Lumi's Batshit Insane Thread


Vyemm Raider
hasn't changed my mind yet...

You mean you don't believe in Flat Earth???

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  • 1Jonesing
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Vyemm Raider
It's normally not legit to complain about negs, so feel free to neg me for this.

But this thread requires content, people request content, and I get negged for providing said content.

What is wrong with you faggots? Post your own shit or get the fuck out of this thread.

Let the negs rain.
  • 5Salty
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I did.. Do you?
I'd be much happier with a hollow earth than flat earth if given the choice

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Yes, of course I do. But that's not the point.

The point is we won't have any content for this thread if people punish the messenger for bringing the lulz.
That’s the point of this thread bro. You gotta take a beating for your beliefs for the amusement and betterment of this forum. Your senpai bro Jesus didn’t back down even when he knew telling his truth would end with his torture and death. Be more like Jesus.
  • 1Worf
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Vyemm Raider
That’s the point of this thread bro. You gotta take a beating for your beliefs for the amusement and betterment of this forum. Your senpai bro Jesus didn’t back down even when he knew telling his truth would end with his torture and death. Be more like Jesus.

You misunderstand me, bro. I'm not arguing for my own benefit. I'm arguing on behalf of other people who might keep this thread alive posting random hilarious stuff they find. Really, I'm arguing for YOUR benefit on behalf of lulz.

Don't hurt the lulz, bro.
  • 1Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider
This thread does need content, it'll be boring as fuck without it so I won't be down voting anyone for posting.
But you need to be able to take a beating for your beliefs and punch back.
I can't come "around" to the flat earth theory or hollow earth or computer earth or the others... Even though I don't believe anything I'm told (earth is round) they just don't feel right.
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Vyemm Raider
This thread does need content, it'll be boring as fuck without it so I won't be down voting anyone for posting.
But you need to be able to take a beating for your beliefs and punch back.
I can't come "around" to the flat earth theory or hollow earth or computer earth or the others... Even though I don't believe anything I'm told (earth is round) they just don't feel right.

I disagree.

I've learned to tolerate people unable to think flexibly. Unable to maintain the necessary suspension of disbelief required to understand arguments that aren't presented clearly or in their strongest forms. The patience to be gullible.

That's one of the things I respected about Christopher Hitchens. He was a man with the humility, no, the intellectual honesty to take both sides of an argument seriously. He refused to be satisfied by mere contempt or ridicule. No, he wanted decimation. And that takes effort. The effort of taking your opponents arguments and improving on them. Making them as sharp as possible. Steel sharpens Steel.

Often, I find myself in the situation... Well, imagine this thread was about International poetry, right. I'm trying to translate Greek poetry into English in this thread dedicated to poetry. But, instead of fellow poets I find myself in a thread full of grammar nazi's who can't overcome their disgust of imperfect semantical structure to see the beauty of the poem.

But, it's worse than that. Even when I translate the poem perfectly, you still have people coming in this thread who don't understand the rules of poetry are different than the rules for verse. So, the insult the poem for not being structured as verse.


In other words, Lumi was right. Most of you are retarded braying asses, and any effort is wasted on you.

No, I don't need to argue a position. I'm done with that. I'm merely going to post lovely poems and allow you the freedom to translate them yourselves if you're mentally capable of it.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What if the Earth is actually flat, but only in base reality? Given we are in a simulation, they created the spherical Earth concept to make us feel insignificant in such a huge universe.
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Uncle Tanya
I'll add content and give y'all a talking point :)

Lumi was completely off my radar but since I've been on this forum more, I've branched out of my thread a bit and definitely getting a better feel for the board as a whole instead of my niche compartment.

I took the time to read about 10 pages in and 5 pages back because I only got brief references to Lumi's insanity via others mentions. I understand there is history here with Lumi that goes back even further than even the beginning of this thread documents. People have also mentioned a slight comparison to him and I, albeit kinda with the disclaimer attached that he is a much worse "case" if you will of the mental illness component, and especially after I've admitted I'm a Christian that talked about the existence of the Garden of Eden.

Let me put this out there that I'd like to keep what people usually focus on (I'm guilty too, not just y'all) about me distinct and separate from this thread. If there are trans issues / questions, I'd ask you take those to my thread. I'd like to entertain dialogue here as ONLY a person who holds basic Christian tenets and beliefs.

With that said, after reading a bit and trying to get familiar with Lumi... from what I've read so far, his view of creation and God are at least similar to mine. I'm sure though, like Alice's rabbit hole, the deeper I dig the more dissimilar things would crop up, however.

I think a clear distinction can definitely be made about all the conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo however. I don't subscribe to any of that shit.

I don't think an Illuminati exists, I don't think lizard people exist, I don't think 9/11 was an inside job, I don't think the moon landings were fake, I don't think the earth is flat, JFK may have been an inside thing tho (idk), and I don't think aliens have visited earth (I'm skeptical of their existence at all).

I'm honestly just a vanilla flavored Christian that believes that the bible is divine scripture and everything in it is true, mostly literal, and that's it. Nothing really radical going on with that.

People have also put words in my mouth and said I'm a young earth creationist (I never stated this). Evidence suggests the earth is really old. Evidence suggests we are evolved primates. I truly believe that whilst the evidence appears to indicate those ideas, it is something that ultimately remains unprovable based on what is impossible via the scientific method. Without a time machine (impossible tech imo), we cannot actively observe these things happening. I feel it's like a murder scene. We can look at the evidence and make STRONG cases toward a scenario playing out based on that evidence, and we can even convict people of crimes that likely took place, but no one except the people that were there AT THE TIME can 100% know. Have people been falsely imprisoned? Of course. Have people been falsely imprisoned even though the evidence was very strong that they were the guilty party of said murder? Of course.

The universe and all of its complexity = The crime scene
Carbon dating, sedimentary layers, mutations on the micro scale, DNA similarities between humans & chimps, et al = the knife, the blood spatters, the footprints, the broken window
Human Beings = The crime scene investigators / detectives
God = The falsely accused, actual murderer, victim, witness

We can make assumptions; we can piece together a narrative, paint a picture, and present a good case to the jury, but we CANNOT ever be in God's "shoes" so to speak and truly know what the fuck happened. A murder scene is complex. How much more complex is this amazing universe... from the tiniest subatomic particles and how cray cray quantum physics are to the unfathomable size and scope of the most distant and awe-inspiring celestial objects in space like super-massive stars and black-holes.

I'm not saying that I'm 100% certain that evolution is true/false or that a young earth is true/false. I'm saying that both scenarios are possible. If God exists (I think He does), I think most of us can agree that He would be capable of shit that would make our heads spin off our necks. I'm not saying I KNOW beyond faith what occured at the dawn of creation and the years and years of time that have passed since then up until now. I'm saying we can't know for sure ... We cannot TRULY know who killed Mr. Body in the Hall with the Revolver. We can make damn good deductions and draw damn good conclusions, but only God was there, not us... only God is holding the packet that contains the who / where / weapon cards.
  • 1Jonesing
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I stopped reading after you said you believe Bible scripture.

Anyone who believes that drivel is either autistic, mentally compromised, low brain function or brainwashed.

I believe in dimension walking, vampire psychic child molesters more than I believe that a dude named Yeshua turned water into wine in the middle of a desert.
  • 2Solidarity
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