MTG thread


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Buying a new account for 10 dollars will give you 5 dollars worth of tickets, plus 20 new-player tickets for new-player phantom draft queues, which might be good to help learn the new interface.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You dont keep the cards you draft, but they do spit out some packs for the winner that can contain rares sometimes.


Golden Squire
If you have $50 just buy yourself a monoblack devotion deck sans the Mutavaults (those cost more than the rest of the deck). It will still do extremely well.


Back when I used to play DCI tournaments, I primarily played Vintage and Extended (or Type I and Type I.X as they were then called). About a week or two ago I noticed that Magic Online now also has all the good vintage stuff. I also discovered that they're very expensive.

To assemble the deck I'd like to play would cost me around $1200 according to MTGO traders. I'd really like to get back into Magic, however, I don't think I should pay that much for digital cards. Yes, you can get a lot cheaper decks that would perform reasonably well in Vintage too but they never quite make it in the end. And to me it is completely pointless to play Vintage without Power 9 etc. anyways.

Why can't Vintage just be more easily accessible


Isn't the whole appeal of Vintage that it is the "Old Boys Club" and the fact that not everyone can afford all the cards to play? It can't be the game play because most decks run p9 with cantrips, FoW, etc, so its similar play. Yes I know that there are different decks but you get the idea.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Vintage allows what, 25 proxies for physical tournaments? It isn't an old guard thing really, there just aren't enough of the cards left in existence.


Trakanon Raider
That same vintage deck in paper would top 5 digits easily. It's part of why no one plays it.

Even my primary legacy deck (old type 1.5) is something like 4 grand. "Budget" options like dredge still run a playset of $100 cards. It isn't a cheap hobby.


DCI sanctioned tournaments don't allow proxy cards as far as I know (not when I played at least). Most Vintage tournaments aren't sanctioned though. Some organizers do allow proxy cards, others don't. There are only two big yearly Vintage tournaments left that I know of in my neighbourhood (that's in a radius of 300 km) and they only allow four/five proxies. I've stopped going to those tournaments, because it's quite far away and I just don't want to sit there with a deck worth thousands of dollars (although I'd be in good company). I didn't care when I was younger, but now I'm more fearful of what might happen to those cards. The shuffling and what not, it all damages the cards. I usually went out of my way to use unlimited instead of beta for tournaments though, so I wasn't that reckless.

Playing Vintage casually is even worse. Going to some random store where some dude might spill his can of coke all over your cards... I suppose you could always play proxies. I would be all for that, but it was frowned upon when I still played.

I guess I'm just getting old and paranoid

But I would love it if Vintage was more readily accessible for everyone, at least online (I'd actually like to say especially online). Perhaps slightly harder to get than Modern (which is what extended is now?), but not as hard/expensive as it is currently. That might make the scene a lot bigger and healthier. It really is a lot of fun and for me it's the epitome format of Magic.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Isn't the whole appeal of Vintage that it is the "Old Boys Club" and the fact that not everyone can afford all the cards to play? It can't be the game play because most decks run p9 with cantrips, FoW, etc, so its similar play. Yes I know that there are different decks but you get the idea.
I thought this too, until I actually started watching games and playing a bit myself. The metagame is actually pretty diverse, and the the gameplay is surprisingly great. Because there's so many overpowered cards, you can actually come back from behind, break out of otherwise solid lockdowns, and other such things.

Yes, some games do still end, or effectively end on turn 1, but the other 85% of games are actually a lot more interactive than you'd think.


Trakanon Raider
I thought this too, until I actually started watching games and playing a bit myself. The metagame is actually pretty diverse, and the the gameplay is surprisingly great. Because there's so many overpowered cards, you can actually come back from behind, break out of otherwise solid lockdowns, and other such things.

Yes, some games do still end, or effectively end on turn 1, but the other 85% of games are actually a lot more interactive than you'd think.
Flatmate surprised me by finding for sale while at work before sold out. Woot woot. He's a programmer at Lionhead and apparently when I told him about what I was doing (refreshing the site over and over last week) he made a little script and he just noticed an invoice with the planeswalker pack otw. Boom shakalaka. Apparently they musta went up this morning, but luckily being in England we are 8 hours ahead and he was at work where he had some script going.


Trakanon Raider
DCI sanctioned tournaments don't allow proxy cards as far as I know (not when I played at least). Most Vintage tournaments aren't sanctioned though. Some organizers do allow proxy cards, others don't. There are only two big yearly Vintage tournaments left that I know of in my neighbourhood (that's in a radius of 300 km) and they only allow four/five proxies. I've stopped going to those tournaments, because it's quite far away and I just don't want to sit there with a deck worth thousands of dollars (although I'd be in good company). I didn't care when I was younger, but now I'm more fearful of what might happen to those cards. The shuffling and what not, it all damages the cards. I usually went out of my way to use unlimited instead of beta for tournaments though, so I wasn't that reckless.

