My new Dating Pool

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<Nazi Janitors>
Seriously. Blazin is such a hypocrite.
Get a clue, I'm sure your version of what happened is 99% made up bullshit as the story has twisted and changed over the years.
I don't know why I let you fuckers get to me sometimes


Tranny Chaser
I know you are ribbing me and I have never defended my stupidity of trying to help her, I let the joke ride because it's funny and fighting it would be pointless (as this post is I'm sure) I would 100% have done the same thing for Tuco had he made the same posts as Lori for help. I realize you guys will never believe that but there it is. If anyone ever wants the real story I'll give it but the made up one is a lot more exciting.
I'm not sure Tuco's moobs are worth that many xboxes. But sure, tell us how it went down, uncle Blazin. Tell us the story of how you helped a damsel in distress and somehow got nudes along the way. Pweeaaaaaaaase?


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm not sure Tuco's moobs are worth that many xboxes. But sure, tell us how it went down, uncle Blazin. Tell us the story of how you helped a damsel in distress and somehow got nudes along the way. Pweeaaaaaaaase?
Ok if you insist.

Lori made a post that she was ill and in a hospital in KY had no money for medication and that her belongings had not made the move from CA because of the lack of funds. a_skeleton_03 (I believe it's been awhile) talked about the forum raising money for her I decided to help out and said I would give her $5 for each +1 net. I think it came to around $1,000? This is all occurs publicly and on forum, I follow through on my word and give her the money. In the process of giving her the money I speak with her for the first time directly. We exchange maybe 5 to 10 emails text 90% about her brother and the issues she was having and me responding. My wife is full aware through this. She begins asking me for more money and sends me the famous blurry tit pics. I 100% did not ask for these the first time she mentioned it was on the forum saying to me I believe not in a PM but a visitor message on my profile did I want he right or left tit. At this point my wife told me she didnt want me to have any more communication with her and agreed and with my wife's permission I told Lori this.

What got me in bigger trouble with your guys perception of this is that I admitted that I enjoyed talking with her, though it wasn't extensive I did find her to be likable which furthered my interest. Now that part I can openly say a Tuco situation would be different, I would still have given him money but we would obviously be unlikely to start email chatting back and forth.

About a month or two later Lori started texting me again and I responded, which immediately bit me in the ass as my wife received the texts. Wife was admittedly mad I text'ed her, but not horribly angry as there was no "cheating" as you guys like to imply. It was always about her druggy brother. I learn the truth thanks to a_skeleton_03 that Lori was lying to me and the forum from the start and I posted said blurry tit pic, and the rest is history.

Since that time I have said little other than self deprecation. You guys have grown and changed it over time. As more of the story came out about her taking money from others stories were often mixed up as people would confuse the different parties. Things that the cock goblin guy or a_skeleton_03 did would then be listed as things I did and I wasn't interested in running around the forum fixing it every single time. It had become a forum meme and I knew in the flurry of excitement the last thing anyone was going to be itnerested in was the truth.

the xbox for example, few of you even get the reference but here is a hint there was no x boxes involved, some on this forum are too stupid to realize they aren't in on a joke they are idiots who actually believe it. I looked a fool trying to help someone on this forum, did her tits sway me? I'll say they probably swayed me talkign to her when I shouldn't have (that really makes me the same as Johnny?) Did they make me give money? Nope I had already done that pubicly on the forum, but like I said your guys made up version of events is more titillating. I know Tuco spoke with her on the phone does his wife know that? Was there cyber!? Think of me what you will but I have been faithful to my wife for soon 20 years now and it hasn't always been easy, I'm not perfect, but I'm also not a hypocrite to say that I guy banging drug addicted hookers while married is wrong.


El Presidente
I thought Cam was the one giving xboxes, a_skeleton_03 the drugs and lots of random people some money?


