Mass stabbing at Pennsylvania high school

This is a great discussions to have. How many children can you "knife in the kidney" before stopped vs how many children can you fucking shoot with an assault Rifle.

why do you people always jump to that side of the fence; that isnt the argument.

could a psycho with a gun likely kill more people than a psycho with a knife? yes.

the argument though is, why didnt anyone in that school have a weapon to protect themselves and the students.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Not gonna lie, my first thought was "crasian" when I saw this:Matthew de Grood, 23, ID'd as suspect in Calgary's worst mass murder - Calgary - CBC News

Sounds like he's Dutch. Never trust the Dutch.

Seriously though, pretty fucked up. Doesn't sound like anything gang related, the kid was lining himself up for law school, and his dad is a cop.



Vyemm Raider
You fuckers have a knife vs gun debate and you forgot the number one advantage for choosing a knife, it lets you run faster. And don't even get me started on all of the bull shit you can pull when you turn the gravity down a bit. Anyways, if people weren't so stupid and remembered to check the corners before trying to diffuse a situation, knife kills wouldn't be half the problem they are today.