MUDs, MOOs, and You


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Might as well list my muds and see if anyone else played them. I know I lost most of my mudfriends to EQ
Knife was the main one
Infinity was the one i hated
War, or nuclear war was my first but went defunct well before mmos had a chance to kill it.

And I always forget about kobramud. I'd bet its most likely to still be going of all my old muds


Potato del Grande
I played... Darkness Falls, Darkness Falls: The Crusade (loved both of those games, was sad when they got shut down, along with some of the other old games on a site I forgot the name of... but one of the games was a multiplayer Godzilla vs Soldiers vs Reporters game, can't remember the name but oh my god it was so much fun), and the one I spent the most time on was WoTmud. Also played Aardwolf a good amount but nowhere near as much as the others.