New Progression Server confirmed


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yeah but this server isn't going to be locked so we will want a tank eventually. Hence the duo with my friends cleric.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No date unfortunately.
I'm really looking for a short summary of the server plans:

-Starts with Vanilla zones/races/classes only? What about the planes? What about post-vanilla quests in vanilla zones?

-Classic experience rate? Hybrid/racial exp penalties?

-When does Kunark open? Timed release? Other expansions? How far are they going to go with the expansions?

I mean, I'm sure there has to be a summary with this info somewhere- just looking for a link.


I'm really looking for a short summary of the server plans:

-Starts with Vanilla zones/races/classes only? What about the planes? What about post-vanilla quests in vanilla zones?

-Classic experience rate? Hybrid/racial exp penalties?

-When does Kunark open? Timed release? Other expansions? How far are they going to go with the expansions?

I mean, I'm sure there has to be a summary with this info somewhere- just looking for a link.
Aristo's FAQ

Summary Answers:

Vanilla Races and Classes only.
Zones won't be vanilla.
Planes will not be vanilla if changed, but will be in game.
No race or class exp penalties, but bonuses will be in.
No server lock, so expansions unlock till the server is caught up with live or EQ dies.

Exp rate unknown.
Expansion unlock rate unknown.
Expansions available at launch unknown.


I plan on 2 boxing.

What are some not so obvious duos I could implement that would still be effective?
This is akin to asking if anyone knows about any cool types of new sex. If you can do it, it's been done.

That being said, ranger/ench is decent (SK/pal + ench work better but that's a common combo).

Druid/ench is decent, but hard to play optimally while 2 boxing because you need to be able to kite in different directions on each character.

Sham/Mage is good. People say necro/shaman is better, but that is a lot of work to two box and you won't be really optimizing DPS having to play both.

Necro/Mage as well.

Druid/wiz quadding is good, but again, you're going to have to put in a fair amount of work setting up third party software to be able to play effectively.

If you open it up to a 3 box you can get quite a bit freakier.


<Bronze Donator>
i've played necro/paladin a lot. it works surprisingly well. especially against undead.


Tranny Chaser
The Bard's Melody works a million times better than it did during the last progression server so you could stick a Bard into anything. Before how it used to work would be you would hit Melody 1 2 3 and the second you missed a note (something that happens over and over again early on) you would just stop. Now if you miss a note it just keeps retrying and the sequence always loops unless you get stunned or you choose to end it.

I'm sorta tempted to do Bard/Shaman and have the Bard do nothing but regen/mana/mana/mana/regen.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Arb: I could be wrong, but I seem to recall melody always working like that since it's inception.


Tranny Chaser
I had played a bard twice since that was added and when I was dorking around last night it didn't work at all like I had remembered it working. It was actually pretty great. I could just be misremembering things though. In my memories I was initially going to two-box a bard but it just didn't work like I thought it would and I gave up on it.

Unfortunately Bards got other nerfs to their kiting and charming which for a novice such as myself are pretty painful. Bellow has like a 20 second cooldown now and worse range, some dots don't do anything if the target is moving, the charm range is lower, etc. Apparently on Live Bards were taking over everywhere at some point so they got slapped down a bit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nod, wife's done bard mains for a long time, been bumping into the changes indirectly boxing her for a long time. You're definitely right on everything else - but I remember getting stuck in "firing loops" when you weren't skilled at all to cast something on melody where it would just get stuck on a single song until it FINALLY got it done last TLP. (I seem to recall her trying to sing a L30 song with like 4 skill in the instrument or something and literally having 2 min lapses while it sat there getting a success on the "poor skill" song in the melody)

TLP 1.0 era that might have been the case though, she did go bardless that time.

Or one of us could be completely misremembering. Shrug.


So fucking hyped for this.

I'm worried about the huge block at 30-50 where everything will be camped and theres no more instancing. I really dont want a kunark-vanilla release but I think you almost have to unless they can think up a way to fix that problem.


So fucking hyped for this.

I'm worried about the huge block at 30-50 where everything will be camped and theres no more instancing. I really dont want a kunark-vanilla release but I think you almost have to unless they can think up a way to fix that problem.
Camp battles are integral in EQ. If you have a bad reputation don't expect to be high on the list for groups!

I for one cannot wait to start my empire in Faydwer. CB belts are the core to my economy. I fully intend to manipulate the markets.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Still no idea what I want to make for this server. Love boxing, so I want to do that, but no idea what combo to make. Figuring out toons is harder than playing.


If I were playing this and bard swarming was in I'd do that with a cleric afk for xp leech


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If I were playing this and bard swarming was in I'd do that with a cleric afk for xp leech
Unfortunately bard swarming isn't in, but they can still run fast as hell!

Seriously considering SK, despite their rep in the early expansions as being just Harm touch bots. I remember on Prog 2.0, Boog was a main SK in the guild and was geared/AAed to the teeth, and with his box crew, they could pull off some amazing things because of how well geared he was.

I suppose that would have been true as a warrior or paladin as well. Having a well geared tank just makes things easier.

SK/Shaman duo? Hmm...


Trakanon Raider
How does ranger/ench work well until you get solid enough healing on the ranger to keep himself up?

Same for SK/ench? Pal pretty much is solid in the mid 20s on healing, so less worried about them.