Marvel Heroes 20xx


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Servers are up.

Damn, that's a lot of gift boxes, which in turn spawn more boxes..... which is bad because I'm leery of opening most of them since my BP is still only L33 now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've got like 7 loot explosions boxes saved up at this point. Got a BP dupe from the free code. Also got...




I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Whenever I log in I tend to log out before doing much because my inventory is so full of tokens and boosts now, with my bank all full too. Hadn't bought more stash because I figured I'd dump my inventory and then just end up logging off anyways


Silver Knight of the Realm
Well you do get a free stash unlock today, plus don't forget that you can always use your Team-Up inventory to store stuff in even if you haven't bought a Team-Up person yet. Instead of hitting C to bring up your own character hit I to bring up all inventory. Can hold down ctrl and right click to move things from your inventory to the Team-Up inventory side quickly.

Tons of gifts on login. Glad I'm off work today and tomorrow (my normal "weekend") as I plan to make great use of the +XP going on right now and level up hopefully a bunch more heroes for synergy stuffs and whatnot.

Got lucky on the free random hero too - got Dr. Strange, so only 9 more heroes that I don't have (until Surfer, but I've got 700 splinters saved, so I'll buy him right out). My bogo/random luck has been incredible, only 3 duplicates ever.


<Silver Donator>
I got moon knight!

Where do i get the extra stash? Is it in one of the boxes i need to open? (I stashed those because i dont have a level 60 character - i opened ONE box and got a bunch of mid 30s uniques since my highest char is 41.)


Trakanon Raider
Anyone particular to contact? Name is Muligan in game. I still have a lot to learn. I'm really just going through things rather mindlessly.
Well anyone can invite so whoever. When you get on just try whispering Delly, Xzi, Pyros, Byr, Sabbat, Arica, Kellim, or Brikker.


Trakanon Raider
Have to give a shoutout/tuconet to Ancallagon who was very nice to give me an extra code he had, I got Nightcrawler with it which I was hoping to get or Ms. Marvel.
Seriously you made my day with that so thank you!

On a side note this patch is freaking awesome, the new omega stuff have my head spinning on what to get, new daily quest bonuses. I wish Gazillion ran guildwars 2.

Tin Man_sl

Free stash item was in the last box I opened heh, so you may want to open from right to left =P. Will throw my name into the hat for SG when I got on later. Got Hulk, Nightcrawler, Strange to 60 and a few others in the 20-50 range.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
damn. its how you know the game is growing, i used to get those free hero boxes without any trouble. Now i cant get one to save my life.


Trakanon Raider
Stash expander is guaranteed, not sure if it comes out of a box or just shows up as a box.

Tin Man_sl

The stash expander comes from a gift box (one of the many that are given for the lvl 30 quest turn in). It was in the last box added in my inventory, so you may want to start with that one first. Off the top of my head, other boxes included 50 splinters, punisher costume, a bunch of fortune cards, ultimate hero upgrade tokens, boxes of uniques, box of odin marks, box of omega points, relics, a pet, and a few artifacts.

There were no heroes or hero random boxes included in it.

Tin Man_sl

Yes, it goes from June 4-12. It's pretty easy to get a character up to 30 in that time period, but if you're in a rush, X-Defense to level 20 (can be accessed from any waypoint), and then Legendary quests will get you there fastest.


Got something right about marriage
Couple of major oversights now that I've played with the new systems.

1) Omega orbs, why did they think it was a good idea to have these be droppable orbs instead of just automatically being attributed to your account? There is no icon for them if you walk away, so if you didn't notice you completed an Omega level you're SOL and you've lost that orb if you walk away and didn't realize it. Terrible design.

2) Shared Quests. These are a total bust. They completely missed the mark. They take forever to complete and after the first completion of the day you only get a few items and 1 odin mark. They are nothing more than supplemental to legendaries, when they were supposed to be a replacement for legendaries for people who wanted to group up while questing. Just really bad design.