Lucasarts shut down.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
That was a good company, and made some of the most memorable games of the 90's. But as many point out here, I'm not even sure I can name a game they made after ca 2000, let alone a good game. I do hope this means that some of the old titles will get licensed out or re-made (like Monkey Island, that's an excellent example of how to remake a classic!).

As for Space Shooters, the last good one that I played was Freelancer. That one had a very good mouse driven flight system. But I don't think I've seen a good joystick game since the turn of the millennium. ...not that I'm complaining.


Loved me some Dark Forces back in the day. I was sick for a week out of school in 5th grade and my teacher bought me Dark Forces and brought it over so I could play. This was the same teacher that incorporated playing SimCity 2000 into his course lessons and every Friday was capture the flag in the afternoon. Good Times.

I played Fate of Atlantis for hours as well. Althought I always hated the submarine and hot air balloon parts.

Did anyone else ever have an Incredible Universe store near them back in the 90's? I remember going there and they had X-wing ( was that the one where the first level was in the canyon?) playing in a home theater setup and thinking it was amazing. lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
Everyone forgot Shadows of the Empire and the more recent Force Unleashed titles. I haven't thought about SotE since high school, I enjoyed it at the time but the n64 was new then too. FU 1 and 2 were both way too short story wise, but I really liked the aspects and use of force powers.

I always assumed Disney's videogame studio did rather well, given how much epic mickey 2 was being advertised. Holy shit was I wrong there. My wife loves the model behind Skylander's and that seems to be the mold for the new Disney Infinity. Since I'm required to own it I hope it's good.

Edit...Secondary thought. Any hope to getting Star wars characters in Disney's Infinity? I'd love to be Darth Vader and kill some annoying cartoons that have been drawn in the last 15 years.


Side note to talking about old games. Before Compuserve and AOL we used to connect to the internet within Clarisworks (lol) to our local library. It was all text based and I remember browsing a very early type of message board/group of people selling Star Wars collectibles. Anyone else connect that way?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Shadows of the empire, omg the music in that game gives me chills whenever I hear it. The battle with IG88 (my favorite Bounty hunter) was awesome. Jesus remake that fucking shit please.

I think the first SW game I ever played was either dark forces or rebel assault. I'm pretty sure it was rebel assault I played and I played it when I was around 3 or 4. After sonic the hedge hog and mario it was the first game I ever played.


The Curse of Monkey Island is one of my all time favorite adventure game. That said, I've probably played all their adventure games through twice, at least.

I just hope this gives Tim Schafer a chance to pick up some IP.


So how much would an X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter remake get via kickstarter? Enough to cover the licensing you think?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Jedi Outcast online was one of the best multi-player experiences I've ever had. The lightsaber duels with the different stances and shit with different moves depending on keyboard movements and when you attacked was fucking awesome. I still remember when someone would try and cheese me with the sliding thrust from medium you could back/jump/attack in light and your character would flip over them decapitating them. So awesome.


So how much would an X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter remake get via kickstarter? Enough to cover the licensing you think?
Between two and five million dollars.

And no, that is not enough to cover the licensing, or the cost to develop a current-generation space sim.


I heard Disney was shutting down all Star Wars related stuff, games, adverts, toys, marketing, everything, until it was time for Episode 7.
I sort of agree with, but given the schedules and times to make good next-generation games, you would need to start working on a Episode 7-tie in video game, if it was to be any good, real soon.

The real problem was that LucasArts had a couple of games in development since 2009 (such as "1313"), none of them were close to being finished, and the company was bleeding money. There was no way that those games would ever see a positive ROI, and the company was bereft of good business or creative leadership. For example, check out the number of LucasArts company presidents in the last five years. Witness the wasted hiring and two years later departure of creative talent such as Clint Hocking.

Combine that with games that were set between Episodes 3 and 4, and you have a recipe for disaster. The Star Wars universe will now be turning to stories, films, and games that are set after Return of the Jedi, and so the after the prequels games such as Force Unleashed and 1313 no longer make sense.


Molten Core Raider
Between two and five million dollars.

And no, that is not enough to cover the licensing, or the cost to develop a current-generation space sim.
Star Citizen is the only example so far of a Kickstartered Space Combat Sim, and they raised 6.23M.

But honestly, which Dev out there has the skillset to make a space sim? That whole genre has been dead for a long time. Looking at wikipedia for a list of space combat sims I find this: Almost nothing has been released in recent years. SOL, which I had never heard of was released last year but had a 57 Metacritic rating. So there's a huge void of talent/knowledge in that genre now.


Star Citizen is the only example so far of a Kickstartered Space Combat Sim, and they raised 6.23M.

But honestly, which Dev out there has the skillset to make a space sim?
The flying part of Red Faction: Armageddon was actually 100% straight Descent and it was amazingly fun. Not coincidentally, RF:A's developer was Volition, the same people who created Descent: FreeSpace & FreeSpace 2. Imo Free Space 1/2 were the best Space Combat Sims ever made by far. The talent is still there in the industry, but sadly the industry has decided that that genre doesn't bring in enough cash to justify making those games.

If we're lucky Koch Media, who now owns Volition, will explore that IP (they got everything from Volition except for Red Faction), but sadly I doubt they'll ever use it.

Thank god for Kickstarter really. If not for it I have a feeling that Space Combat Sims and Isometric PC RPGs would never see the light of day again.


Molten Core Raider
Star Citizen is the only example so far of a Kickstartered Space Combat Sim, and they raised 6.23M.

But honestly, which Dev out there has the skillset to make a space sim? That whole genre has been dead for a long time. Looking at wikipedia for a list of space combat sims I find this: Almost nothing has been released in recent years. SOL, which I had never heard of was released last year but had a 57 Metacritic rating. So there's a huge void of talent/knowledge in that genre now.
While not only space combat,Elite: Dangerousshould revive the genre sometime next year.
I'll wish diarrhea upon Mr. Braben if it doesn't.

I'd love to see a Tie Fighter vs. X-Wing on current machines. Maybe even consoles but... naaaah. Needs a joystick.