Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Guarding the guardians
You really have to wonder about chicks that are fucking multiple guys at once and then picking one. It's ok bro you probably don't have an STI.
Not really. I'd want to fuck a lady on an early date, but I wouldn't expect her to exclusively fuck me at that point. (I'd like it, but it is not something I expect - or wonder about)


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Banged my nurse 2nd date. She was really fun too. Really good change of pace after the trainwreck last chick I dated who basically acted like all men are out to make her look foolish.Then yesterday she tells me she decided to go exclusive with some other dude she's been seeing for a while. Feelsbadman. She acted absolutely enthralled by me, so I'm pretty damn confused. Maybe the other guy found out about me and decided to lock it down? Maybe something else? God is punishing me for getting really high and calling the guy on the last page a fag? Not worth speculating?

Oh well, atleastwebanged(TM)
It was a bang-off and you lost.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You really have to wonder about chicks that are fucking multiple guys at once and then picking one.
No, you really don't. That's how much pretty much every single person(man or woman) operates if they are sexually active and attractive.


Molten Core Raider
I don't get the shock over this. I've been dating as many as three before. Until it's official I'm not seeing the big issue. The hardest part is just remembering things and not calling one of them the wrong name.


Got something right about marriage
I have no issue or problem with dating multiple people at once. I did it for a while the past two years myself. However, I will say this. It makes the whole process of dating insincere and indifferent. So if you just want to have some fun and enjoy someone's company then perfect. If you are looking for an actual relationship it's a terrible practice. And once you start doing it, it's a really hard habit to drop.

I really think internet dating is going to drastically change the social outlook on marriage. Young people are just not going to give a shit anymore as they grow up in this brave new dating world. There are way too many options and it's way, way too easy to get laid.


I kinda have the same feeling. I've never discovered like 8 dates in that holy shit suddenly I've realized this is the one or whatever. It's first date, then the next few confirm or deny. So to juggle several people at once is like an announcement to each that you're not really overly interesed in them. The way it manifests with me though is I play it cool if a girl I just start seeing is doing it, but I feel massively uncomfortable doing it myself. If a girl is so so and I wanna keep playing the field, I kinda hide it from her because otherwise I feel like I'm basically announcing "I'm not really into you."

That's bad practice though for a guy. Nothing in the world prevents oneitis as good as having a backup chick, and nothing fucks up your mental game worse than NOT having a backup.

My problem is dating just isn't fun anymore. When I was younger it was fun to go out and try to get laid. Meet new girl, try to crack the code, etc. But that's boring now, so there's hardly anything left. There just really aren't that many worthwhile girls to date, so inbetween you either go celibate for months and months or you go back to the game, which has no allure anymore.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I guess I'm a bit of an outlier but I was never very recreational with having sex even at the height of my online dating where I had like 3-4 dates a week. Unless I was ready to commit to the girl and stop trying to date and see other girls I wouldn't make a move.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Never dated multiple women at once, but I had a lot of one night stands punctuated every now and then by a girl catching my interest and dating only that one for x amount of time. Dating multiple at once just looks exhausting, I'd rather entirely pass to another number if the current girl isn't worth my full attention.


Molten Core Raider
I dated two girls at once for approximately 2 weeks, and I hated it.

Got set up by 2 different friends(that don't even know each other) with a new girl just 1 day apart. Met one on a Friday night, the other on a Saturday. Liked them both a lot. Went out with each again during the next week on different weeknights, again the following weekend(Fri/Sat) and then while making more plans with both(both wanted to do something on the following Saturday) I had to call it quits with one. It was actually a damn hard decision as I liked them both, but for different reasons. One was younger, perky, cute, fun, great in bed, but still living at home and not really too established yet in her career(was working retail while going to college part time), the other was a couple years older than me, cute, a little more laid back and relaxed, but hadn't slept with her yet, and more established in her life(good career, owned a home, etc).

I chose the older one, cut it off with the younger one, and 2 years later was married to the older one and now we have a kid together, so it seems as though I made the right choice.

All of this was after coming off a bad relationship and not really dating anyone for like a year and a half. Its odd how nothing happens for so long, but then when it rains, it pours. Wish I could have met the younger one a year earlier and had some time to have more fun with her


A Mod Real Quick
I dated two girls at once for approximately 2 weeks, and I hated it.

