Mad Men


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I heard Matt Weiner on "Fresh Air" on NPR and he basically said that he hates the "next week on" segment and if they would let him he wouldn't do it but they won't so he does the next best thing and makes it but shows you absolutely nothing about what will be on next week.


Trakanon Raider
what a fucking mess he has to deal with, i'd fucking get hammered as well. What to do?
the pete campbell moment was a bit strange.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Episode was a bit slow until it started throwing haymakers at the end. First Bob hitting on Pete then Sally walking in on Don and then the awkward dinner.


Gunnar Durden
Ted seems like a whiny bitch.

LOWER YOUR GUNS DON. I love how don was just like "What, thats it?!?"

At first I was thinking Manny the Nurse was Bobs boyfriend when he said "I dont think he goes that way". then Pete called gays degenerates and you could see bob sort of be hurt - so then I was like oh wow Bob is gay and is with Manny. Then out of left field he makes a pass at Pete. WOW. Kind of funny that we all think the big reveal for Benson would be hes an undercover agent, a murderer, a time traveler. And in the end its just that hes gay. This just makes me miss Sal. I wish Sal came back or never left.

When you think about it, the times changed in the 60s for Woman and Blacks, and we have seen that on the show. They all moved forward and had their fight recognized. But Gays from Sal to Bob over 5 years, no change. You could argue it didnt change much for 30 years.


Gunnar Durden
Yeah, not saying they were treated fairly or equal.

Just saying that since the series started we've seen women be empowered in the workplace, youth fight the establishment, and Blacks fight for civil rights and gain entry into the workplace as well.

Gays are still hidden in secrecy and treated as "disgusting". Ignored during the great social progressive period.


<Bronze Donator>
The Bob/Pete scene was weird for me. I never really caught on to the creepy vibe a lot of people here did with him. I just thought he was trying to hard to get ahead at the company.

I'm pretty amazed with any scene in this show where Don falls out of his comfort zone. Betty confronting him about his past. Proposing to Megan. Peggy quitting. Everything with Sally in this last episode. He plays normal Don so well that it's just refreshing to see some of Jon Hamm's range when the character is forced into a tough situation.


The scene with Creepo and Pete made me wonder if Pete was closet gay. Why would Bob hit on him if he didn't have some massive gaydar go off? After all, he had JUST said gays were disgusting. But then I remembered all the women Pete cheated on his wife for, and that theory kind of went out. So now I'm wondering wtf did Bob hit on Pete. The "sometimes when someone looks out for you blah blah" part was kinda aimed at Pete I think, but still..

I like where they're going with Sally knowing about Don & Sylvia now.

Finally, what does A1 mean and how does that relate to the kid mailing back his draft card in protest? Was he in Paris for high school or college?


Buzzfeed Editor
According to ehow:

Men who were classified 1-A were deemed available for unrestricted military service. A 1-A classification meant that they could be drafted whenever needed.

Read more: U.S. Military Draft Classifications in the 1950s & 1960s | eHow
And at that point in the war I think they were pretty much calling up everyone. At least they make it seem that way. So basically if he didn't volunteer for something like air national guard or skip to Canada, it was only a matter of time before he was shipped off to be an infantryman deep in the shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
Finally, what does A1 mean and how does that relate to the kid mailing back his draft card in protest? Was he in Paris for high school or college?
He was in Paris for school and I believe he flunked out because he was getting too much pussy. A-1 means you're fit for military service and have no extenuating circumstances to prevent them from calling you up for it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The scene with Creepo and Pete made me wonder if Pete was closet gay. Why would Bob hit on him if he didn't have some massive gaydar go off? After all, he had JUST said gays were disgusting. But then I remembered all the women Pete cheated on his wife for, and that theory kind of went out. So now I'm wondering wtf did Bob hit on Pete. The "sometimes when someone looks out for you blah blah" part was kinda aimed at Pete I think, but still..

I like where they're going with Sally knowing about Don & Sylvia now.

Finally, what does A1 mean and how does that relate to the kid mailing back his draft card in protest? Was he in Paris for high school or college?
The way I understand it is that A-1 means he's eligible for the draft; i.e he's on the list now to go and serve. He technically could have avoided it because he was in school, but as an act of protest (against his parents?) he filled out his card and sent it in anyway, resulting in him being added to the draft list. Then he left school so he was completely shit out of luck because he couldn't even say "No, sorry, I'm in school." when the draft came a callin'.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
A1 was the Selective Service designation denoting that a person was available for any type of military service. 4F was GTFO.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ohh I didn't know that is what 1A meant. For some reason I thought it was something like AWOL but for people who were draft dodging.


Musty Nester
Last episode was kind of a slump, but it kinda had to be with the back-to-back awesome that it followed. This episode wasn't quite as good as the one before last but it was very good. Yeah, the Don/Sally part was great, and the Pete/Bob thing was cutting but the absolute best part was seeing



Musty Nester
And I think Bob will do just fine.

That seriously might have been the most important episode of the show. Not for the story but for what the story is meant to accomplish.


Musty Nester
The scene with Creepo and Pete made me wonder if Pete was closet gay. Why would Bob hit on him if he didn't have some massive gaydar go off? After all, he had JUST said gays were disgusting. But then I remembered all the women Pete cheated on his wife for, and that theory kind of went out. So now I'm wondering wtf did Bob hit on Pete. The "sometimes when someone looks out for you blah blah" part was kinda aimed at Pete I think, but still..

I like where they're going with Sally knowing about Don & Sylvia now.

Finally, what does A1 mean and how does that relate to the kid mailing back his draft card in protest? Was he in Paris for high school or college?
Have you never hit on a girl because you had to? You had like no fucking choice in the matter, and you KNEW she was gonna shoot you down... but you do it anyway because you've reached the point where you don't even care if it's yes or no, you just need something to be different. Think of it like that it makes perfect sense why Bob did it.


FPS noob
so why was bob hanging out with joanna so much, the gay guys love big tittied women?

i miss old crazy confident pete, the new whiny pete is no fun.


Musty Nester
Whiny is just the transition between douchebag pete and don't wanna punch him in the face pete. I predict when his mother dies Pete will finally start to be a decent person. And you got to see in this episode why Pete is such a colossal jackass. I mean the first place his mother goes when she's angry with him is "you're unlovable and you have always been unlovable".

Yeah, she's demented. What that means is she's said that shit to him a LOT during his life.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, Pete's family is super fucked up. Also, the thing with Pete that really makes him insufferable for most in the office is that he isalmostalways right (In the office, not his personal life). He's always two steps ahead of everyone else, and always reading people much better than anyone else--I guess he's always had to in order to survive in his vulture family. But even this week, when Don was completely befuddled at Tom's idea of how they were "at war"--Pete called that well in advance, and Don didn't even see it was happening, he thought everything was smooth sailing.

But Pete's ultimate problem is that he KNOWS he's right, and he doesn't know how to be graceful about it. That's why he always gets punched in the face, lol.


Buzzfeed Editor
Pete really has a good sense of people, except when it comes to women he is totally blind. He made an ass out of himself with his secretary, with Peggy, with his wife, with that bitch he was cheating with, with his mom, with Joan. Pete just can't win with women, ever.