Most memorable comic book moments

Cap has been dead a year or two I think, and the story bringing him back is pretty interesting.

I am just irritated he is showing up in comics (New Avengers (shown) and Iron Man) but the last time he was shown in his own comic his body was controled by the Red Skull (unless I missed the release of the last issue or two), so... seeing him in these other comics is kinda wierd.


Trakanon Raider
Zhaun"s_Shade said:
Cap has been dead a year or two I think, and the story bringing him back is pretty interesting.

I am just irritated he is showing up in comics (New Avengers (shown) and Iron Man) but the last time he was shown in his own comic his body was controled by the Red Skull (unless I missed the release of the last issue or two), so... seeing him in these other comics is kinda wierd.
Yeah, he was in like 3 books last week (avengers, Iron man and thor I think, maybe just two of those). Last week was also supposed to be the 5th and final issue of Captain America: Reborn.

However, the decided they couldnt fit Reborn into 5 issues, so Reborn 5 came out this week and the final issue comes out in the next couple weeks I think.

Kind like how Astonishing had massive delays and you knew which X-man was going to die since Messiah Complex started running and all but one member of the Astonishing team was around for it.


Zhaun"s_Shade said:
If you have, lets just say, 3 Spider man titles, who only keep continuity within their own titles, don"t you think that would be confusing for people?
MORE confusing then how they currently do it? Uhh, no.

Also, what Spider Man do you use when he shows up in one of Wolverine"s books?
Whichever one the writer of Wolverine wants to fucking use. The same way they do it when they use other characters in the non-canon stories now. You use the basic background of that character that"s been established from the other books, but not any recent changes/events.

I think a good compromise would be to have most titles just reboot every year or two, simultaneously. All the stories for that "run" are not canon either. Hire a "master writer" to pen the outline for the character/group/universe for that run, but let other writers fill in the blanks for periods of time, even throwing in their own mini-storylines as long as they don"t conflict with the current master arc.

To clarify, when I say reboot, I don"t mean start over at the character"s origins again. You can come into the story some period of time after the character"s beginnings, but you just ignore anything that completely changed the character"s world in the the last large arc. Same way the shorter, non-canon stories are done, but on a larger and longer scale. Also, it"s basically what they do now, with large cross-over stories (WWH, Skrull invasion etc..) except you outright state that when it"s over you are just leaving it as it"s own completed story, rather then try to work in ever more complex character backgrounds that end up just breaking continuity anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Zhaun"s_Shade said:
When did Mighty Avengers get good? I guess just the last two issues. The latest one this week is win.
I tried to read this series. The writing was fucking awful, and the constant stupid fucking thought bubbles were retarded. They change teams on it? That page you posted looks about the same as far as writing goes. Crammed with too many words and most of them stupid. Doesn"t look like Frank Cho"s art though.
Grimmlokk said:
I tried to read this series. The writing was fucking awful, and the constant stupid fucking thought bubbles were retarded. They change teams on it? That page you posted looks about the same as far as writing goes. Crammed with too many words and most of them stupid. Doesn"t look like Frank Cho"s art though.
Totally different team after Secret Invasion. This latest incarnation was weak at first but it seems like the writers hit their stride. Great dialogue. The team was even featured in the Realm of Kings-Inhumans and are great there too.

Current team is:

Hank Pym (Wasp)- Suddenly amazing post-Secret Invasion.
Vision- This is the new vision that was Iron Lad/Kangs armor from Young Avengers.
Stature- Pyms neice, Vision"s girlfriend, also from Young Avengers.
Amadeus Cho
US Agent

This team was pieced together to look a lot like a previous Avengers team by Loki disgused as Scarlet Witch.


Trakanon Raider
Hercules and Cho are a great addition to the team (They have been a great duo since they took over the Incredible Hulk book post WWH.), as is the new Hank Pym post-Wasp crying.

Stature and Vision are nice fits, not really digging Quicksilver at the moment, but you know the payoff for having him around (aside from the Inhumans tie-in) is coming with Loki/Scarlet Witch, probably during or right after Siege.
Angerz said:
Hercules and Cho are a great addition to the team (They have been a great duo since they took over the Incredible Hulk book post WWH.), as is the new Hank Pym post-Wasp crying.

Stature and Vision are nice fits, not really digging Quicksilver at the moment, but you know the payoff for having him around (aside from the Inhumans tie-in) is coming with Loki/Scarlet Witch, probably during or right after Siege.
Yeah, definatley see a strong group developing. Like I said, it is as if the writers really hit their stride after the wonky first few issues. Could totally do without Quicksilver, but he was an Avenger and he is critical to the plot so far (inhumans & scarlet witch).


Molten Core Raider
My favorite moment in a comic may very well be the scene at the end of "Age of Apocalypse" where Apocalypse is beating on Magneto and asks him why he doesn"t fight back, and Magneto says he can"t because he"s concentrating and than rips him in half.

My second favorite is probably at the end of "The Books of Magic" when Tim Hunter takes his body back from the demon and reunites his fragmented soul, and knows for the first time in his life, he"s finally himself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I"ve been pimping The Red Star in this forum for years. It was amazing and it kills me that it gets no recognition and probably will never be finished. Probably my favorite indy comic ever.

That said, the final 2 page spread from volume 1 issue 3 was awesome and really sets the tone for the whole series. Combines the mystical with the brutal traditional war setting.

Seriously, if you haven"t read any of these you are doing yourself a disservice. Not only is the story awesome(alternate version of Russia with giant airships and "magic"), but the art is amazing. On par with or better than anything in the big two. Simply gorgeous.


Avatar of War Slayer
Crazy. Who is that red lantern?
And WW sapphire? that doesn"t fit her too well. They stretched for that a bit.


Caliane said:
Crazy. Who is that red lantern?
And WW sapphire? that doesn"t fit her too well. They stretched for that a bit.
I think it"s Aquaman"s wife? And they were kinda building up to WW being a sapphire, saying she loved this world so much, etc, etc.
TheOkapi said:
I think it"s Aquaman"s wife? And they were kinda building up to WW being a sapphire, saying she loved this world so much, etc, etc.
Dunno who the fish-girl is, haven"t seen her before Blackest Night. I never followed fish-related comics either. I could think of much better Rage candidates, but she has been fin-deep in BN since day 1, so I guess she is somehow important.

For Wonder Woman they have been building up the "I LOVE THE WORLD SO MUCH!" in at least the horrible BN:WW #1, if not in a spot or two of her own comic. I"m not a WW fan either, so it fit well enough. I think the important thing is that it showed another ring can superceed a black ring.

I do like how the indigo ring made Atom"s costume "go native" plus adding a staff.

The Scarecrow was made for the Fear ring, same with Luthor and orange.

Flash... I... I just don"t care about the flash. I can"t bring myself to like him, so, meh.


Tranny Chaser
The purple rangers converted a red ranger in some fancy rage-removing macguffin chamber so it"s not like their standards were that high to begin with.
You could always go with her being capable of great love of her Amazon sisters or something if they really need to make it fit. Unfortunately she is Truth personified (while Batman is Justice and Superman is Hope) so that certainly doesn"t fit.

I do wish Batman wasn"t out of commission for this story arc because I would have thought it amazing to have him be again selected for a yellow ring and making the tough decision to represent fear.