Got set up by 2 different friends(that don't even know each other) with a new girl just 1 day apart. Met one on a Friday night, the other on a Saturday. Liked them both a lot. Went out with each again during the next week on different weeknights, again the following weekend(Fri/Sat) and then while making more plans with both(both wanted to do something on the following Saturday) I had to call it quits with one. It was actually a damn hard decision as I liked them both, but for different reasons. One was younger, perky, cute, fun, great in bed, but still living at home and not really too established yet in her career(was working retail while going to college part time), the other was a couple years older than me, cute, a little more laid back and relaxed, but hadn't slept with her yet, and more established in her life(good career, owned a home, etc).

I chose the older one, cut it off with the younger one, and 2 years later was married to the older one and now we have a kid together, so it seems as though I made the right choice.

All of this was after coming off a bad relationship and not really dating anyone for like a year and a half. Its odd how nothing happens for so long, but then when it rains, it pours. Wish I could have met the younger one a year earlier and had some time to have more fun with her
Nope dude, according to this thread and all of my calculations you have made the wrong choice.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's the right choice, right up until you realize it's the wrong choice. The key is to try and keep it the right choice until one of you dies. Then it doesn't matter.


Got something right about marriage
My problem is dating just isn't fun anymore. When I was younger it was fun to go out and try to get laid. Meet new girl, try to crack the code, etc. But that's boring now, so there's hardly anything left. There just really aren't that many worthwhile girls to date, so inbetween you either go celibate for months and months or you go back to the game, which has no allure anymore.
I actually really hate dating at this point. It feels like a waste of time and money. It's very rare these days that I meet a girl I'm really into and when on the rare occasions I do something always goes terribly wrong within about a month. I can't even tell the difference between being too picky and disconnected myself and just genuinely not being into her anymore. The lines are getting blurred. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I went off the deep end after my last relationship. There was a 6 month period where I slept with probably 20-25 different women and some of them were more than willing to just be booty calls. Prior to that I was very much a serial monogamist and now I just find it hard to care.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Perhaps you're into the wrong kinds of girls who are almost incapable of having a stress free relationship. I altered my perception of females and dating from seeing them as almost nothing more than a walking vagina to actual humans and trying to find a girl I connect with mentally and emotionally as of the #1 import instead of connecting physically as #1 import the quality of women I was finding increased. Sure my wife probably will never let me jam it in her ass or choke me while sucking me off hanging from a highwire but I know we get along, we enjoy similar things and she doesn't freak out about nothing. I find the whole argument by males who say they can't find a good girl similar to the insane girl who only dates unemployed bad boys saying they can't find a stable relationship. If you want a stable relationship stop looking in all the wrong places.


Got something right about marriage
Perhaps you're into the wrong kinds of girls who are almost incapable of having a stress free relationship. I altered my perception of females and dating from seeing them as almost nothing more than a walking vagina to actual humans and trying to find a girl I connect with mentally and emotionally as of the #1 import instead of connecting physically as #1 import the quality of women I was finding increased. Sure my wife probably will never let me jam it in her ass or choke me while sucking me off hanging from a highwire but I know we get along, we enjoy similar things and she doesn't freak out about nothing. I find the whole argument by males who say they can't find a good girl similar to the insane girl who only dates unemployed bad boys saying they can't find a stable relationship. If you want a stable relationship stop looking in all the wrong places.
I've never looked in all the wrong places. The biggest problem for me is money and ambition. In fact, most of the girls I dated were professional and stable but just bored the ever living fuck out of me when we spent time alone. They just didn't excite me. I care about having good sex but that has a lot to do with emotional as well as physical connection. I don't wander the streets and the internet searching for undiscovered pornstars. I kind of give everyone a chance to surprise me, and when they don't I walk away.

I don't think I've given too many stories of dating crazies. I've dated a handful but it isn't the norm for me. I usually ended up getting bored rather than having my bushes shat on.


Got something right about marriage
"I'm pretty sure this girl and I have nothing in common but maybe I'm just being persnickety. She seems good on paper, maybe we'll hit it off"