Minnesota Thing...Liquor Ban Still In Effect.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Lol the prospect of having to face competition? Go fucking kill yourself.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Doesn't Oklahoma have something similar to this? Believe they can only sell beer under a certain % on Sundays.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Blue laws are some of the weirdest shit in the US. Pennsylvania is especially fucking weird... they would change from county to county. Some businesses could sell booze, others couldn't. Some places could only sell booze between 9-5 Mon-Fri. Some counties were completely dry. Infuriating as a drunk college student.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I remember "blue laws" as a kid, like nothing would even be open on Sundays back in the 70's it would seem to my little kid eyes. Retail, the mall, many restaurants. Far cry from today when Thanksgiving hardly seems like a holiday if you aren't going shopping, sometimes even if you are considering the black Friday shit. This alcohol stuff sounds like a holdover. I bet those states don't mind Wal-Mart's hunting section selling ammo or the local 7-11 selling pron and scratch offs. Or maybe they do, IDK. Here in evil blue commie liberal Maryland you can get drunk while gambling and buying porn all day long.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I remember "blue laws" as a kid, like nothing would even be open on Sundays back in the 70's it would seem to my little kid eyes. Retail, the mall, many restaurants. Far cry from today when Thanksgiving hardly seems like a holiday if you aren't going shopping, sometimes even if you are considering the black Friday shit. This alcohol stuff sounds like a holdover. I bet those states don't mind Wal-Mart's hunting section selling ammo or the local 7-11 selling pron and scratch offs. Or maybe they do, IDK. Here in evil blue commie liberal Maryland you can get drunk while gambling and buying porn all day long.
10 states currently ban hunting on Sunday with most of those being in the northeast like MD, CT, NJ etc.... Virginia just abolished the law last year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't say you could hunt though. I think there's some stuff in the works to expand some Sunday hunting but I don't keep up with what's going on in that regard.

lower case g

Lord Nagafen Raider
Doesn't Oklahoma have something similar to this? Believe they can only sell beer under a certain % on Sundays.
Liquor stores are closed on Sunday, so only the 3% "grocery store" beer is available. The 6% we can get at liquor stores is limited to brands that don't make a 3% version, so no Coors, Bud, Miller, etc. Also, the 6% can't be cold when purchased. Luckily, I'm only about 25 minutes from a town in Texas, so it doesn't really affect me.

About a year and a half ago, my county had a vote on liquor by the drink, it lost by 4 votes.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Most liquor stores are in favor of Sunday liquor bans and usually lobby in favor of the ban. The 2nd most popular grocery day is Sunday, so basically, grocery stores would become a one-stop-shop while liquor stores would struggle. It annoys me to no end though. If I want to buy liquor, let me buy it damnit!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mass dumped the blue law stuff about a decade ago or so. However, they still restrict liquor licenses as a capped number, thus why you rarely see any supermarkets with booze.


<Silver Donator>
I've noticed on spring break that parts of Florida, at least, are pretty fucked up on these laws: Grocery stores can sell wine and beer but the liquor has to be in a separate area and there can be no doorway between the liquor area and the grocery store. So there is like a "Publix" grocery store and right next door there is a "Publix Liquors" or whatever. Also, some bars and stores can only sell watered down liquor. I'm not sure how that works but you have to pay attention to what you're buying. It's a pain in the ass.

Michigan used to have a law that you had to wait until noon to buy beer on Sundays. Thankfully they got rid of that shit a few years ago. Had some close calls on getting stocked up by game time.


Got something right about marriage
I thought CT got rid of the law recently?
CT now sells liquor/beer on sundays, but Borzak was talking about hunting. Which I have no idea about.

Blue laws make no sense wherever you go.

For instance gas stations are not allowed to sell beer here in CT. Still haven't figured that one out.


CT now sells liquor/beer on sundays, but Borzak was talking about hunting. Which I have no idea about.

Blue laws make no sense wherever you go.

For instance gas stations are not allowed to sell beer here in CT. Still haven't figured that one out.
Sunday Hunting Prohibited - Possession of hunting implements on Sunday in the open is prima facie evidence of violation. Sunday hunting is allowed on licensed private shooting preserves when the operator has permission from the town.

Hunting on state land in CT is almost not possible, unless your using bow/blackpowder/.22


<Silver Donator>
No liquor sales on Sunday here in SC, before 2007 here in SC only beer 6% or less could be sold. Was one the the greatest days of my life when SC finally popped the cap, one of my favorites right now,


I'm pretty sure there is some direct correlation between alcohol sales on Sunday and people choosing to be gay.