Monster Hunter Series


Trakanon Raider
Also are most of the weapons fairly balanced it just depends on your playstyle? The 2H weapons felt very clunky and so far the S+S and Twin Blades felt the most fluid and natural to me.
Every weapon is 100% viable in every fight truly pick the ones you like. That doesn't mean that there might not be monster specific advantages/disadvantages that a weapon may or may not give, but you aren't tied to one weapon type so the game is unconcerned with this part of balance. If you are convinced your weapon is less effective on X monster - just swap it out. The game already promotes this mechanic with the elemental/resistance system. You might already swap between differing elemental weapons depending on the monster you are fighting too. One detail of weapons that is worth noting is - hard shelled monsters or skulls especially are far more subjuct to blunt or crushing damage - it can result in stuns and far more easily shatters horns or head plates. Likewise - cutting weapons have an easier time severing tails probably ears/wings too. The cutting weapons cannot create the skull bashing stun more or less. You should look up the weapon tutorials for the weapons you like - they are linked on previous pages. They are worth a watch to understand how all the attacks of each weapon time can be linked - and where the links end.

To your comment about "clunky" - the best advice I can give you is to throw that thought out - think of monster hunter combat as deliberate. This is the reason why. Once you understand how each weapons attacks can be chained, there are evasion, blocking, attacking strings that are not clunky at all - they are extremely smooth transitions. However - the string may need a positioning/monster opening to be fully realized. The worst play in monster hunter is selling out for that one last weapon strike and then trading a pile of health for the cost of the swing. My weapon of choice is the Long Sword, I love that thing - but its truly a personal preference.


Trakanon Raider
So I'm just starting out with MH4 (just unlocked Expedition missions) but are there any tips to mounting? It feels so incredibly frustrating and obtuse.
Mounting tutorial. There are 4 ways to mount that don't involve weapon specific skills.

About ledges, any ledge that your character will contextually jump off of is high enough to potentially mount a monster - very tall monsters seem harder to mount off very small ledges in my experience with the basic jump attack.

1. With your weapon sheathed - sprint towards a ledge of any size your character will contextually leap while sprinting - additionally (because you are sprinting) the range from the ledge that your character will leap is increased. Simply X - or some variant like R+X+A will be the draw attack options for most weapon types. The important thing to the sheathed jump attack. Sprint, no button required to jump. Attacks limited to those that will draw the weapon.

2. With your weapon drawn - near any object that will allow the b button to be used as a "jump" in context. Unlike the sheathed attack, you have to hit the b button to contextually jump. Its range from the ledge will be less than the sprint. Basic jump attack - possible mount.

3. With your weapon Sheathed you can climb many walls A grabs the wall. If you have no input on the left stick while on the wall and press A, your character will spider man jump off the wall straight out at whatever direction the surface you are on is pointing. This can be used to mount by initiating a jump attack (unsheathing the weapon). Your character also is quite the athlete and can jump quite far away from the walls.

There are two more special cases. The first is useful to every weapon, and is super fluid and feels awesome to use.

4. With your weapon drawn. If you use the B button to roll into a climbable wall with your weapon out and hit A while mid role and touching the wall - your character will climb the wall in one maneuver. It is a smooth roll into weapon sheathed state on a wall. Which you immedately follow up with a deadstick A press leap off the surface into a quick jump attack for a point blank wall mount. It happens very fast and can be used to very successfully mount monsters that are against climbable walls. The roll into climb is also an extremely good way to climb ledges to position yourself for sprinting attacks and more rapid evasion as most monsters will scrape you off walls with some kind of attack if you linger too long.

5. These are contextual to weapons. For example. When the dual blades are charged up - there is a spinning ledge attack that is this big leaping spinning animation - that attack will mount. Likewise the longsword - Once you charge the weapon to at least its white spirit level - it unlucks this jumping X slash attack with the R button - This attack can also be used to mount when jumping from a ledge. I do not know all of these - but its worth noting that they exist.

