Marvel Heroes 20xx

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
So I started 5 days or so ago and I have Cyclops up to to lvl 35. Don't think I really like him but trying to slog it through to 60 for the 10% exp bonus on another hero I do like. Wish leveling were faster so I could just stop playing him now. Damn min/max personality.
You should've played back during the original launch. It played like old-school EQ when trying to level by taking forever!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Cyclops is one of the better levelers in the game too. You're in for a rude awakening if you think he's a slog.


Trakanon Raider
So I started 5 days or so ago and I have Cyclops up to to lvl 35. Don't think I really like him but trying to slog it through to 60 for the 10% exp bonus on another hero I do like. Wish leveling were faster so I could just stop playing him now. Damn min/max personality.
Every Monday is Midway Madness. Spend an hour or two in there and you will level quite quickly.


I'm picking this up again because the last time I played as Storm and it got a bit boring flying around destroying everything without really trying. Since I've been reading Deadpool Classic I figure I'd see what he is about. I know he hasn't had a revamp yet, but I'm sure they will get around to him.


Most deterring factor from getting me back into playing the game is the ridiculous inventory limits. Logged in a few times and what little space i have is jammed full. I could purge alot of stuff but it fills up again in no time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Really? i've had to scramble once or twice with 24 stash tabs, but I'm a bit of a hoarder. could probably prune a whole lot of garbage out.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
My issue is I hoard midtown and Odin boxes like crazy for the next heroes. I have 12 stash tabs filled with both of those boxes...


Mr. Poopybutthole
The important thing is teleport at level 1! woooo!

But yeah looks like they're putting a LOT of work into this review.


Lord Nagafen Raider

Looks like the next raid is gonna be Knowhere with Thanos.


Trakanon Raider
Definitely going all out on Cable when he is released. Got 2 stashes full of boxes that I will open for his two new uniques and I will also buy his Marvel Now costume.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, that new costume looks pretty slick but I've already got his Techno-Organic virus costume. I've resisted buying Black Ops this long, I can resist Marvel Now too.


Turns out Jocasta has an unlimited supply of artis instead of making you reroll every time you buy one, so I bought 4 more perfect nano-poisons.


Molten Core Raider
New storymode leveling stratergy:

Here's a rough guide:

1) Do Shocker SQ (Story Quest)
2) Do Doc Ock SQ
3) Chapter 3, go to Safehouse and get your XP just for talking to somebody. Seriously, you'll level up just by clicking one button.
4) Go to Hand Tower
5) Go to Kingpin SQ and then to Magneto SQ
6) Talk to Xavier in his School Hub then off to Sinister.
7) Talk to Xavier again and then sadly, go to AIM Weapon Facility.
8) Kill all the bosses there.
9) You should be at the upper 40s at this point.
NOTE: This is the kicker and how this works. Go to Clea and buy a Neuralyzer IF YOU ARE NOT in the upper 40s. This allows you to reset story mode quests so you can DO THEM AGAIN for more XP again hahahaha. Cosmic prestiges love this as the xp is godly from 47 on up (This is when Doom unlocks and you start to do Heimdall and go up 4 bars if you're boosting hard).
10) If you didn't need a Neuro, proceed to Doom and Kurse. Once you're at 47, this is your new leveling rotation:

- Heimdall, Kurse, City Under Siege, Loki, Doom. Neuro if not at 60. Rinse and repeat. Again, this begins at lvl 47!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Was working on the classic firestar achievement chain, and I ran into a problem. Was going to gear up Dr Strange for his achievement, and realized I didnt have a costume on him because I tossed it in the blender. I'm damn sure not buying him a costume 3 days after a bogo and gold sale just ended, so my options are to either do 100+ cosmic bosses without costume affixes or a core, or prestige him first.