Playing Vintage casually is even worse. Going to some random store where some dude might spill his can of coke all over your cards... I suppose you could always play proxies. I would be all for that, but it was frowned upon when I still played.

I guess I'm just getting old and paranoid

But I would love it if Vintage was more readily accessible for everyone, at least online (I'd actually like to say especially online). Perhaps slightly harder to get than Modern (which is what extended is now?), but not as hard/expensive as it is currently. That might make the scene a lot bigger and healthier. It really is a lot of fun and for me it's the epitome format of Magic.
Funny thing, I had a friend who played type 1 (no proxies) and he had his whole thing in normal sleeves inside the thick hard plastic sleeves

I thought this too, until I actually started watching games and playing a bit myself. The metagame is actually pretty diverse, and the the gameplay is surprisingly great. Because there's so many overpowered cards, you can actually come back from behind, break out of otherwise solid lockdowns, and other such things.

Yes, some games do still end, or effectively end on turn 1, but the other 85% of games are actually a lot more interactive than you'd think.
My first time playing type 1 I played TPS. Got pretty much fully locked down by stax but was able to get a disk out and blow it for a come back.....but also found playing type 1 was far more mentally taxing then any other format because how interactive it is.


Trakanon Raider
Damnit, it's already sold out
He checked his email invoice and looks like it went up this morning, since presumably his script bought it within seconds of it going up and the time stamp was mid afternoon UK (e.g. morning USA). No idea how quickly it sold out though, as he wasn't actively monitoring it. Good thing too, because I'd forgotten to check the last couple days. Now to resist the urge to open it or sell it... want to frame that shit. Don't wanna be one of those douches that sells it for profit. Maybe in a few years, but will try not to even then. Although may buy one or two additional ones right now for $300 ish to sell next year for $600. Somehow that feels less wrong than selling the one I got from Hasbro.


I looked up the prices on the 2013 box set and only the redic vender amounts of $900 plus are on there. Normally i would say these will eventually go down in price due to Wizards reprinting the hell out of their planeswalkers but maybe the collector market is driving the prices more then the actual players / "Blingers"


Tranny Chaser
That shit is all crazy. I cannot believe the money that the rank and file players are willing to spend these days. It's what stands out the most to me having started showing up at Ye Old Local Game Store for a year or two. Everyone has this work-in-progress Legacy deck, Modern deck, and EDH deck they are trading for/buying for. People legitimately care about bling and they care a lot. I don't think it can last but I've thought that for pretty much from Alara Block onward so I've been just flat out wrong for 6 years running.

On the subject of Vintage I think it could be very amusing to show up to a tournament with some jerky pile and see what you get matched up against. Just be the guy packing all the Blood Moons or Hate Bears and randomly crush dreams.


Trakanon Raider
I know guys at the local shop who barely have a pot to piss in that chase foil Russian language cards all day long. It's absolutely insane.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
It's why I don't/can't play anymore. The idea of having to drop a grand to be competitive in standard just kills my inner jew. Can't do it.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's like 300ish for a Standard deck.

Magic is a hobby. You can play for nearly free if you're willing to manage your collection like a full-time hobby. You'll be paying for entry fees and gas but beyond that, you should be able to maintain a rotating collection of standard after an initial investment.

I'm broke as a fucking joke thanks to the giant money hole that is my parent's house, but magic nets me an extra 1000-1500 a month from the finance game between MTGO and paper. I've thought about quitting many times, but I'd pretty much have to pick up a job bagging groceries or something instead.


Trakanon Raider
It's like 300ish for a Standard deck.

Magic is a hobby. You can play for nearly free if you're willing to manage your collection like a full-time hobby. You'll be paying for entry fees and gas but beyond that, you should be able to maintain a rotating collection of standard after an initial investment.

I'm broke as a fucking joke thanks to the giant money hole that is my parent's house, but magic nets me an extra 1000-1500 a month from the finance game between MTGO and paper. I've thought about quitting many times, but I'd pretty much have to pick up a job bagging groceries or something instead.
This is why I only play drafts and pre releases (which is BY FAR my favorite format and the one I have the most fun in, as well as the format that requires the most skill and knowledge of the game imo). Aside from that, I go to a couple different card shops (you'd be surprised how few there are for London being such a massive city) on tournament nights and borrow other people's EDH's decks (my collection is back in the states) and play EDH. Most people that play EDH have multiple decks anyways and are always willing to lend them out to have more players. Once in a while I'll do a cube or borrow somebody's Legacy deck and play that. But yeah, fuck actively trying to collect and play Modern.