Lost Ark Online


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think I'm one piece from 1350, but that video makes me not even want to bother going higher.

And that's after spending almost a week just selling my t3 mats.


Vyemm Raider
I think I'm one piece from 1350, but that video makes me not even want to bother going higher.

And that's after spending almost a week just selling my t3 mats.

The problem is launching with T3 and having these T1 and T2 half-ass catchup mechanics from island mats and shit. It gives people a false idea of the usual rate of progression. Not giving the added honing chance with Argos release just makes this worse. And it's obvious these decisions are solely based on the desire the milk the whales more, and fuck everybody else.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
The problem is launching with T3 and having these T1 and T2 half-ass catchup mechanics from island mats and shit. It gives people a false idea of the usual rate of progression. Not giving the added honing chance with Argos release just makes this worse. And it's obvious these decisions are solely based on the desire the milk the whales more, and fuck everybody else.
Well from what I've read, they also borked this by leaving a bunch of stuff out, or moving things like hard mode abyss to 1370. These are things that would've helped ease the pain of getting to 1370.


Vyemm Raider
Well from what I've read, they also borked this by leaving a bunch of stuff out, or moving things like hard mode abyss to 1370. These are things that would've helped ease the pain of getting to 1370.

Yes, like I said, they want to milk the whales as much as possible. Less means of getting mats means more money. Same reason we got fewer rewards on the racing event vendor.


Trakanon Raider
Well from what I've read, they also borked this by leaving a bunch of stuff out, or moving things like hard mode abyss to 1370. These are things that would've helped ease the pain of getting to 1370.

I'm not really sure that following an Asmon video is a good indication of reality. He's purposefully making things dramatic for the audience and pushing a narrative that appeals to his aforementioned audience.

You have some perfectly viable examples of what the push from 1350 --) 1370 looks like in the guild. Bishop recently hit it and Kyth should make it before this reset and there are a few others that will likely hit it the following reset. They've been gaining about 1.5 Ilvl a day (so two weeks to complete with a lot of fluctuation based on your luck).

It isn't quick. I was not being facetious when I said that I would rather re-do 0-1340 than 1340 to 1370. It will take you about 3 weeks, where there will be days of despair with failures and other days where you'll get a bit lucky and feel good. I keep stressing this but really, stop looking at the gain as a short term goal; I think a more realistic approach would be trying to achieve 1370 before April's content update.
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Molten Core Raider
I stocked up about 250 leap stones and thought I was ready to push to 1370. I ran out at 1366 starting from 1355. Other than the gold founder's pack I've done zero swipes or RMT gold purchases.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The daily chores wall hit me yesterday. Logging and feeling the need to do the X dungeon and X raids is usally not something I enjoy. It was ok when doing progress into T3 but the game kinda fizzled for me now. Many days of dailies to progress very little. Will take a short break I think and return refreshed later on. Sure theres tons of side stuff to do but I have missed stuff for 2 weeks due to them being certain times or only available once a week (Still haven't been able to catch Harmony Island due to RL).

The game is fun and theres tons of content but I'm just not feeling the daily quest grind really.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm

I dont agree with it, but I can at least understand a persons FOMO spending when it comes to getting to 1370. They could just play the game for another week or two and get there in reality. But someone plopping down thousands of dollars to get to an item level that literally unlocks absolutely nothing is pointless. The only thing I can think of would be to get MVP, but even then what is the point? Sort of like those people in Chaos Dungeons that go out of their way to deny other people damage so they can be MVP. Its about saving time here and.. you're failing pretty f'n hard at it you f'n moron.

The daily chores wall hit me yesterday. Logging and feeling the need to do the X dungeon and X raids is usally not something I enjoy. It was ok when doing progress into T3 but the game kinda fizzled for me now. Many days of dailies to progress very little. Will take a short break I think and return refreshed later on. Sure theres tons of side stuff to do but I have missed stuff for 2 weeks due to them being certain times or only available once a week (Still haven't been able to catch Harmony Island due to RL).

