New cold war?

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Golden Baron of the Realm
Very interesting. If it weren't for the fact that a US-Russian war would likely go nuclear and kill of the human race, I'd be up for a war to see these two systems slog it out.

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Meh. I'm sure we both have nuclearweapons orbiting the earth ready to go if either is nuked and their land aresenal is unable to retaliate. Plus subs, plus probably some high altitude drones that just circle the globe.

Sure, Either way it's Mutually Assured Destruction.

Russia and the US have zero incentive to go to real war with each other unless it's a final strike.

We are at war with Russia as we speak. Syria is a proxy war in the most textbook example, we are gearing up the rebels who are pretty much ISIS and Russia is gearing up Assad's forces and we are both bombing Syria.

We fought Russia in Afghanistan as well and Cuba, We never stopped the cold war we just found a new way to fight for our interests.

We are fighting a cyber war with China a Proxy war with Russia and all three are fighting each other economically.

The problem is that out of these three countries the first country to "lose" these non-wars will start a real war unless the other countries install new friendly leadership and/or change the culture of the country over generations.

Immigration is a tool of war as well. Europe will in a couple generations be a Muslim majority if nothing is done and then they will become less friendly to the US and it's Israeli ties and more friendly to Russia with it's Iran and Syria ties causing a new shift in power.

The reason America is so gung ho about starting a new war with Russia is because they know that in 20-30 years they will lose a good portion of their allies.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I suspect Europe wants to use Muslim ties to obtain access to and leverage over the middle east, rather than the other way around. You and I suspect they'll just end up being bullied and manipulated by the Islamic world but I surely doubt the Germans and Swedes think that way. Germany sees its open borders and exchanges with neighbors causing it to end up with influence over them that Wilhelm II could only dream about and probably concludes that an influx of Muslims will allow Germany to gain friendship with Muslims elsewhere and I guess become some sort of anchoring nation or whatever. I hope they're right but think they're wrong.

I'm not sure the USA is worried about the loss of Europe. The costs associated with propping them up are looking to already have tipped towards being a net loss to us. Obama calls Libya his biggest mistake - I strongly suspect part of that is having gone in on behalf of allies (especially France) and taking the blame for it. I'm sure he abhors Syria too and only stays quiet because it's ongoing. There's not a shred of doubt in my mind that he or Clinton would continue propping up US interests, but I'm not so sure that over the next few decades we'll continue being concerned about France's North African investments or EU natural gas prices. Sell all petroleum using the dollar and we cool.

WWIII will be over Southeast Asian sweatshops or African mineral rights if we make it through the Syrian full retardation. Europe is becoming an albatross and the middle east a bad investment.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Nations are calling for Russian leaders to be tried for Syrian war crimes, so Putin tells them to get their families out of the west. USA moves weapon systems into the Baltic region so Russia moves weapon systems to Kalingrad. Looks like a bunch of reasonably logical and stupid dickwaving to me. This probably wouldn't make news if the DNC wasn't blaming them for hacks.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The reason America is so gung ho about starting a new war with Russia is because they know that in 20-30 years they will lose a good portion of their allies.

Explain this to me please. Russia sure as shit won't tolerate shitty Muslim migrants. Wouldn't we want them to be our friends against the neo Muslim Western European horde?
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

Your nuke post was spot on but the second...not so much. First, Russia's economy is shitty and they aren't starting any actions that are not within their traditional scope of influence. So, economic loss is not a reason for total war. Second, the US and China will never lose the economic war because both are just too big to fail outside of a catastrophic event that would effect far more than us. Something like a deep impact type of event. Our proxy wars are always ongoing and there is always another that can be started. So, no one is going to lose the proxy war because there is always another place to have one.

Your immigration comment is full blown tinfoil shit. The powers of Europe decided this was in their best interest and they helped push this disaster on themselves. There is also a large portion of the population that is not ok with permanent Syrian refugees. The more I think on it, the dumber it sounds. In several ways, a poorer Europe would help us maintain dominance if we wanted to go tinfoil. The only thing Arab majority countries have inflicted on the world is a shitty religion and fanatics.

Russia lost almost everything when the did the perestroika. Look at them today. Lost allies, changed systems, whatever, it can all be built up quickly.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
We can just immigrate all the Kurds on the condition that they still sign up for military Peshmerga units and we can just send them in if needed. Our Brown people vs their brown people, but ours will have bigger guns.
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Vyemm Raider
US and Russia should just pretend to declare war, but then not do anything. Once the rest of the world finishes blowing each other up and the Wall Street chaos settles, Augusti Obama and Putin would be high fiving each other while spit-roasting Ivanka Trump. Global unification and totalitarian peace at last.

The lizard people who formerly ruled the world will be unmasked and paraded around the world as a human centipede for all to mock.

All of this, of course, is to prepare the Earth for the coming Romulan War.
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Vyemm Raider
Jokes aside, the chaos across the world once the US and Russia are too busy fighting one another to play world police would be amazing. Removing the boot from the neck of places like Israel, North Korea, and India? sheeeit.

Oh, and Europe would be turned into slag in the opening four minutes. Sucks being in the middle.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
US and Russia should just pretend to declare war, but then not do anything. Once the rest of the world finishes blowing each other up

This erroneously assumes the rest of the world would actually fight, lol. They'd be like, cool, war! We're neutral, let us know when you're done defending us.
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<Gold Donor>
Canada would send their entire navy of 3 ships and air for...Wait do they even have an air force?
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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
october 4th thread about russian war or last sunday's thread about russian war?

hmm ill take the oldest one created.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Canada was a baller in WWII and they started re-funding their military thanks to Afghanistan. At this point they could probably conquer Europe...
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I thought Canada adopted the philosophy that if you kill your enemeies they win, thus making them useless pussies.
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tour de salt
Nations are calling for Russian leaders to be tried for Syrian war crimes, so Putin tells them to get their families out of the west. USA moves weapon systems into the Baltic region so Russia moves weapon systems to Kalingrad. Looks like a bunch of reasonably logical and stupid dickwaving to me. This probably wouldn't make news if the DNC wasn't blaming them for hacks.

DNC blaming Russia? Try the US government and intel officials. The DNC is who got hacked.

US intel head suggests Russia behind DNC hacks, says Moscow tried to affect elections in past
U.S. intel community "confident" Russia directed hacks to influence election - CBS News
Intel says 'high confidence' Russia behind DNC hack, Trump says 400-pound dude, or maybe his kid


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The DNC blamed Russia, as did Hillary Clinton, and Intelligence officials. So when I say the DNC blamed them for hacks my statement is true.

Meanwhile I saw more evidence for Iraq's WMDs than this bullshit. Russian methods, Russia has a history of it, Russia likes to do it, it must be Russia! I have yet to see a lick of proof. So I'll stand by my quoted assertion: if the DNC (and yes others) were not blaming them for hacks this other shit would probably not make the news.
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