Murders and Shootings

Ko Dokomo_sl

I really take issue with the idea that mass shooters are doing it for "the fame". If you are psychotically depressed you aren't in it to glorify yourself, if that is even what they think of it. You are in pain and you've come to the idea that the only way out is to bring pain to as many people as you can. The sad truth is that it is easier than ever to do so with the access and technology we have.


what a horrible day.. 26 dead so close to home, which really puts this into perspective:

"July 22, 2011: Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivikkills 77in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks"

Europe still #1.

On a more serious note, very curious to see what the motivation was behind such an act.
These asshole reporters talking to the kids about what they experienced...god fucking damn, fuck those guys and their producers for pushing that kind of reporting.
^ this.

Dunno who is the bigger sociopath, the gunmen or the tv fucks who pull this shit. Hope they forgot to get the parents to sign off and get sued for every penny they have. Fucking disgusting.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
News at 11! Death from eating unhealthy != death from being shot by some asshole..... Smoking kills tons every year to, but it's a choice. Going to school and getting shot IS NOT! This isn't a numbers game.
It absolutely is a numbers game what are you insane? millions of people die from preventable deaths including many infants every year = /shrug

27 people die not by choice = OMG THIS CHANGE EVERYTHING, GUNS MUST GO.

to even bring up gun control would be essentially the same type of over-reaction to 9/11 that most people agree in principle they witnessed over the last 11 years. The death of 2k Americans is not justification for a violent war in 4, soon to be 5 countries ( iraq, afghanistan, libya, yemen, soon syria ) all of those wars are directly caused by the "the war on terror" brought by 9/11 and our hubris to think we as a nation can end terror. It is absurdest dementia to think we can or more to the point should be in the business of controlling the world to that degree and justifying all the mass killing that the military/industrial complex does with our consent.

The same tactics with gun control and how the media operates are at play. The media emphasis on all gun trajedies and politically motivated coverage of tragedies are ramping up. The gun control that's been floating around recently is a UN mandated gun control, that means world wide gun control not just american. ( although it affects america the most ).

To see tragedy exploited for political, media, and monetary gain makes it ever more sickening to me.


Trakanon Raider
For those of us at work or who don't ever want to click on a link that is followed up by "Fucking 4 chan. holy shit", can someone tell us what it is?
4chan post with someone saying they'd kill themselves today and make the news. with a picture of the columbine killers dead in the library.


For those of us at work or who don't ever want to click on a link that is followed up by "Fucking 4 chan. holy shit", can someone tell us what it is?
Pic of supposed 4chan post dated yesterday saying they were going to kill themselves today, watch the news @ 9am. Also stated they lived in connecticut, and accompanied by pic of the dead columbine shooters.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I agree with this. There's no way you don't know your son is a sociopath.
Gotta step in and call bullshit on this ignorant psycho-babble here. For starters, you don't have to be a fucking sociopath to be a spree killer/mass murderer. Second, if you had ever done any actual reading on the subject, you'd know how incredibly easy it is for sociopaths to avoid being found out, ESPECIALLY by close family. You don't ever suspect someone is a sociopath until you have massive overwhelming evidence that proves it, because the idea of being a sociopath is fundamentally alien to a normal person's way of thinking.


Molten Core Raider
For those of us at work or who don't ever want to click on a link that is followed up by "Fucking 4 chan. holy shit", can someone tell us what it is?
SS of supposed killer making ANON post about how hes going to kill himself friday, and itl make the news watch at 9am.

then someone asks whrere, he replied "somewhere in ct"


Silver Knight of the Realm
There was a similar post on 4chan about the Oregon mall shooting from way back a couple days ago that was fake, this probably is too. But who knows.


Trakanon Raider
Shit is fucking terrible. Really babies? fucking children. Preventing or limiting these kind of events is a lot more complicated than just gun laws. Really does speak to the root of the sickness of our culture where everyone who isn't like you is the enemy. We can't keep treating each other like lepers and expect this to get better. Maybe this will be a pivot point for better discussions about all of the contributing factors that lead to such an event and not just those we can attach as directly causality. That said, my heart goes out to this community the parents family. The cost of this will be so much greater than those who died. The people in that school and community are going to feel this a long time. I hope we don't forget their struggle when we discuss this issue more fully after the details are finalized. This should leave anyone with a heavy heart and at a loss for words, and if you aren't feeling those things you should check why not.