New Progression Server confirmed


<Bronze Donator>
i'm going to just sub for a couple months each expansion

maybe longer if i get real hooked on Velious


what's the sub cost for all access? also what's the beta buff and beta copy thing ?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Omg, confirmed Monk and Mage OP. Time to change up the group. Ahhhhh.

I'm curious what HT will be nerfed too for SKs. Wasn't it like 3-4k before? 5k? I feel unless they nerf it to something like 500 damage or something we'll still see armies of SKs.


I wonder how long it'll take someone to six box Nagafen down with fire pets. Less than 48 hours?
6 months of Classic EQ......

Whatever, I do not care. I am going to play the shit out of this server.

Be prepared to get owned in Kelethin noob zone with my Ranger.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Its like the faggots picked the worst options. No iksar or beastlords at launch. 6 months of classic fucking terrible. Only good thing is my friend may not want to play if its 2 years until PoP.


Tranny Chaser
You can make an Iksar in December.

People voted for the options that theythoughtthey wanted. If anyone felt that the last progression servers went by a bit too quickly that is a good thing. You want there to be this sense that the experience is fleeting. You want urgency. Hey, these things don't come around all the time so you better enjoy it while you can. Six months of classic is four more months than you need for all the charm to wear off and all of the nostalgia to fade away. Why show up day one and race to an almost nonexistent endgame? You've got all the way until December. By August the first crop of hardcore raiders should have totally burned themselves out and go into hibernation until Kunark so make a go of it then. Or don't.

My criticisms of the timetable aside the new FAQ is mostly full of good things. It sounds like they have the tools in place to address most issues. They've got a handle on itemization, spells, and tradeskills. There won't be any updated newbie armor wrecking up the joint. Exp is slower but still fast in relation to the original experience. Not being able to do anything about pets or Monks combined with a deletion of the newbie armor is going to make any non-boxed Paladin/SK/Rogue/Warrior/Ranger a damned second class citizen though. Anyone who goes that route is a real trooper. They also said they are willing to change the unlock timer should the situation warrant it. If we get to September and the server is dying they can just throw up a poll and ship out Kunark on the spot. Aside from the dumb shit the players voted for I'm not really seeing anything that I don't like.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I'm not leveling a character up to turn around and relevel in 6 months. Fuck that.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was gonna go SK + Bard, or SK + Shaman, but it seems silly to make anything but monks and mages.

Druid, Enchanter, Mage x4
Shaman, Bard, Monk x4


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I would play but only one server means doing raids is going to be terrible. I would love to do PoF & PoH raids again. That shit was some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah I'm not leveling a character up to turn around and relevel in 6 months. Fuck that.
Then in January or February of 2017 when Luclin comes out you can finally make that Beastlord you wanted! Better clear you calender.

I didn't like the restriction on races/classes back in 2006 and I still don't. I always thought that having the full spectrum at launch could make for a unique experience and again I am disappointed.


Doer of Things
They added Wood Elf Beastlords a few expansions ago on Live, their warder is a fucking tree its pretty awesome.


Tranny Chaser
Finally a reason to play a Wood Elf!

(in 2017)

This time around I don't see any talk related to how much damage casters do now in relation to how much they did at release. That was a big argument back in 2006. A Mage in his 20s nukes for more than double what he used to and there's going to be focus items available.

Also, don't anyone get hung up on only Mages and their OP pets. Necro pets might not be as good but they are still really, really good and attached to a class with a big toolbox.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
If I end up doing just one character it was going to be a tank or necro. Necro stay really good in the newer xpacs I am told.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Not really seeing any way to play a non-caster in this unless it's an xp leech in a box setup. No newbie armor/weapons while mage/necro pets run around soloing bosses? Sounds fun.

Even in the 2006 run I tried playing a warrior and it was a complete joke. I was legitimately less valuable than a necro pet at all stages of the game.


Tranny Chaser
Monk Fists

# 5, 34, 5, 37
# 10, 64, 7, 35
# 15, 94, 9, 34
# 20, 124, 11, 33
# 25, 150, 13, 31
# 30, 175, 14, 30
# 35, 200, 16, 29
# 40, 220, 17, 28
# 45, 240, 19, 27
# 50, 260, 20, 26
# 55, 280, 21, 25
# 60, 295, 22, 24

20/26 at level 50? Goddamn. I don't see why anyone would play any melee class other than a Monk given the information that we have. Even if the newbie armor quests were left in all of the other melee classes were already going to be second class citizens. With them taken out the only melee that isn't going to be a straight up charity case to invite to a group is the Monk. Their fists scale absurdly well and they can function with basic crafted items (Raw Silk into Cured Silk, get some jewelry, done). You aren't going to need a real tank for content until next summer so there's no reason to punish yourself by playing one now unless you are either 1. boxing or 2. have a boner for a particular class.

Fuck, even if I was planning on playing something like an Erudite SK come Hell or high water I'd probably still start with a Mage and twink out the SK later on.


Toe Sucker
I find it kind of weird they're making Exp potions available at launch, i'll most likely give this a whirl anyway but don't really expect much from it.

I figured i would 2 box but monk/ench/dru sounds too legit.

Also, kunark should have been released on launch, or at best do like ~3 months at max on classic so people can get their guise n shit. (if thats even on TLP servers at the start?)


LOL there will be at least 20k people on that server alone. The rats will be camped.

Classic was never designed to accommodate a huge player base. Just give up the dream already, you can never return to that time. Just be glad you got to experience it once.

They can't even afford customer service, the fights are going to be off the hook. If they really expect these old nerds to share that little bit of content they have grossly under estimated there player base.

You think they would have learned after running this game for 16 years.

Why not just make 20 servers, and launch them at the same time. I seriously doubt 100k will sub for this, and it would keep the player base low. Then put in the old Guide program.

If in 6 months the server population starts dying you merge them for Kunark.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not really seeing any way to play a non-caster in this unless it's an xp leech in a box setup. No newbie armor/weapons while mage/necro pets run around soloing bosses? Sounds fun.

Even in the 2006 run I tried playing a warrior and it was a complete joke. I was legitimately less valuable than a necro pet at all stages of the game.