Long full disclosure


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Shelly1989 said:
It is his choice and whether he wants to be on the birth certificate or not
Wait, I thought you were calling around trying to force the issue?

And what does it matter if it"s his choice? You still haven"t answered about your comment that Jeremy isalreadyon the birth certificate.

You wouldn"t be lying to all of us now would you?

Shelly1989 said:
My son"s father, Jeremy, is now on the birth certificate. I fixed the hospital"s lies that they told me about me having to put my husband on the birth certificate.


GV, I would definitely consider the following advice many states will award children to mother EVEN if the father can provide a better home. You had BEST check into state laws and cases and see if your state is a mother bound state or one which is willing to give custody to the father.

Personally I can understand why you would want custody of your child if it indeed is yours. But know this if you take any action without full knowledge of your state laws you may end up either a) paying for that child or b) being tied to that crazy for the rest of your fucking life, some states just the claim that your the father can be enough for you to be fucked in court.

But the choice is yours. Personally I would rather not be tied to that crazy cunt.

Aychamo BanBan

TheRage said:
BTW anyone else think this would be the end all of the SAW movie series? Be forced to fuck shelly or die. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!
Oh my god, blind fold me, hand me a hacksaw, and point it at my neck.


Sadly I know the answer to that one. She called Vital Records and said she needed the new birth certificate. She paid $15.

She assumed it would have GV"s name, since he is the daddy this week.

After reading our insightful posts, Shelly actually called and asked who would be on the birth certificate.

Vital records said it would be the same person as was put on it at the hospital.

Shelly said she wanted GV to be on the birth certificate, this week.

Vital Records lol"ed. They said it would cost $450, AND SHE WOULD NEED TO PROVE PATERNITY.

tl;dr... She wasn"t so much lying as continuing to be a complete fucking moron.


Erronius said:
Wait, I thought you were calling around trying to force the issue?

And what does it matter if it"s his choice? You still haven"t answered about your comment that Jeremy isalreadyon the birth certificate.

You wouldn"t be lying to all of us now would you?
No he is not on the birth certificate. That"s his choice to be on it or not. He wasn"t there when I was in labor and he wasn"t there when I gave birth. My family was there off and on. Since I am married and the father isn"t around, I legally had to put my husband down as my husband. I have been talking to my lawyer about all of the situation. Chase and my family knows I am and have been a good mother to my son.
Okay this is a mother bound state. Now if she got help and they said she was mentally incapable of raising HER son then GV, IF proved that he is the father, would get the kid. I looked it all up before. I was really bored at that point in time.


Molten Core Raider
Wait wait wait a second. In order to put this other dudes name on the birth certificate doesn"t that guy have to sign for it?

1. What the fuck is wrong with the dude thats actually on the birth certificate that he would willingly sign for a baby that is not his and who"s mother is this midget turd.

2. Is Shelly currently with said idiot?

3. If not is she currently leeching money from this guy as well?


Btw using googlefu your state allows disavowing of children up to one year of the childs life, or 10 years if the mother told you it was another mans. Dude cut ties, if the child lives to be an adult and looks you up if you happened to be the father you can explain the shit that happened and why you did it. Don"t tie yourself to her, go be happy with Ashley if thats what you want. Pretend this was all a bad dream.


He will not be able to take full custody of my son from me nor he can not stop me from seeing my son with joint custody. He has to prove something to doesn"t exist because I"m not unfit. Louisiana is a mother state.


GaliemsAshley said:
I would rather cut my own head off than fuck that piece of shit
Most people would agree with that, but...I must point out you are getting sloppy seconds of her from GV, no amount of showers can clean that off.

(Sorry GV, I feel for you i really do)


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Shelly1989 said:
No he is not on the birth certificate. That"s his choice to be on it or not. He wasn"t there when I was in labor and he wasn"t there when I gave birth. My family was there off and on. Since I am married and the father isn"t around, I legally had to put my husband down as my husband. I have been talking to my lawyer about all of the situation. Chase and my family knows I am and have been a good mother to my son.
But you"re leaving a lot out here. You can"t make it sound as simple as"he can be on it if he wants"if paternity needs to be proven AND someone needs to pay $450. Galiem needs that money for his solar power setup after all.

Shelly1989 said:
My son"s father, Jeremy, is now on the birth certificate.
Is Thambokx correct with the following, were you saying that he was "now on the birth certificate" because you made the assumption that he would be the one on it? In that case I suppose it wouldn"t be a lie, but it would be either naive or stupid to have thought that he would have been on it otherwise.

thambokx said:
Sadly I know the answer to that one. She called Vital Records and said she needed the new birth certificate. She paid $15.

She assumed it would have GV"s name, since he is the daddy this week.

After reading our insightful posts, Shelly actually called and asked who would be on the birth certificate.

Vital records said it would be the same person as was put on it at the hospital.

Shelly said she wanted GV to be on the birth certificate, this week.

Vital Records lol"ed. They said it would cost $450, AND SHE WOULD NEED TO PROVE PATERNITY.

tl;dr... She wasn"t so much lying as continuing to be a complete fucking moron.


My husband didn"t sign the birth certificate. I am not with him neither. I am not getting nor I don"t want any money from my husband even though he has offered to help since Jeremy will not help take care of his responsibilities for our son.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Shelly1989 said:
My husband didn"t sign the birth certificate. I am not with him neither.
But isn"t that pointless to argue if he HAD to be put on the birth certificate regardless? Isn"t he the one that is on the birth certificate right now?

Shelly1989 said:
I am not with him neither
It"s either...EITHER!