Lost Girls and Love Hotels (2020)

Aychamo BanBan

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Title: Lost Girls and Love Hotels (2020)

Genre: Drama, Thriller

Director: William Olsson

Cast: Alexandra Daddario, Carice van Houten, Andrew Rothney, Kate Easton, Takehiro Hira, Elisabeth Larena, Eri Ishida, Kanno Misuzu, Haruka Imô

Release: 2020-09-18

Runtime: 97

Plot: Margaret finds herself in the glittering labyrinth of Tokyo by night and as a respected english teacher of a Japanese flight attendant academy by day. With little life direction, Margaret searches for meaning with fellow ex-pats in a Japanese dive bar, drinking to remember to forget and losing herself in love hotel encounters with men who satisfy a fleeting craving. When Margaret crosses paths with a dashing Yakuza, Kazu, she falls in love with him despite the danger and tradition that hinders their chances of being together. We follow Margaret through the dark and light of love and what it means to find oneself abroad with a youthful abandon.

Aychamo BanBan

Interesting looking movie. Lots of scenes with Alexandria getting undressed, so hopefully plenty of her absolutely perfect breasts and ridiculously hot body. Almost looks like a good version of a dark 50 shades movie or something?


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Sanrith Descartes

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She needs to embrace the fact that her body wont last forever and use those titties to make as many movies as possible while she can.
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Aychamo BanBan

She needs to embrace the fact that her body wont last forever and use those titties to make as many movies as possible while she can.

Oh I full support this idea!!! And honestly she’s not like this insanely talented actress either. Show those tits as much as possible! Maybe even a nice crotch shot!


FPS noob
alexandria and yakuza? IM IN



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
She needs to embrace the fact that her body wont last forever and use those titties to make as many movies as possible while she can.
She's somehow already 34 and still looks beyond fucking incredible, so her body might last a bit longer than other people.
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<Gold Donor>
Because I'm bored at work, I'm gonna relate my Alexandra Daddario story. I have probably told it before. You don't have to read if you've got more important things to do. It isn't a great story.

I work with fucking nutburgers. They believe all kinds of conspiracy theories, ghosts, you name it. This one chick, her dad started reading The Secret, and got her hooked on it. To summarize so you don't have to buy the shitty book or even Google it, it boils down to "Whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you." So if you put good thoughts out there, good things will come back to you. If you give away money, money will come to you. Blah blah stupid horseshit. I'm obviously glossing over a lot of it, but I didn't read the damn thing either, she just tried to tell me all about it. Which was probably difficult, because I would shit all over it. I mean, obviously if you treat people respectfully, you're more likely to be treated the same back. But they would "put out into the universe" stuff like wanting to become financially successful and independent...but not do anything else about it except "put it out there."

So I was watching whatever the latest Percy Jackson movie was, and while I know it mostly sucked, it had Alexandra Daddario in it, prior to most people knowing who she was. It is more of a kids/teen type of movie, so they really took great strides to strap those titties down, but in a couple of scenes I noticed them, and I was obviously mesmerized. And after looking up to see that she was way more than legal, I told my coworker that I was putting out into the universe that I *really* want to see AD's titties naked. She got really mad at me for some reason!

Not more than a month or two later, True Detective Season 1 came out. And my wish was granted by the universe. I immediately told my coworker the next day, and showed her the clip on the internet and how glorious they were. And even some beaver! I told her that I was a believer now, and I was going to start putting out into the universe all the different women I wanted to see naked. She tried to tell me that's now how it is supposed to work, but I told her that the universe clearly agreed with me, since it reacted so quickly, and maybe she could learn a thing or two from my lesson.

She didn't speak to me for weeks. It was glorious. As were AD's titties.
  • 8Worf
  • 1Great Review
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Aychamo BanBan

Because I'm bored at work, I'm gonna relate my Alexandra Daddario story. I have probably told it before. You don't have to read if you've got more important things to do. It isn't a great story.

I work with fucking nutburgers. They believe all kinds of conspiracy theories, ghosts, you name it. This one chick, her dad started reading The Secret, and got her hooked on it. To summarize so you don't have to buy the shitty book or even Google it, it boils down to "Whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you." So if you put good thoughts out there, good things will come back to you. If you give away money, money will come to you. Blah blah stupid horseshit. I'm obviously glossing over a lot of it, but I didn't read the damn thing either, she just tried to tell me all about it. Which was probably difficult, because I would shit all over it. I mean, obviously if you treat people respectfully, you're more likely to be treated the same back. But they would "put out into the universe" stuff like wanting to become financially successful and independent...but not do anything else about it except "put it out there."

So I was watching whatever the latest Percy Jackson movie was, and while I know it mostly sucked, it had Alexandra Daddario in it, prior to most people knowing who she was. It is more of a kids/teen type of movie, so they really took great strides to strap those titties down, but in a couple of scenes I noticed them, and I was obviously mesmerized. And after looking up to see that she was way more than legal, I told my coworker that I was putting out into the universe that I *really* want to see AD's titties naked. She got really mad at me for some reason!

Not more than a month or two later, True Detective Season 1 came out. And my wish was granted by the universe. I immediately told my coworker the next day, and showed her the clip on the internet and how glorious they were. And even some beaver! I told her that I was a believer now, and I was going to start putting out into the universe all the different women I wanted to see naked. She tried to tell me that's now how it is supposed to work, but I told her that the universe clearly agreed with me, since it reacted so quickly, and maybe she could learn a thing or two from my lesson.

She didn't speak to me for weeks. It was glorious. As were AD's titties.

You know, fuck you. hahah.

I saw this shit about putting things into the universe, and a four paragraph post. I thought like the story was going to be you met her coming out a store and she was pleasant, or something great. lmao :)

Sanrith Descartes

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She's somehow already 34 and still looks beyond fucking incredible, so her body might last a bit longer than other people.
Imagine how much she could make if she went the THOT route.


<Gold Donor>
She recently had an Instagram video of her and 2 (much uglier, one completely flat-chested) friends in a swimming pool. She kept fucking with the camera she had put on the side of the pool, so she was constantly pulling herself out of the pool with her tits practically centered on the screen. And her suit was flesh colored, so from a distance it totally looked like she was nude. Might still be out there to see, if you're that interested.

Oh, and if I had actually met her, I'd have probably mentioned that dozens of times over the years, as that might be my only claim to fame. Even living in California, I never meet celebrities. Just faggots (and not the gay kind).


<Gold Donor>
In 1987, I shook Reagan's hand while I was at college. Was cool. Better than any tits.
  • 1Seriously?
  • 1Pathetic
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Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database