Morons Norrath 8a

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Let me sit down and tell you The Story of Gymme...
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Personal Note: Druids can"t charm giant spiders.
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Soldier of Fortune 2 = FUN
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Y 4 u not buff me? So much h8...

No I"m not that jackball. It"s people like that that make me glad that they raised the ignore list to 100 people.


That"s strange, I just had to deal with an a level 5 Shadowknight applicant wanting to join our guild. . . . .
What is it with newbie ogre shadowknights? All the mage newbs are at least semi-respectful.
--Altanis Blazewielder
60 Arch Mage
Povar Tarew Alliance


I read half of that, realized it was just going to go on with "Your a n00b!" "Fuck U bitc i want cloro no pp, i"m not begger" so I stopped.


well Gymme, your not the dumbest person I"ve ever met, but damnit, your trying!
that was a good peice of arguin. Next time just say right off the bat, "Get the fuck away from me you filthy beggar!" Works every time for me. I guess im a dickhead......meh what can ya do?


This one is more boring then anything.

Just to save some time, here"s a previous quote from Furor, which I think still holds true, and always will.

Reading a Searyx post
always keeps me grounded. I actually send people to read them as a form of punishment in my guild.

"This is what could happen to you if you continue being a dipshit. Do you want to be one of the depraved shitstains of Everquest? Do you want to be Searyx?"

99.999% efficacy.

When you pick on retards, does it make you feel less retarded? Everytime you post a "Morons of Norrath," you prove that the true moron is yourself.

At least you are smart enough to not waste my bandwidth in your pathetic attempt at cock swinging.


Do you guys buff everyone that sends you a tell? I"m certain when Furor gets a tell asking for a shrink, he immediately runs across the zone to go shrink the n00b.

Why I didn"t buff the n00b.

1. I was busy doing other things.

2. He was nowhere in sight. He had just seen me in the zone by doing a /who all druid.

3. I don"t like helping to create Karnors n00bs.

When I was a n00bie, I didn"t yell at people who didn"t buff me, accusing them of being goddamn stupid and telling them everyone hates them.

You fuckers must be tanks. You have no idea what it"s like to have random retards sending you tells for buffs 24/7. Truth being, if the guy was in front of me, I probably would have buffed him.

Also, he"s green, which means I have to use Chloro, which is hidden somewhere in my spellbook, so I"d have to use Blessing of Replenishment, so I"d have to group with him, and go through all the bullshit of "you"re not going to port me are you? you sure you no port me i no like skyfire you sure sure sure???? If i accept you no port? word of honor?"

Friendliness gets you buffs. Being Gymme gets you killed.


All your other posts are good Searyx, but when it comes to this Morons of Norrath shit, you always make yourself look like such a dumbass.


Also, he"s green, which means I have to use Chloro, which is hidden somewhere in my spellbook, so I"d have to use Blessing of Replenishment, so I"d have to group with him, and go through all the bullshit of "you"re not going to port me are you? you sure you no port me i no like skyfire you sure sure sure???? If i accept you no port? word of honor?"

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Hikaru is right, and I"m a rogue but everyone and their mother insists that I am a fucking cleric. So i know your pain man. You just dont have to be a cock to everyone.


For every Morons of Norrath that I turn down, there are 10 good people that get a full compliment of Extended Duration 65%, lvl 62-65 Druid buffs. Regardless of level.

Normally, those who start a conversation with me by asking for power leveling buffs are gonna get a "No." If the guy had asked for a heal, that"s different.


I don"t really mind buffing people with KEI or haste. If i"m not exping and someone asks me, I do it. The only times I don"t do cast are heading to raids or grouping. I know I sometimes get angry if I ask someone for a buff in Nexus/PoK while they are doing nothing and say "no". But it"s their choice I guess, and it"s Searyx"s choice to not buff everyone either.

God I don"t think there was a point to my post.