Marvel Heroes 20xx


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah I think they fiddled with the drop rates or something a few patches ago, at least for the harder to get stuff. On the bonus RiF weekends you can really notice your artifact drops go way up, especially if you chain run X-Defense. I also did the 500% deal which was actually 1000% with the double weekend bonus and I like 2 uniques the entire weekend.

I really love how open they are for most things, but they also have an annoying way of just totally shutting down on certain issues, like for instance with Life Leech Cores. They removed em back in December I believe and have done nothing but stonewall any requests for an update.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Course not an hour after posting about the loot, Doomsaw just did a long post in regards to loot and the changes to it coming in the next few patches. Some really good changes, especially if the boost to Any Hero Uniques is decent, think they should drop much more often.


Got something right about marriage
I've only been playing since January and this game has had more updates in those 2 months than Diablo 3 had in 2 years.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
That's a pretty low bar though. I guess it gets more updates then PoE too on the arpg side, but their hero system seems more similar to MOBA games.


For this week...aka tomorrow's patch...

The first thing we're doing is upgrading the item hunting experience by:

Increasing the drop rate of unique items for level 30+ heroes in all zones and modes.

Changing the ratio of uniques to have a 90% chance to drop a unique usable by your current hero (up from 80%).

Independently increasing the drop rate of "Any Hero" and "Shared Hero" unique items very significantly. Now that we have so many more "Any Hero" uniques, the rate should reflect the quantity. @amthua is also working on an alogrithm to increase the rate of these automatically whenever a new "Any Hero" unique is added. This will be done separately so they don't reduce the chance of you getting a unique tailored to your hero.

Reducing the price of upgrading uniques to level 40 and 50 by 50%.

Doubling stack sizes for all boosts.

Replacing some of the incidence of cosmic gear slot 1-5 in cosmic chests with cosmic rings (less feast/famine)

Increasing drop rate of Gem of the Kursed on Kurse in Level 60 terminals

Increasing drop rate on the Hulk Medallion and other boss Medallions in Holo Sim

Increasing loot on solo and split-wave bosses in Holo-Sim and X-Defense

Fuck ya!


Molten Core Raider
How did you get it that high? You can get 30% from gear, 25% from core, 7% from uru enchant, 200% from 5 bars, 50% from boost but that's only 307%, did you have iridiums too?
Bought one of those giant boxes of fortune cards for shits & giggles and got like bank full of every boost. Had p much everything running. Guess I'll not log in till the patch since they're doing big things to drops.


Trakanon Raider
Gaz really knows how to make a game fun and treat its customers. All these big AAA companies with their shit customer service could learn a thing or twenty.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So, I'm still being a cheapass at the moment, and inventory space is a constant problem. I'll probably buy some G this weekend or next week, and assuming I don't immediately blow it on turning Loki into Sif (his normal voice irritates the shit out of me) I'll expand my stash. I know I'll get at least one crafting tab but after that I'm not sure if it's better to unlock hero-specific ones or to get generics instead.

In the meantime, what do people consider worth keeping? I gave up on crafting mats except for genomes long ago. For relics I've been hanging onto Attilan, Lemuria, Gibborim, and Wakanda. Runes are taking up a stupid amount of space since I don't have any clue what's useful and what isn't.

Got Wolverine as my third hero, sounds like he's one of the better melee heroes according to the forums.


Buying stash space is about the only worth while thing you should buy in MH. You should buy 1 crafting tab just for runes and other things like matrix of unbinding, unstable molecules etc. There are a handful of artifacts that will be 100% useful to multiple heros in the game, generally what I do is keep only those artifacts, but I only keep 2-3 of them. If I find another that's better than my 2-3 I replace one of them and dump the other to save space. I also hold on to uniques I may not use now but will use on a future hero, and also unique dupes for future StarkTech items.

Some of the artifacts to hang on to off the top of my head: (includes advanced versions). Metasensory Array, Peruvian Superconductor, Power Prism Shard, Ziggurat of Kargal, Xerogen Crystal, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Mental Focus Headband, Raptor Stone, and I know there is more can't think of them atm.

As a new player, these videos were informative. Posting for other noobs.

A (Mostly) Comprehensive Guide For New Players - Video - Marvel Heroes

Basic Controls and Settings - Starts at 0:01:05

Movement, use of powers
Help menu
Gameplay/keybinding settings

Powers and Characters - Starts at 0:04:33

Discuss power types (basic vs. spirit spenders, etc.)
Typical build type (Solid basic, movement, AOE, single target spirit spender for bosses, passives)
Character types (melee, ranged, hybrid)
Giving characters a 'fair chance'

Gear and Vendors - Starts at 0:10:54

Types of gear
Ubiquitous vendors
Leveling up vendors
Odin's Palace specific vendors

Stats, User Interface, and Windows - Starts 0:22:44

Info windows (social, character change, inventory, log, synergies, etc.)

Story Versus Leveling Quickly - Starts at 0:29:53

Strategy - in general, go through story or level much faster
Quest Rewards
Strategy for leveling quickly (items, synergy, etc.)

