Murders and Shootings


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Where would a civilian buy a nuclear bomb?

David Charles Hahn (born October 30, 1976), also called the "Radioactive Boy Scout" or the "Nuclear Boy Scout", is an American who attempted to build a homemade breeder nuclear reactor in 1994, at age 17. A scout in the Boy Scouts of America, Hahn conducted his experiments in secret in a backyard shed at his mother's house in Commerce Township, Michigan. While his reactor never reached critical mass, Hahn attracted the attention of local police who found radioactive materials in the trunk of his car. His mother's property was cleaned up by the Environmental Protection Agency ten months later as a Superfund cleanup site. Hahn attained Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts of America shortly after his reactor was dismantled.[1]
While the incident was not widely publicized initially, it became better known following a 1998 Harper's article by journalist Ken Silverstein. Hahn is also the eponymous subject of Silverstein's 2004 book, The Radioactive Boy Scout.

Creation of the reactor

Hahn is an Eagle Scout who received a merit badge in Atomic Energy and spent years tinkering with basement chemistry which sometimes resulted in small explosions and other mishaps. He was inspired in part by reading The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments, and tried to collect samples of every element in the periodic table, including the radioactive ones. Hahn diligently amassed this radioactive material by collecting small amounts from household products, such as americium from smoke detectors, thorium from camping lantern mantles, radium from clocks and tritium (as neutron moderator) from gunsights. His "reactor" was a bored-out block of lead, and he used lithium from $1,000 worth of purchased[2] batteries to purify the thorium ash using a Bunsen burner.[1]
Hahn posed as an adult scientist or professor to gain the trust of many professionals in letters, despite the presence of misspellings and obvious errors in his letters to them. Hahn ultimately hoped to create a breeder reactor, using low-level isotopes to transform samples of thorium and uranium into fissionable isotopes.[3]

Although his homemade reactor never achieved critical mass, it ended up emitting dangerous levels of radioactivity, likely well over 1,000 times normal background radiation. Alarmed, Hahn began to dismantle his experiments, but a chance encounter with police led to the discovery of his activities, which triggered a Federal Radiological Emergency Response involving the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. On June 26, 1995 the United States Environmental Protection Agency, having designated Hahn's mother's property as a Superfund hazardous materials cleanup site, dismantled the shed and its contents and buried them as low-level radioactive waste in Utah. Hahn refused medical evaluation for radiation exposure.[2]

added: not a bomb but still cool/crazy as hell


I guess I don't get that mother's post.

I understand that we need better care for the mentally ill before they do something atrocious, which I guess is what she is getting at? But there are some mental illnesses that still allow you to see right from wrong, and the way she describes her kid sounds like he fits in there, but cannot control himself?

Mental illness is whack, but I think she's a little confused.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I guess I don't get that mother's post.

I understand that we need better care for the mentally ill before they do something atrocious, which I guess is what she is getting at? But there are some mental illnesses that still allow you to see right from wrong, and the way she describes her kid sounds like he fits in there, but cannot control himself?

Mental illness is whack, but I think she's a little confused.
You're the only one who seems confused here. The point of her article is that it is incredibly difficult to get any kind of treatment for a mentally ill person in this country.


Silver Knight of the Realm
How is it any more stupid than you saying people should be able to own howitzers, mortars, and tanks (which is what I was replying to)? I'm just trying to figure out if there's a line for you and how you define it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
How is it any more stupid than you saying people should be able to own howitzers, mortars, and tanks (which is what I was replying to)? I'm just trying to figure out if there's a line for you and how you define it.
Unlike your stupid nuclear bomb example, people already can own (and do own) fighter jets, tanks, submarines, etc. in US. I don't hear anything about them blasting airliners out of the sky, dropping bombs over downtown LA or playing pirates in Caribbean with their subs. When it comes to howitzers and mortars, you'd have to find someone to sell you one, second of all you'd have to come up with the money, third of all you'd have to find and buy the ammo and fourth, why the fuck would you use it and on whom? If owning nuclear weapons was so easy, then why isn't every country in the world already wielding one?

So in summation, your ideas are stupid. They are borne and die in your stupid head along with other stupid things that tumble around there.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Unlike your stupid nuclear bomb example, people already can own (and do own) fighter jets, tanks, submarines, etc. in US. I don't hear anything about them blasting airliners out of the sky, dropping bombs over downtown LA or playing pirates in Caribbean with their subs. When it comes to howitzers and mortars, you'd have to find someone to sell you one, second of all you'd have to come up with the money, third of all you'd have to find and buy the ammo and fourth, why the fuck would you use it and on whom? If owning nuclear weapons was so easy, then why isn't every country in the world already wielding one?

So in summation, your ideas are stupid. They are borne and die in your stupid head along with other stupid things that tumble around there.
It's not "my idea" it's a theoretical question based on your other positions. I'll put it another way since you seem unable to get past the specific example I chose. Is there any weapon you would be against the general public being allow to own?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It's not "my idea" it's a theoretical question based on your other positions. I'll put it another way since you seem unable to get past the specific example I chose. Is there any weapon you would be against the general public being allow to own?
Like what?
It's kind of ridiculous how much airtime this is getting.

Maybe there should be more focus on violent attacks in education so people aren't so shocked when things like this happen.

This isn't about gun's at this point. This seems to be more about people's illusion of safety being shattered and them panicking about doing "something" so they can bury their head in the sand again. Sorry, the world isn't a safe place.

Maybe in a few more day's when the news is done milking all the emotions of the shooting they might actually discuss ways to keep guns out of crazy people's hands.


Registered Hutt
Good. I don't care if he was going to go through with it. You shouldn't be able to make that kind of statement and escape investigation. Honestly, making such a remark should invalidate one's right to own weapons that would enable them to carry out that threat.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Good. I don't care if he was going to go through with it. You shouldn't be able to make that kind of statement and escape investigation. Honestly, making such a remark should invalidate one's right to own weapons that would enable them to carry out that threat.
So you hate the 2nd and the 1st amendment too?


Registered Hutt
Being investigated for making such remarks isn't a violation of the 1st amendment, and you can lose rights by being convicted of crimes. I'm not against either amendment. I just don't think the mentally ill and criminally violent should be allowed to equip themselves to harm others.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I just don't think the mentally ill and criminally violent should be allowed to equip themselves to harm others.
Apparently you dont think they should be allowed to speak their minds either.


Registered Hutt
That makes no sense. I want them to shout their intent from the rooftops so action can be taken against them before they do harm. I am an advocate for their right to speech.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yes, you want them to be harassed and penalized for speaking their minds.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes, you want them to be harassed and penalized for speaking their minds.
Araysar just shut the fuck up, seriously. Threatening to kill people isn't protected speech and you damn well know it, so give the retarded trolling a rest.


Registered Hutt
It's not a violation of the first amendment for taking someone seriously when they're making deadly threats.