Mad Men


Buzzfeed Editor
This show man... what can you say.

It would seem that we're firmly on the deconstruction of Draper arc though, and it'll probably go all the way to the end. I've got a feeling there's gonna be a lot of cringing "God DAMN it Don, that's a BAD idea. Stop. STOP. God damn it" moments to be had from here on in.

But at least these guys can do that and keep it from feeling like you're watching some relentlessly depressing fucking french "art" film.
Well, that could be a good decision that Don made at the end of the episode. A guy in his position at his stage of his career should not be sitting around coming up with copy. He should be fostering young creative talent and building relationships with clients. All shit Don hates.


Still a Music Elitist
You talking about this most recent episode? He didn't kill anything, and it was a memory of his childhood, not a dream.
He's talking about an episode last season. Don gets the flu or something and starts hallucinating and thinks he kills someone he had a relationship with before Megan.

Episode was weird but good. It reminded me a lot of the films from the late 60s and early 70s - Kubrick style stuff. I have a feeling this will be one of those shows that will be remembered fondly when all is said and done. This season might end up being better than the last.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The coolest thing about this episode was that I felt like I was on drugs when watching it. I was just as confused as Don by the jumps in time and overall weirdness of everything.

I'm still confused about why Dawn was missing all of last episode. I was expecting that to play a role in this episode, but it wasn't mentioned and she was back to business-as-usual.


The part where don is chasing Ken around the office and then stops and walks into the creative room all slowly and nonchalantly was hysterical.


Gunnar Durden
I liked the Lost Time Concept, was interesting. Agree on Don sprinting then showing up to give a pep talk. Moment of the night behind "Do you have a Heart Condition" - Fast forward 2 minutes "I have a heart condition" "Oh thats not the problem".

But the wheels fell off quickly. Seeing Don first as a stalker and then as a mad man on drugs trying to figure out how to get Rosens wife back, was weird and reminded me of a Beautiful Mind.

The black woman in the house wit hthe kids was just "WHAT THE FUCK?". It was just bad, awkward and it made me sort of uncomfortable and I wanted to stop watching.

I suppose in the end now Don Realized that he should have been home, and that when Sally said "I dont know anything about you" that he needs to cut the shit...I dunno though, just felt weirdly put together.
I thought it was a great episode. The highlight for me was Ken dancing. First I was laughing really hard, then it just kept going and I wasn't sure how to react. Thought all the drug stuff was really well done, and someone guessed it was Speed further up, I'd probably second that.


FPS noob
"What the hell happened this weekend? Half of this is gibberish! Chevy is spelled wrong!" hahaha

Bummer we didn't get to see more Roger or any Joan, Roger took the other young creative guy to the hospital apparently

sally and her brothers were watching the prisoner, an episode where 12 gets drugged and in a hallucinogenic state the entire episode.

don is pretty fucked up as a kid, a pedo hooker basically raped him and his step-mom beat his ass right after. yeah, she was a nice piece of ass but still pretty fucked up.

actual 60s chevy ad:


Musty Nester
Well, that could be a good decision that Don made at the end of the episode. A guy in his position at his stage of his career should not be sitting around coming up with copy. He should be fostering young creative talent and building relationships with clients. All shit Don hates.
Well yeah, that WAS a good decision on his part. It was him spending all weekend in trying to figure out how to get his mistress back that was the cringe part. He pulled up out of that tailspin at the last minute. Sure, he was drugged, but 90% of the episode was "GOD DAMMNIT DON".

Don has spent so much time #winning in the series that I expect we'll start to see him actually become human. Which is a good thing, but he's been full bore superhero mode for like 3 seasons, so it's also gonna be a bit of a deconstruction.

As far as Dawn went missing... that was weird. But there was -zero- Joan in this episode and like 30 seconds of Pete. I sorta think Dawn just went missing for an episode.

"I think it's broken."
"You can hear that?"
"No, I can't hear anything. I think it's broken".

D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww right in the feels


FPS noob
Who was the hippy chick? It sounded like someone's daughter.
she was the daughter of the guy who died, he was the one that peggys boss visited in the hospital. which makes it really creepy that the other old guy was watching her get fucked, since he probably watched her grow up from a baby and was the one that brought her into the office (short mention at the end)


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I had a whole bottle of red wine in me when I started this episode and I think that was the correct state to watch it in. I thought it was pretty funny in a WTF kind of way and I was also wondering where in the hell Joan was in all this.


<Gold Donor>
maybe Don is realizing that he can't control everything and letting things go one at a time. I am not sure.
I think that it's taking that route right now but I don't think that he's willingly letting go of things, I think that he's getting to experience himself get deconstructed. Every episode seems to be taking a little away from the persona and it will be interesting to see if that continues as blatantly as it has been or if it cools down a bit. Don stopping at his secretary's desk and kind of grasping that Dawn isn't there (Don isn't there?) was a nice transition into one of the time shifts and was nice foreshadowing to his daughter's comments about not actually knowing anything about him. I was not really liking this one while watching it and kept getting a Rum Diaries vibe where it seemed like they were throwing all of this chaos and manic activity in for just the sake of crazy but the b-story with his kids and the black lady burglar tied all of the odd urgency together well in the end. A lot of really thoughtful writing persists in this show even when I'm not immediately seeing it.


[...] I was also wondering where in the hell Joan was in all this.
As Megan noted in the previous episode, when you work in a TV show, you can still ask for vacations and have the writer work around it. That's probably what happened with Dawn and Joan. Also note that the 'agency on speed' storyline could not really work with her around considering she has the part of the no-nonsense slave-driver.


Gunnar Durden
Se was just in the hospital last week. Ad they showed that in the opening. S she was at home convalescing.


I thought that at first too, but then I remembered she had a scene at work post hospital in the last episode: her saving the head of the insufferable suck up that was (with a motive or not) nice to her.