Murders and Shootings


Mr. Poopybutthole
Giving up that easy? I'm disappointed son. Still haven't given an argument worth debating, except that maybe compound recurve bows should be banned. Loooool.

Have fun this weekend shooting cans of Thick and Chunky.
I don't own a Firearm. Keep trying kid.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I must be really jaded. Academically, yeah its a terrible tragedy, can't imagine what the families are going through. But as far as personal emotions, I couldn't give less of a shit. Its totally alien to me that people are literally crying over this without knowing anyone involved. Yeah, its fucked up, but so was Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora. I get it, they are like nine years old, still not hitting me like it was my own.
Yeah, i dont really give a shit about this school or these kids.


<Gold Donor>
I think it is a mistake to weigh the cost of these events by counting dead bodies. There is a social cost too. Fear, trauma, anxiety produced in people from the affected community, and the anxiety easily becomes national. Not to mention, how many kids and adults at that school are going to have PTSD?
Same can be said for the other 15K homicides in this country per year. Yeah, its a horrible tragedy, and its the media which is blowing this shit out of proportion and the ones perpetuating the anxiety. Youre probably have a better chance getting struck by lightning than you or your kids being involved in an event like this.


<Gold Donor>
I must be really jaded. Academically, yeah its a terrible tragedy, can't imagine what the families are going through. But as far as personal emotions, I couldn't give less of a shit. Its totally alien to me that people are literally crying over this without knowing anyone involved. Yeah, its fucked up, but so was Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora. I get it, they are like nine years old, still not hitting me like it was my own.
I generally feel like that as well, but for whatever reason this deal today got to me. I had to take off of work early because I think I was making the secretary uncomfortable with my teary eyes. She got half a day too though so whatever. I don't even have or want kids, but once I linked Xmas songs to Santa Clause and being a small child whose been looking forward to this shit for months it was all over. Then seeing what a fucking geeky douche bag the shooter was sent me into a rage.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Interesting that the police are stating the quick response saved more lives. Guess in the coming days we'll find out more but it seems he would have kept on going had he had the chance.


How about we treatBOTH?!?!?!?The how is not irrelevant. Would you rather be hit by a car or a bicycle? You have to be a special kind of stupid or biased to insist that there are no degrees in forms of weaponry.
Famm is right. I posted it the other day but I saw a stat that showed that in domestic disputes where the home has a gun end up with the murder of the woman 12 times more often than in households without a gun. Plus the similar attack on children in China where the man used a knife and now of the children died. It must mean something that more people seem to survive attacks without guns, no? If it's impossible to ban guns then fine, but a blanket gun ban can't be the only option available option for discussion.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think that's an apt analogy. Guns are just a tool, but they're a much much better one.
This board of all people should understand. Its a simple matter of DPS. Sure you could bring a rogue specced into some mish mash of crap that sounded good while leveling up and dual wielding baseball bats. But if you want to clear all the lunchroom trash spawns in the fastest means possible you will bring the hunter with the fastest attack speed ranged weapons.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
holy shit...killing teens and college students are understandable but killing kids is just fucked up.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Same can be said for the other 15K homicides in this country per year. Yeah, its a horrible tragedy, and its the media which is blowing this shit out of proportion and the ones perpetuating the anxiety. Youre probably have a better chance getting struck by lightning than you or your kids being involved in an event like this.
absolutely, but 15k homicides don't cause the country to stop in its tracks. 18 dead kids do though. because it's symbolic. Is it symbolic because the media makes it so, or is it symbolic already and the media just capitalizes on it?

Also: my assumption is that the people really upset by this either are parents or have taken care of children/live with them.


<Gold Donor>
Guns are not the problem,this guyused explosives and killed 38 kids + adults, 58 in total.

Also: my assumption is that the people really upset by this either are parents or have taken care of children/live with them.
I have kids too, and yeah I was upset. I was thinking what every other parent in the US was probably thinking.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Guns are not the problem,this guyused explosives and killed 38 kids + adults, 58 in total.
Please, tell us more aboutALMOST ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO!

Also, as usual its not the gun control advocates saying guns areTHEproblem. Just because they aren't "the only" problem, doesn't prove they aren'tAproblem.


How do you know that Jonah Coleman is actually a family member of someone killed in this incident? Without knowing that he is, it is just as likely some prick trying to cash in for his own gains.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Because they are probably going to rape you then take you're shit, what the fuck?
So in you're world, you would get shot in a shootout, then get raped while you bled out.

But fine, whatever, if you want a Mossberg 500 for "home defense", that's fine with me. On the other hand, if you have a bunch of hand guns lying around....there is just no good that can ever come of that.

A while back there was a video going around with an old guy shooting a couple black dudes that tried to hold up everyone in a computer lab. He was made out to be a hero. Personally, I think he is a good for nothing shitbag. What if those dudes starting shooting back? There was 30 or so innocent bystanders sitting behind him. He wanted to start a shootout over the 20 bucks in his wallet and his AARP membership card? Fuck that.