Long full disclosure


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Jesus, Erronius, are you that hard up for entertainment? I don"t think I"m a fucking vampire, first off. Second, who gives a rat"s ass that I was homeless? Not all of us were born with silver spoons in our mouths, you fuckin" narcissist.
I am here to Internet white knight for Erronius!

Listen you idiotic mentally handicapped fuckstick, you don"t come here and start threads specifically to create some sort of internet soap opera, and then get to whine and cry when you get shit on as a result.
Fuck I am late to the party!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Shelly1989 said:
Editing: typos.

This post is for my friend cowboy and Jeff! Cowboy said, "He will give out Jeremy"s number to everyone and Jeremy needs to watch his back." Jeff said, "Jeremy better give his book back to him because there is a lot of people wants to do stuff with Jeremy." Jeff knows Jeremy have his book. He visited me. We looked for his book just to make should that Jeremy has it.
Posting threats on the internet! I"ve called the local police. They said as soon as they clear up the case about your neighbor"s meth dealing(and something about fucking his dog?), they"re going to look into this!


Shelly1989 said:
Editing: typos.

This post is for my friend cowboy and Jeff! Cowboy said, "He will give out Jeremy"s number to everyone and Jeremy needs to watch his back." Jeff said, "Jeremy better give his book back to him because there is a lot of people wants to do stuff with Jeremy." Jeff knows Jeremy have his book. He visited me. We looked for his book just to make should that Jeremy has it.
Look, you don"t need to "edit" to fix "typos". At any rate, you"ve made us all fluent in gibberish because every single post you make looks like a drunk text.

Awesome job posting this stuff though, it certainly makes you look like someone who surrounds herself and her child with amazing influences!


Jeff and cowboy said it not me. I just posted what they told me to post and what they said. I told them that I am not in it. But I will post what they said to warn Jeremy. Even though, I shouldn"t be nice to let him know what they said, because of Jeremy lying and talking crap about me.


Buzzfeed Editor
Shelly1989 said:
Jeff and cowboy said it not me. I just posted what they told me to post and what they said. I told them that I am not in it. But I will post what they said to warn Jeremy. Even though, I shouldn"t be nice to let him know what they said, because of Jeremy lying and talking crap about me.
Shelly, what is this "book" you are talking about?
aychamo_aycono said:
GV, if you are truly considering suicide, or have a plan, or anything else, please go seek help.
It was a reference to the past and the shit I went through before treatment and SSA; intended as a pointer to the fact that people see the word "disabled" and immediately judge with absolutely zero knowledge of how or why SSA was awarded.

As for Jeff, he left a shit ton of his stuff in a hobo camp and blew town a year ago. Since then, I moved, Shelly moved out, and when the blowhard called me I asked him what the title of the book was because I don"t remember. Maybe he shouldn"t leave shit lying in hobo camps if it"s that important or, I don"t know, give an address for people to send important shit to.

But it"s a lot easier to be irresponsible and then make threats. "Cowboy" aka Donald Gary is banned from this property -- not my doing but something it turns out Shelly was right about. If he shows up here, he will be arrested. Since I tried to help out Jeff and he has gone to huffing and puffing, the same now goes for him. Fuck that dude. I owe him nothing, and I"m sure the people at Bossier City Jail know him well already.

As for my number, one call to Sprint changes it, but it would be nice to drop invasion of privacy charges on "Cowboy". This shit is posted for their benefit. Really, they"re fucking scumbags and it would behoove them to just forget they ever knew me. I don"t respond well to threats, and I am armed.
Also, I"m not dead to my three kids. My three year old daughter is here, so if anyone shows up here trying to start trouble the first action will be to call the police, the second to have her taken to the back room, and in the event that they become violent, the third will be to put a bullet in their ass. I don"t fucking play where my children are concerned.
Nah, it"s just about done. Chances are, Donald Gary is buttering up Shelly because in the event that his SO finds out what a conniving con artist he is and leaves, Shelly will be his meal ticket (again). So, they make threats to play on her bullshit.

I wonder what would happen if I let the city know about his practicing general contracting with no licensing or insurance? That"s a felony in this state. Two can play the threats game, but I"d rather he just make like I wish Shelly would and drop off the surface of my world. So there"s no need for me to do shit. He"ll fuck up his own life all on his own, as he has done over and over while alienating anyone who stoops to help him.

If the dude didn"t need to make sure he can get a free sandwich and bowl of ramen noodles when the bottom inevitably falls out of his life, he wouldn"t be saying anything. His problem with me? I won"t sell him my trailer for $200. He"s probably trying to get Jeff riled up for revenge, and they"ll both just end up in jail if anything happens to me at all, now that Shelly has posted this.

In fact, they better hope nobody ELSE fucks with me because I"ve shown this to a few witnesses now and if anything DOES happen to me, their threats will be the first thing the police see.

Jeff would get in a fight with a lamp post if he bumped into it. You know that drunken asshole who is ten feet tall and bullet proof the moment he gets a few beers in him? That"s Jeff sober. I watched this dude nearly climb in a guy"s car window to get at him because he didn"t like how the guy looked. How this dude is not in prison yet is beyond my reckoning, but he"s well on his way. T-minus some arbitrary time before Jeff sits in prison on murder charges because someone gave him a funny look.

Ravvenn hit the nail on the head. Shelly has absolutely outstanding company around her child. Off and on hobos (Cowboy), drug addicts, psychopaths (Jeff), etc.
Also, last thing on Jeff: I"ve looked for that book, and I"m absolutely sure Shelly took it with her. I know what books are mine. However, after this shit if I do find it, then I will throw it away. I tried my best to hang onto that shit to help this dude out, and after digging his clothing out of a hobo camp to carry to him at the hospital before he left town and my TRYING to guard his fucking book, if threats and drama is how he thanks me then he can go fuck himself.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
You shouldn"t throw it out. According to Shelly, the book contains a treasure map that Jeff"s dead grandfather made.

A secret cache of meth awaits.