Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Musty Nester
I think she's wearing a padded bra to show how the new size would look

If you're augmenting THOSE tittays... don't. It's not worth the procedure, and if she's not happy with those D cups then F cups aren't gonna make her any happier. The problem here is not the hardware, it's the software.

Unless she's just upset that they're starting to sag.

I thought she was gonna be relatively flat chested. Which I like, personally, but tend to be in the minority both male and female.

Of course me, I talk crazy about 75% of the time. You should probably listen to dirk.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
That is with the sizer in the bra. What she would look like post op not now, but based on responses seems people agree it’s a nice size.
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Trakanon Raider
Stupid drama makes the workplace toxic, mostly. And then whoever's doing the schedule has a pain in their ass. Human nature being what it is, and the tendancy of shit to roll downhill.

But yeah, I don't mean that literally "oops, we broke up" PINKSLIP!

The worst thing about dating a coworker would have to be the fact that you'll have no escape from her ranting about Sheila and all the hot gossip around the office.
Plus, as stated if yall end up deciding to go on a vacation and in the same department, now it's a pain in the ass to schedule time off since you both need to be gone.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure he was a swell guy and got screwed. My point is that you're inviting all kinds of trouble if you start playing grabass at work whether it's a co-worker or not.

Trouble you already invited when you started dating the co worker.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Yeah that stuff all sounds great and noble, but you put 2 people that want to fuck in an office together for 40 hours a week and what do you think's gonna happen.
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Trakanon Raider
Like everyone else has said, there are too many women out there in the world. There's just no way she's worth it.

As a man and in a more senior position, you're guaranteed to lose in the career game. The most you can hope for is to skate by before things get serious or one of you hightails it to a new job.

Relationships at work are bad. Stay away.
  • 3Truth!
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Can you post a similar picture without the sizers? Let's see where she's starting from.

I'll ask her, probably okay with that clothed, she doesn't mind you guys seeing them fully but said she wants to wait till before/after pics. I would never post them in screenshots so I'm not sure how I'll overcome that yet, Maybe a blurred nipple and spoiler tags are sufficient for here, we'll see. I already warned her there are some serious knees too sharp assholes on these forums but for the most part I like the community better in the tamer side of the railroad tracks.


Trakanon Raider
Trouble you already invited when you started dating the co worker.

I guess there are two types of people. Those that say you should never go to Cosby's house and those that say you can go, just don't have a drink. Guess I'm the latter.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that stuff all sounds great and noble, but you put 2 people that want to fuck in an office together for 40 hours a week and what do you think's gonna happen.

I know what's going to happen. We're both married to other people now and still work together.


I'll ask her, probably okay with that clothed, she doesn't mind you guys seeing them fully but said she wants to wait till before/after pics. I would never post them in screenshots so I'm not sure how I'll overcome that yet, Maybe a blurred nipple and spoiler tags are sufficient for here, we'll see. I already warned her there are some serious knees too sharp assholes on these forums but for the most part I like the community better in the tamer side of the railroad tracks.
This kind of thing we could allow here in spoiler tags.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Mom in law woke up, wife got sick and mom in law is mad at brother in law for some reason we haven't figured out yet. Think she's blaming him for what happened a bit. since he was gone the whole weekend and came home to her having a seizure.

Its kinda funny honestly.
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Musty Nester
That's next level. Mom guilt is one thing. Mine has never resorted to a seizure though.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Like everyone else has said, there are too many women out there in the world. There's just no way she's worth it.

As a man and in a more senior position, you're guaranteed to lose in the career game. The most you can hope for is to skate by before things get serious or one of you hightails it to a new job.

Relationships at work are bad. Stay away.

Here's a doozy for you then. One of my good friends is an Associate VP at a mid-size software company. He's worked there for 10 years. During this time he got divorced from his wife who also works at the company (they got hired on around the same time and were married before they started working there, have a kid, etc) because he was fucking some other girl in the office.

Breaks up with that girl after he gets divorced. He travels a lot to meet clients and manwhores around. Eventually knocks up another girl at the same company he is now a VP at while still traveling around and manwhoring a lot. I know he's banged at least 4 other women who work at his company also.

So picture this, your ex-wife baby momma, woman you ruined your marriage over, pregnant girlfriend, and multiple bitches you just banged all work at the same company with you and all of them are in a subordinate position to you in some way.

I told him he better be damn glad its a foreign company and all of these girls aren't American. He himself is also a European obviously. But some of these girls work at the American side of the business so... yeah.

He must really like having such a complicated life. I think it will hit him like a freight train when he tires of being the road warrior and wants to be in the office more than he is now. Whooooo boy.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So picture this, your ex-wife baby momma, woman you ruined your marriage over, pregnant girlfriend, and multiple bitches you just banged all work at the same company with you and all of them are in a subordinate position to you in some way.
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Ssraeszha Raider
May as well bring it up again, because the holiday season always fucks with me

Find myself depressed a lot because i have no one in my life and increasingly feel isolated from my family.

Went to a therapist even several months back but that didn't really help.

Doesn't seem to matter how i look physically, dress, do my hair, etc: women simply are not interested in me and I feel like some sort of leper outcast that no one wants to be around.

I've engaged in homosexual activity from time to time, because I just want to feel like SOMEONE is interested in me.

Haven't been in a relationship since 2011, haven't had someone say "I love you" since 2007. This shit is really wearing me down and eating away at my soul. I know it's made me far more of a bitter person than I wanted to be.

I engage in self harm at times because I feel my life has no meaning or value anymore. Too afraid to kill myslef.
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