The game is fun and theres tons of content but I'm just not feeling the daily quest grind really.
Ya, I just dont do the dailies when I feel like that and go fk off and do something else. You've got ship missions to do that stuff if you're trying to at least keep some semblance of item level traction in your head. Ive done them more than I care to admit, so I feel ya. Forcing yourself to do them is a sure fire way to burn out in this game, WoW, or any other game that has dailies. I expect the game to have a lot of burn out simply based on how people have been playing MMO's for the past 10 years isnt recommended playstyle for this one.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont agree with it, but I can at least understand a persons FOMO spending when it comes to getting to 1370. They could just play the game for another week or two and get there in reality. But someone plopping down thousands of dollars to get to an item level that literally unlocks absolutely nothing is pointless. The only thing I can think of would be to get MVP, but even then what is the point? Sort of like those people in Chaos Dungeons that go out of their way to deny other people damage so they can be MVP. Its about saving time here and.. you're failing pretty f'n hard at it you f'n moron.

Coming from both Archeage and BDO, I think a significant number of those P2Whales are genuine gambling addicts getting their fun from the process, not the result. As soon as they'll get to the end of their current money sink, they'll move to another sink. Some of them don't even enjoy "playing" their character once it's maxxed. It's not about saving time, it's about spending money.
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Trakanon Raider
I don’t know if it’s me, but I just can’t detach my brain from this shit when I play the game - it just feels like ok, why not just work more and p2w? It makes the time spent to do stuff feel “not worth”.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I dont even care in this game. The dev has to make money somehow. The p2w model here doesnt effect.me in the least. Someone seeing a different encounter 1 to 2 weeks prior to.me isnt a big deal.

Play the game to have fun. When it stops being fun...quit. This mentality of having to be bleeding edge and playing 18+ hrs a day isnt for everyone...and thats fine.

Quite frankly I am.more envious of people that can afford.to spend.$5k and play 18 hrs a day....id like to be that financially independent too and have a ton of spare time. As it is, I dont....so my punishment is just seeing that encounter a few weeks after someone else.

I can handle that.
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Trakanon Raider
I dont even care in this game. The dev has to make money somehow. The p2w model here doesnt effect.me in the least. Someone seeing a different encounter 1 to 2 weeks prior to.me isnt a big deal.

Play the game to have fun. When it stops being fun...quit. This mentality of having to be bleeding edge and playing 18+ hrs a day isnt for everyone...and thats fine.

Quite frankly I am.more envious of people that can afford.to spend.$5k and play 18 hrs a day....id like to be that financially independent too and have a ton of spare time. As it is, I dont....so my punishment is just seeing that encounter a few weeks after someone else.

I can handle that.

I can't help but pity these people rather than anything. All of this uproar and people continue to frame the discussion incorrectly though. To be clear;

1- The release cadence of Argos was too quick for the casual player base to catch up with. This was likely intended by the developers to milk the whales. There is no excuse here and it's retarded.

2- Argos provides the exact same quality gear that was available at launch (T3 hard mode gear). The only advantage to the Argos set in terms of player power is that it provides a better set bonus than the abyss dungeon set. Let that sink in for a moment. The whales who are blowing cash to get to Argos early are accessing the encounter (which is a really fun encounter) a few weeks early and the only advantage is that their set bonus is better.

3- The upcoming April update is where things will get 'better' for casual players who are playing F2P. Many of the sources of additional materials should unlock and almost all of the upcoming content is normalized.

Based on the above, it would be fair to say that these people spent ~15k in order to have access to an encounter a few weeks early and be rewarded by a slight increase in crit rate. Would be cheaper to buy a fuckton of tokens in WoW, sell them and get carried across Mythic. At least the gear there would be significantly better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont even care in this game. The dev has to make money somehow. The p2w model here doesnt effect.me in the least. Someone seeing a different encounter 1 to 2 weeks prior to.me isnt a big deal.

