Long full disclosure


Molten Core Raider
Shelly1989 said:
I am not in a trailer park. That"s Ashley and Jeremy. I live in a 2 bedroom apartment, but my boyfriend and I are saving up to pay a house.
What exactly would you pay a house for? Other to tell you that you don"t have Lupus.


Awanka said:
It"s like a Stephen King novel. It looks like a slice of sleepy small-town America, but lift up one of those tiles, and Shelly is staring back at you. Energy vampires who crave menstrual blood lurk in the alleyways.
You forgot one.

GaliemVaelant said:
No, that"s pretty much how it went down. Some of the homeless people in downtown Shreveport think of themselves as the justice squad of the streets. You wouldn"t fucking believe it if you saw it yourself.

Aychamo BanBan

Darkclaw said:
Huh, so I decided to check out this shit hole, where the homeless are all walking around

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

Man only 65,000+ people live there. Damn no wonder your choices are so low for women.


Place defiantly looks like a shit hole:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

I can see how its so hard to find a job to pay the bills
Jobs, Employment in Bossier City, LA | Indeed.com

Dude, your about 150-200 miles or so from Dallas, TX. You should hit up James, he might hook you up with something he considers a 2, (that"s 12 on your scale).
Those pictures are of the riverwalk area. It"s a decent area; it has a big movie theater, a Hooters, and a couple of other decent places for beer. The rest of the city is shitty enough. I think Bossier is worse than Shreveport, even though they are basically connected (correct me if I"m wrong) It"s not a hell hole or anything, it"s better than where I grew up, but when you get on the outskirts its all hillbillys.

I only spent a month there, and didn"t get out much, so I may be pretty wrong.

But every city has horribly scary trailer parks where these tards live.

Aychamo BanBan

Grumpus said:
In this day in age, living in the country you live in there really is NO excuse to live such a pathetic existence. You are a drain on society and for every food stamp you receive normal people should be given bullet stamps and licenses to hunt down and shoot a human waste of resources such as yourself.
HAHAHA bullet stamps! Remember the old days you could kill a squirrel or something and sell its pelt at the general store? What if you got your bullet stamps, killed a resource drain, and then got a reward for it? Like one Shelly"s scalp would be worth a block of cheese. Or some salted pork.


Molten Core Raider
aychamo_aycono said:
HAHAHA bullet stamps! Remember the old days you could kill a squirrel or something and sell its pelt at the general store? What if you got your bullet stamps, killed a resource drain, and then got a reward for it? Like one Shelly"s scalp would be worth a block of cheese. Or some salted pork.
I would pick the salted pork, that sounds tasty.


aychamo_aycono said:
HAHAHA bullet stamps! Remember the old days you could kill a squirrel or something and sell its pelt at the general store?
Who the fuck was your father? Grizzly Adams?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This has gotten out of hand.

#1. What is wrong with living in a trailer? I am planning on moving out of this apartment and into a trailer soon. I may also attempt to solar panel my way into energy independence (In Michigan) just to spite Erronious and his high-and-mighty bullshit. This unbridled bristling at Erroneous" attempt to dissuade Galiem from Macguyvering something will end once I see how much solar panels cost and I do some advanced quantum algebra in my head to see the cost-benefit blows vampire chunks.

#2. Don"t pay attention to the trolls, GV. You"ve gotten in a tough spot and are trying to get out of it and I commend you for it. I don"t have mental issues but not enough of a cretin like Darkwingspawn to think it isn"t serious business. Your girlfriend (However unconfirmed she might be) is also cute. I recommend you concern FoH when making life decisions in the future though, and read this thread anytime you decide to have unprotected sex.


aychamo_aycono said:
Ah, I completely missed you were being sarcastic!

Believe it or not I can well imagine that it is nothing but hillbilly heaven down there. I can fully picture so horrible version of True Blood, where its nothing but energy feeding vampires running around munching on deformed midget vagina"s while they are on their period. All while the homeless hillbillies run around dual wielding a broken bat and rusty shovel screaming "We are Justice".

However, he could get rid of the internet for a few months and go to place where he could do better for himself.

Hell, I would lay money he could get a good job helping clean up in New Orleans. Hell, he could take a bus to Dallas and from there crash at homeless shelter long enough to get a job and find a place to stay.

This would be a step up.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hey Aychamo did you have any blood to suck when you got your dick bitten by

Aychamo BanBan

Tuco said:
Hey Aychamo did you have any blood to suck when you got your dick bitten by
Ha! There"s much uglier pictures of her out there! That was the fucking funniest night of my life. I wish that story were true. I had to call the police to get her out of my apt complex!

Aychamo BanBan

Tuco do you have the one where she had a bag on her head? It was super huge and you could see every gross wrinkle in her face, etc?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
rofl no I"m amazed I had that shit nestled with about 2000 other pictures from the internets.


Tuco said:
#1. What is wrong with living in a trailer? I am planning on moving out of this apartment and into a trailer soon. I may also attempt to solar panel my way into energy independence (In Michigan) just to spite Erronious and his high-and-mighty bullshit. This unbridled bristling at Erroneous" attempt to dissuade Galiem from Macguyvering something will end once I see how much solar panels cost and I do some advanced quantum algebra in my head to see the cost-benefit blows vampire chunks.
I feel that only good things could come of this. In fact, you and Galiem should document it on Youtube. You know for posterity.