Morons Norrath 8a

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

    Go into the FoH discord and find the Happy Time Fun Hour channel and give it a listen!

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Physics Theory, Tuco, and Worthless where can i get free pic editing software, and where can i learn how to not suck at it?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
uber? Do you have a cable or DSL or highspeed connection?

if so, I got the latest version of photoshop, paintshop pro off it.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Im behind a firewall at school and cant download from kazaa, its prolly to huge to email. Is there any site I could download it from?


if he really called the FBI and they check this thread, posting about pirating software might not be the smartest thing in the world =P
This is the best thread ever. It may also be the thread that causes a nerf to these forums, disallowing people to edit their own posts.

This is internet GOLD I say... GOLD!

I also had to ban the Dustin account in case anymore editing were to occur. We simply cannot have that...

We still have the FBI post. Be strong people and above all, good work menz.

-General "Cornrow" Wallace

P.S. Feel free to make another account. I hope you understand where I"m coming from dawg. I still think you w0n at life today.

P.S.S. On second thought this is going to the Hall of Shame now, no banning necessary.