MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
Smother/Go for the Throat/Disfigure/Doomblade are usually the go-to answers - all unfortunately have issues.

I am messing around with your deck in Cockatrice. Will make some adjustments after I see how it plays out.


Tranny Chaser
I need more practice doing physical drafts. The MTGO client makes it so easy to see everything you've drafted and keep it organized but with physical cards I don't yet have a system. I constantly end up with decks that are greedier than they need to be and while they work great usually I'll still get rounds where it bites me in the ass.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I frequently yell at the table for not sorting my cards for me during paper sealed events.


Tranny Chaser
Now that you've got me on the Sultabzan train I basically can't stop. Every draft looks like a reason to go Sultabzan. The last deck I had was 100% good cards and a bunch of unplayed good cards but a spotty mana base which means I fucked up some picks because I couldn't keep it all straight.

Maybe I'll just draft face up and keep all the shit organized in front of me.


Trakanon Raider
I wish I had that kind of money. Legacy looks fun.
Print proxies and play with friends. No reason to spend money if you're not going to be competitive about it.

Personally, I love legacy. It's a wide open format with roughly the same number of top tier decks and fringe playables as modern. The structural concerns are different, and the power level is vastly higher, but just because you have certain deckbuilding constraints as a result of the format doesn't mean it's bad. In Modern, you need a plan for Splinter Twin. In standard, you need a plan for Siege Rhino. Last rotation, you needed a plan for Pack Rat. Legacy just piles on a few more complications.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like people just don't understand that "fun" is different for different people
It certainly is. But, it's been said over and over from a bunch here that they DON'T have fun while doing what they do, but they still do it.


If you are one of those people who have "fun" crushing other people in magic as hard as you can and get your jollies off drafting the "most awesome OP deck" that is fine. What pisses me the fuck off is when someone like me (decent player but enjoys the social aspect the same, if not more then the competition) plays you, SHUT THE FUCK UP about my supposed insane x% top decks and how you can't believe I am playing X card or why would you do X, when the correct move is Y.

(jumps off soapbox)


Lord Nagafen Raider
I used to be that guy when I was younger. I was super friendly when I was beating you, and I was a sullen jerk when I was losing. I'm on a much more even keel as a player nowadays.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, it's not me either. Honestly I don't meet many legacy guys like that. I'm an alright player but I won't be winning any big events. Mostly I like the social aspect and collecting. Hell, I judge as often as I play in anything large these days.


Dunno. I just play to have fun these days. Drafted a control deck last weekend and felt terrible for my opponents because I went 3-0 after stabilizing at 3 life most games. Always end up feeling bad when I shut someone out of the game. Now that I'm back in AR I've got folks trying to convince me to travel to tourneys out of state and shit. Not sure about it though because I'll be replacing someone who cares more but just isn't a great player in the "travel crew".


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Like I said, i play other formats strictly for fun. Legacy is a different beast. Maybe because no one around here will play it just to play (I cant get people to test w/ me even if I offer scotch!), they only want to play when there's value. There's a weekly ($10 for 110% credit to top 4) event, and a Legacy 1k every other month, 2 Legacy 5k's a year, and with GPNJ being the only Legacy GP this year (and that means all the stores can hold GPTs that are Legacy). That's where that game is fun, figuring out how to tweak your deck in terms of percentages.

I played a 5k a few months back, my first 'major' event. I play MUD, Chalice on one first turn on the play is brutal to a storm deck. its so unfun that some people will sweep right there (this is where I make people quit, its amusing, non-aggressive, and all in good fun.) This guy was playing ANT and he beat me handedly even with me throwing all the misery i could muster at him. I was told later that it was the guy who invented the deck, so i shouldn't feel bad about the loss. Bad? Hell naw it was awesome to see him go off with a live Trinisphere. I sat there for the while it took for him to go off (this is the part people think is un-fun) amazed, and I learned a new trick.

But thats the point of the format. You are going to have games that you don't get to play, or you get run over, or what ever un-fun shit, and you are going to run over people back. But that was game 2 of round 6 and you still have a shot at top 8 if you can dodge any more Chalice decks. The fun is the atmosphere, bring your best gun to the gun fight. If you get salty from not being able to play in any paticular game you're not doing it right


Trakanon Raider
Heh, around here people will practically beg for a legacy match. I always keep a deck with me because 9 times out of 10, there's at least 3-4 of us who will just ditch out of FNM and grind legacy for fun.

We have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to the Atlanta MTG scene. 3 to 5 excellent shops, depending on your preferences, and we're a hub down that SCG loves to visit.


Molten Core Raider
Muhahaha after bitching about being combo milled last week, I've just bought inFixed Link. Fuck you going off for 15 minutes, I'm going to go off for 2 minutes and still win even if I don't
Twitch- SCG Stream where he wins the tourney, and they feature him a lot since its a new deck. Final match starts around 24:37:00, and the final game really shows the explosiveness of it. Ascendancy + Crusader just gets nasty quickly.

Nice and cheap too, I'm definitely putting one together.