Major nuclear accident in Europe's largest power plant reported


Golden Squire
I thought Germany was moving back to large amounts of coal fired plants due to moving away from their nuclear program. Way to go green Germany!!!
Na, there are serious discussions and plans about building a few modern coal and gas plants to compensate for the spikes of renewable energy sources until enough infrastructure to transport and save energy is build up. These plants are then somewhat planned to be on standby/low output, unless more power is needed.
There is also media coverage, mostly triggered by big power companies, about possible upcoming power shortages. But consensus in the big political parties and among the population is still no nuclear, less coal/gas, more renewable energy.

Besides people who don't want a wind turbine visibile from their living room, because it hurts their feng shui, most people only have issues with the cost of renewable energy against nuclear plants, but that is somewhat unfair, as the cost for renewable energy is clearly visible via the subvention model Germany choose, while the real cost of nuclear reactors is fucking through the roof, but not directly visible.