Acquiring New Characters/Using the Inside and Outside of Game Stores - Starts at 0:46:11

3 Methods for getting characters (splinters, G, Online Store)
Additional items for purchase

Interaction With Other Players - Starts at 0:53:00

Social window
Chat - New Functions in Patch 2.3
Etiquette (preferred, at least)

Endgame and Phat Lootz!!! - Starts at 0:59:03

Terminals - Re-organized in patch 2.3
Holo Sim (added patch 2.3)
More characters

New in 2.2 - Starts at 1:14:11

Runes, runewords, enchanting

Coming Soon - Starts at 1:18:37

New characters
Danger room

Additional Tips and Hints - Start at 1:22:02

Additional legendary quest tips
Forums (aka this site)/MarvelBase
Inventory swapping

Closing Remarks/Thoughts - Starts at 1:33:43

So that's it. As I said, this is really intended for new(er) players who are having difficulties and I made it as comprehensive as I could, but there are obviously plenty of pieces I missed, so feel free to add in the comments. I hope that it can clear up at least some confusion with playing the game and introduce most of the important elements. Thank you and, once again, hope it helps!!

Patch 2.3X

Patch Highlights

New Instance - Holo-Sim
DD and HT Reviews (along with some other minor character changes)
User Interface Updates
New LQ's and X-Def Waves


Got something right about marriage
So, I'm still being a cheapass at the moment, and inventory space is a constant problem. I'll probably buy some G this weekend or next week, and assuming I don't immediately blow it on turning Loki into Sif (his normal voice irritates the shit out of me) I'll expand my stash. I know I'll get at least one crafting tab but after that I'm not sure if it's better to unlock hero-specific ones or to get generics instead.

In the meantime, what do people consider worth keeping? I gave up on crafting mats except for genomes long ago. For relics I've been hanging onto Attilan, Lemuria, Gibborim, and Wakanda. Runes are taking up a stupid amount of space since I don't have any clue what's useful and what isn't.

Got Wolverine as my third hero, sounds like he's one of the better melee heroes according to the forums.
As far as buying G goes. A friend of mine has 5 extra codes for 2600G. I think he paid 10 bucks for em (each). He lurks here, I'll ask him if he wants to sell one (since you can only use one code per account, these were from some nVidia promotion)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So, I'm still being a cheapass at the moment, and inventory space is a constant problem. I'll probably buy some G this weekend or next week, and assuming I don't immediately blow it on turning Loki into Sif (his normal voice irritates the shit out of me) I'll expand my stash. I know I'll get at least one crafting tab but after that I'm not sure if it's better to unlock hero-specific ones or to get generics instead.

In the meantime, what do people consider worth keeping? I gave up on crafting mats except for genomes long ago. For relics I've been hanging onto Attilan, Lemuria, Gibborim, and Wakanda. Runes are taking up a stupid amount of space since I don't have any clue what's useful and what isn't.

Got Wolverine as my third hero, sounds like he's one of the better melee heroes according to the forums.
wolverine is strong as well as a bit clunky and boring to play. Its very much spamming 1 skill an awful lot. If your hurting for stash space, you dont need any set up to run multiple clients so having bank alts is really easy to do. Saves a lot of room on stuff like artifacts and runes.

also looks like gambit is getting pretty much a full rework and it looks pretty good.
Gambit Design Update - Marvel Heroes


As far as buying G goes. A friend of mine has 5 extra codes for 2600G. I think he paid 10 bucks for em (each). He lurks here, I'll ask him if he wants to sell one (since you can only use one code per account, these were from some nVidia promotion)
I'm the lurker
Anyways I have 3 keys left now after Vorph nabbing one if anyone is interested. It's one per account btw...I didn't read the fine print and bought 5...ooops

Thanks Vorph!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Also saw some info on the Team Ups coming, sounds like Spider-Man and Falcon are gonna be the first two, possibly coming in April with the Cap movie. Can summon them for 30 seconds every 3 minutes, though this can be boosted via some type of items, and they will provide a passive at all times as well.
Yeah , this game is a lot of much it has changed since release is amazing.I threw some money at them and bought 6 stash tabs a few heroes and boosts here and there. Been fortunate with my random hero boxes , Jean , Punisher , Nightcrawler , Ghost Rider , Gambit , Daredevil , Thing , Scarlet Witch and one dupe which was Storm. But loving this game , wish the costumes werent so pricey. Thats my only gripe , they should be half the price of what they are currently. Other then that , loving it.


Got something right about marriage
There is a lot of carryover for abilities too. Some heroes play very similarly with almost the same skill sets. Also, there is very little build variety. Just get some good defensive stats and then throw every spare stat on gear you can at crit rating and crit damage rating. However, they did such a great job with variety of things to do and especially the voice overs for each hero that you still feel like your playing a completely different and unique character every time you roll a new hero that you barely even notice the above "problems". Ms. Marvel is the only hero I've played (out of the 10 I've played) that plays drastically differently than all my other characters. And that's only because of her absurd damage negation activation abilities and side effects of movement skills.


I don't know. The characters mostly feel a LITTLE different. Hulk feels different than Black Panther, even though they're both melee characters.

There definitely needs to be more build diversity though. Half of most character's trees just aren't even viable to take.