Couple more details about jump attacks. There is definitely a cooldown or resistance to being mounted for every monster. You can most definitely mount everything more than once a fight. Jump attacks are still valuable tools between being able to fully mount the monster. A jump strike to the head or the "mount" spot can create a monster knockdown - where they flail for a much shorter time than a full mount - but they hit the ground for some free strikes or access to hacking body parts with a combo. Aim for the sweet spot to mount each monster is a little different. Taller/bigger monsters can be harder to mount because if you don't jump attack precisely you'll just do damage to a body part but will not mount. Keep in mind that every weapon (I think) has moves that will disrupt allies and knock them down/kick people out of monster mounts while some attacks can be used - if the monster stumbles from the damage you do it will also break the mount and that sucks too. So when you do play multiplayer wait till its on the ground, and tell others to as well if they are not.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So if it feels like I'm hacking away at a monster for what feels like an eternity should I consider switching away from sword and board? It is a bit old doing like 100 combos to kill a monster.


Trakanon Raider
So if it feels like I'm hacking away at a monster for what feels like an eternity should I consider switching away from sword and board? It is a bit old doing like 100 combos to kill a monster.
Yes. Not a very high damage weapon and much better in groups for debuffing/stunning.


Molten Core Raider
So apparently sold around 300k copies on this month's NPD. That's digital and physical combined. Definitely deserved.


I'm really kicking myself for not getting the limited MH4 3DS bundled with the game....I'm really starting to want one (and now with Xenoblade next month) and I just can't do plain red/black


Molten Core Raider
I'm up to G2 Rank - gotta finish up the single player to get the Wystones because G3+ is all Apex/Frenzied monsters.

Really need an Oroshi Kirin guild quest if anyone has found one!


Trakanon Raider
I'm up to Apex Seregios offline and the Black Gravois urgent for HR6 online. No Orosi kirin yet, which monsters can give his quest, same as regular kirin?


Trakanon Raider
Its got a stupid amount of content. I am on a quest to construct every longsword, but progression wise I'm HR5 same point as cyrus. In Single player I've 100% completed every 1-8* quest, except for a couple of 6* that I guess are gated behind HR4+ quests somewhere. I've done about 7 of the 9* I believe. I've put in far too many hours. Game is great, it even replicates RNG rage properly. I've hardly touched expeditions, and focused my play largely just on doing the next thing I haven't done. I appreciate at least that the different species of recolored monsters have at least unique attack patterns. They feel less reused.


Molten Core Raider
Dang you must have been using it hard - heard people breaking it while playing Smash 4.

Also doubt they will "fix it", rather they will just move your shit over onto a refurbished system. People who have had their collector edition 3DS's broken don't get them back generally.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just wanna relay a big thank you to Man0warr for the help with the urgent. I think I completed 5 or so of everyone elses urgent only to have them bail or attempt and then fail then leave on mine. /cheers


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I wish they would change it so everyone could complete the Urgent at once, but it's always been this way since they assume you are gaming with buddies locally. This is the first handheld Monster Hunter with online match making. Plus Dalamadur is the first monster you face that has a legit 1-shot move.

I'm stuck in the same boat with the final Urgent quest (Gogmazios) which unlocks the final part of online.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I wish they would change it so everyone could complete the Urgent at once, but it's always been this way since they assume you are gaming with buddies locally. This is the first handheld Monster Hunter with online match making. Plus Dalamadur is the first monster you face that has a legit 1-shot move.

I'm stuck in the same boat with the final Urgent quest (Gogmazios) which unlocks the final part of online.
1 shot moves are pshaw easy when you evade lance.


Super late to the party, but I had to get a new 3DS to play

Just started playing this weekend, my FC is 0361-7046-6070


Trakanon Raider
You're not too late. I'm taking this nice and slow. 7* offline and HR5 online after like 50 days. Most people are well into Grank.