that I wasn't supposed to use more than half a pill per week of these types of drugs). It could be the headache or the suspected venus leak, but even on those I couldn't maintain an erection unless I was really aroused.

So after a few more years of being married and more or less celibate because of my inability to maintain an erection, my wife suggested we try a cock ring. I had tried one a few months after seeing the urologist, but it was plastic and not adjustable; it dug into me painful and was impractical. The new one is leather and has like 8 snaps (hugely adjustable). For the first time in my life I'm able to reliably orgasm during sex because of it. I'm a grower, not a shower, so your YMMV but I have to adjust it 2-3 times during sex as I have to start out on a smallest setting and as I get closer to orgasm I have to increase the size by 2-3 snaps or the head of my dick feels like it's going to burst (extremely uncomfortable and sometimes painful).

Anyway, here's the link:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Attachment 22432
My uncle owns a bunch of ED clinics, they use some sort of FDA approved injection that you take at home and it allows a patient to get an erection. It works on people with diabetes whose veins are shot to shit so I imagine it would work for for you.



Molten Core Raider
Wife said she wants to watch "a movie" with me.

Not sure if serious, or trying to lure me into saying "oh hey great, here's my massive secret porn collection!"

I'll probably start out with a "normal" bought DVD and go from there.


Buzzfeed Editor
Bro, don't fuck around. Go straight to throat gagging bukaki torture anal. Pull back that final curtain and show her your true face.


Molten Core Raider
Wife said she wants to watch "a movie" with me.

Not sure if serious, or trying to lure me into saying "oh hey great, here's my massive secret porn collection!"

I'll probably start out with a "normal" bought DVD and go from there.
Chicks love erotica, read some porn together works every time.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I've been having some mild issues with the lady friend and in response I'm going to try to cut back on porn as much as possible. Nothing too major, I don't have an issue getting it up initially, just that after 10-15 minutes of banging I sometimes lose it, especially like wamphyr said if there's any sort of interruption. And I've occasionally had a hard time getting to an orgasm, even after 20-30 minutes of banging away. It doesn't help that the lady friend isn't exactly a wild thing in the sack. Don't get me wrong, she's up for me doing what I want (not including the butt), she just isn't very good at going on top or BJ's, in all honesty. Not a star fish by any means, but not exactly a stripper either.

I think the past year or two of on and off Brazzers subscriptions has ruined my penis.




Bronze Squire
Wife said she wants to watch "a movie" with me.

Not sure if serious, or trying to lure me into saying "oh hey great, here's my massive secret porn collection!"

I'll probably start out with a "normal" bought DVD and go from there.
A lot of the X-Art stuff is very "woman friendly" and also readily available via torrents. Also, I have found that as cheesy as the plots can be, sometimes girls like that shit just to laugh at and lighten the mood a bit. So something along the lines of Pirates might also be a good intro-to-watching-porn-together ice breaker.


Trump's Staff
I downloaded an X-art pack from IPT and my wife hated it. She was annoyed that everything is always fucking white and there's zero dialogue. She acknowledged that she'd prefer someone poorly delivering the line, "Oh no, I can't pay for this pizza!" instead of three girls just silently gang banging the pool boy.