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
So the xbox wasn't real?
No there was no xbox, I believe the xbox joke started when Erronius made a joke thread playing on this story and I responded to it. Don't recall what he or I posted and the joke was born. There is a humor to go from the truth which i posted above to what most any poster who recognized my handle would list as the events. In hindsight my letting you guys run with the story unfettered was probably a mistake because while it's funny it obviously comes as the expense of my reputation to the extent I'm no better than JOhnny. I have liked the meme as it has become at least int hat it taught me a hard lesson about trusting people but people couldn't be further off the mark about what kind of person I am.

Because of this it's probably best I just slink away. I have enjoyed this forum for over 13 years, but my skin isn't thick enough for it anymore, I like the comradery of like minded guys with similar backgrounds over the years but my being honest with you guys and telling you this story originally cost me my ability to interact with anyone in a productive manner.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No there was no xbox, I believe the xbox joke started when Erronius made a joke thread playing on this story and I responded to it. Don't recall what he or I posted and the joke was born. There is a humor to go from the truth which i posted above to what most any poster who recognized my handle would list as the events. In hindsight my letting you guys run with the story unfettered was probably a mistake because while it's funny it obviously comes as the expense of my reputation to the extent I'm no better than JOhnny. I have liked the meme as it has become at least int hat it taught me a hard lesson about trusting people but people couldn't be further off the mark about what kind of person I am.

Because of this it's probably best I just slink away. I have enjoyed this forum for over 13 years, but my skin isn't thick enough for it anymore, I like the comradery of like minded guys with similar backgrounds over the years but my being honest with you guys and telling you this story originally cost me my ability to interact with anyone in a productive manner.
Oh stop being a fucking bitch. I gave the whore money for sick dogs too. No one cares.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Thanks Sutekh, sorry I'm being a bitch. Just got into a fight with a family member making me moody and it got to me being a called a hypocrite. I'll put my internet armor back on.


<Gold Donor>
I thought Cam was the one giving xboxes, a_skeleton_03 the drugs and lots of random people some money?
Actually, there was someone that said they worked for Microsoft or a gaming store or something that gave her an Xbox for "her son's Christmas present" if I remember correctly. And that person found out later that someone else, perhaps Cam, had given her money for the same reason, so she got an Xbox and the money for an Xbox, but didn't tell either of them that she didn't need it anymore, obviously. Which morphed into the "giving xboxes" thing.

And I bought crap for her dog rescue and for the sick girl as well, and heard all the sob stories. Not our fault it was all a lie, but it is why I paid so much attention to the story unfolding, definitely.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Tons of people gave money for the sick girl or dog rescue I know I did. I also think your generosity is to be applauded. Its her that took advantage.


I don't even really judge a_skeleton_03 for giving her pills. It's funny that he got fooled by a pillhead, but it's not a big deal. It's just fun to taunt him about when he gets all defensive.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Forgot about that, so three wrongs:

1. Lying to wife
2. Stealing from employer
3. Supporting drug habit of others

What I was getting at, is if we lived in a more open society would a guy like Johnny drop those 3 things off the list and simply have a relationship with 3-4 woman in which he trades sex and emotional support for financial support.
I imagine he feels justified in lying to his wife because his wife lied to him for years. That doesn't really add up for me, but I guess the alternative is divorcing her and that has fall out for the kids, etc. I can't approve of what Johnny is doing, but I think divorce or making himself unhappy by not getting what he wants might be worse for everyone. Including the hookers, because so far he has helped most of them be better about the drug use.

Most industries that have kickbacks the owners are well aware of the practice. I've met two that had unspoken agreements with their guys that it wouldn't go above a certain % or they were out. So we don't actually know he is ripping off his unwitting employer, you don't get to own a successful business by being an idiot (usually).

I agree open relationships/polyamory are a better solution, as at least part of the board is aware.


<Gold Donor>
Wait, the sick girl was a lie too?
Sorry, I worded my sentence poorly. As far as I know, the sick girl was true because it was being posted on their Facebook page that people were buying Amazon gift cards, and there were a couple of pictures with the little girl holding the DS I believe. I mean, it could have been an elaborate scam, but I believe that one was legit.

I just meant that pretty much everything else Lori said was a lie; I shouldn't worded it the way I did.
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