Making a Murderer (Netflix) - New info


Ssraeszha Raider
They were related to employees. The defense lawyer couldn't dismiss them when they found out since theit dismissals had already been used up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah Strang said in some recent interview that even though they couldn't dismiss the jurors with familial ties to the county administration. It was better than what they had already dismissed.

Which really says a lot about this county...


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Considering you haven't let the slightest thing go in this thread... at all.

This can be considered a small amount of karma.

Jive Turkey

Considering you haven't let the slightest thing go in this thread... at all.

This can be considered a small amount of karma.
You mean like continually being told I can't discuss the completely plausible scenario that he might have actually committed the murder, yet still have had evidence planted by the police? Being accused of saying he should have been found guilty despite the evidence tampering? Learn to read or shut the fuck up


Millie's Staff Member
what scenario is completely plausible? he told everyone that TH was coming to the house. he made no attempt to destroy the car with his crusher or use his smelter to incinerate the corpse. but naw, he put some sticks on top of the car burned the evidence in a bigass bonfire he invited people to come look at and just tossed a bunch of bones 10 feet behind his bedroom.


Buzzfeed Editor
You continually make light of it, but that's the crux of the argument. He can't simultaneously be a criminal forensics genius who covers up the murder and all of the blood and physical evidence, and then retard who throws the body in a pit 10 feet from his back door. It is a pretty glaring inconsistency. I guess he could, but it seems pretty unlikely.


Millie's Staff Member
the best i can come up with for a plausible scenario is that avery tried to put the moves on theresa and she resisted and in the struggle she fell down and hit her head causing her to die. avery panicked, tossed her in the car drove it down a desolate road and maybe tossed her body in a fire. then he came back and started his own bonfire in order to mask the smell of the fire he started where he ditched the body. colburn later finds the rav4 and just assumes it was steven and from there he and lenk find where the body was burned collected it with a shovel and dumped the remains behind his house and left the car at the edge of the property.


Buzzfeed Editor
There were at least 3 burn sites, or sites where burned bones were found. I have no idea how to concoct a story to fit all this crap in.

Jive Turkey

This is the last I'll clarify unless something new comes up (I've got nothing riding on this and am fine with new information proven previously plausible to be bullshit)

what scenario is completely plausible? he told everyone that TH was coming to the house. he made no attempt to destroy the car with his crusher or use his smelter to incinerate the corpse. but naw, he put some sticks on top of the car burned the evidence in a bigass bonfire he invited people to come look at and just tossed a bunch of bones 10 feet behind his bedroom.
This is the kind of semantics game you guys like to play. I said the scenario that Avery killed her, yet the police still planted evidence is plausible. Nothing more.

You continually make light of it, but that's the crux of the argument. He can't simultaneously be a criminal forensics genius who covers up the murder and all of the blood and physical evidence, and then retard who throws the body in a pit 10 feet from his back door. It is a pretty glaring inconsistency. I guess he could, but it seems pretty unlikely.
This is another move you guys like. A criminal forensics genius? Yes, if we assume she was slaughtered like a pig in the trailer, but none of you believe that's what happened. So you use Dassey's testimony when it's convenient for you. It's possible the police just don't know where the fuck she was killed. I posted some possible -possible- statements that could point to something happening in the garage, but nowhere did I claim it was enough to say he murdered her. And nowhere did I claim the bullet found wasn't planted.

If you think that makes me a retard, then you've got a really low threshold for retardation as far as forum posts go


Unelected Mod
I said the scenario that Avery killed her, yet the police still planted evidence is plausible. Nothing more.
Yes, this seems perfectly plausible to me also. However, in that case, he still deserves to get off. Not that I think you disagree with that.

If you think that makes me a retard
The only retarded thing you are doing in this thread is arguing with Popsicle and Astro on the tv forum. Your arguments themselves are quite reasonable. This documentary just makes you want to rail against something and you are the convenient target since your view has some nuance.


Buzzfeed Editor
This is the last I'll clarify unless something new comes up (I've got nothing riding on this and am fine with new information proven previously plausible to be bullshit)

This is the kind of semantics game you guys like to play. I said the scenario that Avery killed her, yet the police still planted evidence is plausible. Nothing more.

This is another move you guys like. A criminal forensics genius? Yes, if we assume she was slaughtered like a pig in the trailer, but none of you believe that's what happened. So you use Dassey's testimony when it's convenient for you. It's possible the police just don't know where the fuck she was killed. I posted some possible -possible- statements that could point to something happening in the garage, but nowhere did I claim it was enough to say he murdered her. And nowhere did I claim the bullet found wasn't planted.

If you think that makes me a retard, then you've got a really low threshold for retardation as far as forum posts go
Even if it happened in the garage there would be an enormous amount of blood. Have you ever killed and cleaned an animal? Imagine trying to clean that good enough to fool a forensic team. Somehow Steve Avery the redneck retard did it? Very doubtful.

Yes, I'd say he would have to be some kind of forensics mastermind to pull that off.


Millie's Staff Member
i wasnt arguing with JT. i was curious about his "plausible scenario" because none of the evidence makes any damned sense. of course its plausible that he might have killed TH, its plausible that the non retarded dassey killed her or the other hunter did too. the evidence is now so tainted and befucked with that a conclusive murderer is impossible.


Unelected Mod
the evidence is now so tainted and befucked with that a conclusive murderer is impossible.
Yeah, this definitely seems to be the case. My view after finishing this isn't really about Avery at all. It is that I don't think there is any way a reasonable person could find anyone guilty without reasonable doubt at this point.


Potato del Grande
Even if it happened in the garage there would be an enormous amount of blood. Have you ever killed and cleaned an animal? Imagine trying to clean that good enough to fool a forensic team. Somehow Steve Avery the redneck retard did it? Very doubtful.

Yes, I'd say he would have to be some kind of forensics mastermind to pull that off.
Wasn't Jive's expert theory that there wouldn't be any evidence of blood or DNA or anything at all from the victim because Avery could have wrapped her in a blanket?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yeah his theory on the case was pretty laughable at best. His best piece of evidence was the oh my god sweat dna on the car!1!


Got something right about marriage
No, Khalid is right, his argument was very nuanced. Nuanced in the fact that he could somehow completely ignore that nothing the investigators uncovered as evidence could be considered credible and choose to hang his hat on one piece of evidence that surely wasn't subject to conflicts of interest at best because... well I have no idea why he thought any evidence introduced by those corrupt pieces of shit could be considered credible.

Jive Turkey

The only retarded thing you are doing in this thread is arguing with Popsicle and Astro on the tv forum. Your arguments themselves are quite reasonable. This documentary just makes you want to rail against something and you are the convenient target since your view has some nuance.
Guilty. If nothing else, I'm prone to an argument