Play the game to have fun. When it stops being fun...quit. This mentality of having to be bleeding edge and playing 18+ hrs a day isnt for everyone...and thats fine.

Quite frankly I am.more envious of people that can afford.to spend.$5k and play 18 hrs a day....id like to be that financially independent too and have a ton of spare time. As it is, I dont....so my punishment is just seeing that encounter a few weeks after someone else.

I can handle that.
Aye. There is a ton of content to play that doesn't need cash. And I'm not even sure what you "win" if you do spend loads of cash, other than getting gear faster while skipping content. Which seems to negate the point of playing the game. So what do they win?

They designed the game to want you to buy convenience items but not to have to. I've bought some energy potions for trades skills. Impatience is a great motivator for grabbing the credit card. So I get the want to get it over with. But after you have the best gear and maxed out skills what do you do?

As long as there isn't some sort of OP gear only attainable by cash or the free gear path doesn't take an unreasonably amount of time, then I don't really care if whales pay to skip game content.

I do agree though that it feeds into the gambler mentality, and some people have serious problems with gambling addiction. It is the most insidious of addictions and can destroy the lives of the gambler and his/her immediate family and friends.


Avatar of War Slayer
I decided to cold turkey quit.

The game was becoming just too time consuming. It is largely the daily format.
like you say, "fomo" you don't have to do that daily shit. But, you kindof do. like, for example, una's tasks. I had actually off and on decided on this. on Saturday, I realized the game was eating up too much of my free time. so was going to stop. but, then I thought, "I spent the last week doing this una task for the Eurus boat, I have 2 more days. Ill finish that off, then quit.".
after 2 days, I then realized I had another tier, and 12 more days... nah, I'm done then. during those two extra days, I was teetering back and forth. I had considered progressing the main story and call it then.

some stuff does have the "rest" mechanic. but thats still what, ever 3 days, or you are losing out?
Stronghold timers, daily login rewards, etc.

so the FOMO Again... , everyone wants to play optimally when gaming. its practically the entire point. its like a tactical minigame. its why everyone plays tactics, and sim games, etc. cookieclicker is entirely an exercise in maximizing efficiency.
and these mmos are basically designed to play them like jobs. Even when in theory, the dailies/weeklies are supposed to do the opposite... to stop players from farming nonstop.
What actually happens, because a player can't just go farm something, when they do have the time, they feel they need to log in daily, and get their bonus.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
For a forum that started off as EQ-focused, there sure are a lot of pussies in here. Remember when we grinded for weeks for a single item? +10atk upgrade that made almost no difference?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For a forum that started off as EQ-focused, there sure are a lot of pussies in here. Remember when we grinded for weeks for a single item? +10atk upgrade that made almost no difference?

Yeah, but what else were you going to do back then, go outside? Lot more time wasting choices these days.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For a forum that started off as EQ-focused, there sure are a lot of pussies in here. Remember when we grinded for weeks for a single item? +10atk upgrade that made almost no difference?
That was over 20 years ago though. And it was essentially the only option.


Trakanon Raider
Going to hard disagree that you have to FOMO in any game.

Having fun > *. When you lose sight of that and start treating video games as a second job that has more to do with your personality. Don't blame games for your deficiencies and lack of self control. If you can't balance that then quitting IS the right choice, but stop saying "the game makes me".

This is coming from someone who spent chunks of 150 hours a week grinding WoW PVP rank, thousands of hours camping shit in EQ and spattering of thousands of hours in practically every MMO that has existed raiding regularly and doing the mokoko seed equivalent. Shit was 100% on me even if some of the game systems sucked a dick, but I still had fun at the time and when I stopped having fun I quit immediately while I watch the same people who bitch never stop logging in because they can't control themselves.

As soon as this shit stops being fun. Later. Got dozens of games on the backlog waiting.